All Chapters of Dark Wolf Series: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
303 Chapters
#Chapter81We strolled side by side on the way back to the packhouse. "So, are you going to be the Luna?" He questioned, kicking the gravel on the path. I took a deep breath and sighed, "I don't know." I replied. "I need to talk to Rhydian," I announced. Now Alex is back, he is the rightful Alpha... I just don't want to push Rhydian out because he has trained to be an Alpha whereas Alex hasn't, but I don't want Alex to feel like he's missing out on becoming what he was destined to be. "Anyway, I'm going to leave you here." He shoved into my shoulder playfully. "Where are you staying?" I blurted, he chuckled and pointed towards the packhouse. "You can stay with me?" I offered. He laughed throwing his head back and shook his head. "I'm not staying with newly marked mates." He smirked. I gasped and glared down at the floor as I felt my face heating up. He chuckled and nudged me again. "Thanks for the offer though." He chuckled. "So, I'm gonna go because you just made it awkward." I c
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#Chapter82I stood in the doorway and watched everyone as their smiles brightened when they realised it was us. "Is everything ok?" Georgie asked. I haven't seen her in ages, she's a nurse in the pack hospital so I know she's always busy. I nodded my head and stepped further into the room, Rhydian grabbed my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles. I took a deep breath before I spoke, trying to gather all the courage I could."We have an announcement," I started, "We already know you're mates." Ezra quipped, grinning at us. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "Well that much is obvious." I retorted. "Cory is coming to live with us," Rhydian announced, nothing like ripping the bandaid off. There was no sound, no gasps, nothing. I looked around the room and everyone had smiles on their faces. "I knew this was coming." Tristan chuckled. I raised my brow at him, "You can see the bond you both have with him. It's a strong one." He mentioned.Ria came running towards me and wrapped her arms ar
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#Chapter83*SEXUAL CONTENT THROUGHOUT THIS Chapter I woke up and gripped the bedsheets. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I have never had a sex dream before. That was intense... I could feel the wetness down there and the ache that always happens when I'm near Rhydian."Good dream, huh?" Rhydian chuckled. I squealed and pulled the blanket over my head. He chuckled again and pulled the blanket from my face, "Don't hide from me. I wanna know what you were dreaming about." He added huskily. I glared at him and shook my head. "It must have been good..." He inhaled deeply before looking at me again, "You smell divine." He breathed.I pressed my thighs together and groaned. "So, was it something happening to you or was it you doing something?" He pressed, his eyes flickering between blue and red. I stared at his eyes, "Do your eyes no longer go black when your wolf is present?" I asked. "Nice divert but it isn't going to work." He set his hand on my chest and I was suddenly all
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#Chapter84After our fun, fulfilling morning, we took a shower together, groping each other some more. We sat and ate breakfast that Rhydian insisted on cooking, a full English breakfast. It was definitely welcomed, I was starving. Rhydian has popped back to the packhouse to get a change of clothes so we can get a start on this bedroom for Cory.I'm in the living room waiting for him to come back with my phone in my hand, staring at the pack hospital number. I want to make an appointment to find out if I can have pups but I'm nervous. I don't want to be told the reason Rhydian won't have an heir is because of me.I sighed and pressed call on the number. I held my breath waiting for someone to pick it up on the other end. "Hello, Nurse Thorne speaking." Aunt Georgie greeted. I cursed silently that it had to be her that answered. "Hey, Aunt Georgie." I greeted. There was a quick pause on the other end before she finally responded. "Oh, Amaris! How are you? Is everything ok?" I could p
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#Chapter85"Shall we go?" Rhydian whispered. I nodded and sighed. I knew deep down I wouldn't be able to have pups. I just thought maybe something might go right for me for once. Rhydian stood up and held his hand out for me, I took it as he helped me up.I took a deep breath then glanced at him, "Do you- Are you?" I stammered. "I love you." He exclaimed, staring at me. I smiled at him and nodded. Although he said nothing would change, I needed the reassurance. "Let's go home... You can relax and I'll sort out Cory's room." He muttered as we left the office. "We need to know what colour he would want." He mused as we walked through the corridors, I hummed in response. "Oh, wait! I can mindlink him!" I blurted. He glanced at me and raised a brow. "I mind linked him when Alex and I were in the forest with him," I explained. He nodded and smiled. "Hey, Cory," I muttered into the link. I didn't know if he would remember he could link me and I didn't want to scare the poor pup. "Amari
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#Chapter86"Are you ready to see your room?" I excitedly asked Cory. I couldn't contain my excitement, the pack has done an amazing job with his bedroom. I just hope he likes it! He nodded his head eagerly. Rhydian pushed open the door and Cory stepped in. His eyes went wide as he looked around his new room. The wall opposite was painted navy blue and Rhydian, who I didn't know could draw, had drawn a large cloud on the left side with hand-drawn stars dotted around, there was a smaller cloud drawn on the right side. In the centre of the wall, there was a huge full moon, shining bright. I was in complete awe as I gazed at the wall. His bed was in the middle of the wall with a black bed cover with tiny stars all over it, his pillow was black with a full moon in the middle. He had two bedside tables on either side of his bed with a moon lamp on the ride side and a photo frame containing a family photo of Cory and his parents. There was a black wardrobe with little moon handles on the
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#Chapter87"Amaris, are you nearly ready? The ceremony will be starting soon." Ria groaned from my bedroom. It's been 2 weeks since we brought Cory to live with us, we've settled into a nice routine. Rhydian has been busy with his Alpha duties, Cory is excelling at school and settling in well with us while I've been dealing with this damn Luna ceremony. After living in the human world for so long, this ceremony is exactly like a wedding - minus the rings of course! And I made sure I told Rhydian the same thing. I'd be happy doing it in our kitchen over the sink, then I'm back in the pack fully by the blood bond to the Alpha and I'll be their Luna. But, no I'm not allowed to do that.I have to wear an over the top white dress, I'm not thrilled at all with it. It's uncomfy and shows far too much cleavage than I want it to. Just wait until Rhydian sees you in it... Ria has made a point of telling me that every time I complained about it. Lucas and Ria have told me to suck it up and deal
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#Chapter88"Woah, chill. It's me." Alex chuckled. I shoved him and glared. "Where the fuck have you been?" I snarled, "I thought you weren't going to come." I grunted. He chuckled and shook his head, "Mari, I wouldn't have missed this." He grinned. "It was a secret." He added with a wink. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah... Jokes on me." I chuckled. His eyes wandered up and down my body, "Wow, you look stunning." He praised. I smiled and nodded a thank you.A throat clearing behind me made me turn around. A few Elders were stood in front of Rhydian, Elder Rick smiled at me to signal they were ready. Ria had already gone and stood next to Lucas, taking her position in the pack. She is now the Gamma, the protector of the Luna."Well, come on. Let's get you Luna'd." He grinned. I raised my brow at him and he snickered. I linked my arm through his arm and he smirked at me. "Would you prefer if I said... Let's get you wed." His lips curled up into an amused smile. I groaned and rolled my ey
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#Chapter89Watching all the pack members dancing and interacting with the neighbouring packs is a feeling I won't forget in a long time. After our blood was bonded and I was let back into the pack link, the feelings that spread throughout from the pack were remarkable. I finally feel content and happy."Are you having fun, Luna Amaris?" Cory's little voice brought me out of my daydream. I chuckled, picking him up and sat him on my knee, "It's just Amaris, Cory." I chirped. "I am having fun, are you?" I asked, he nodded his head. "I really like Ezra and Alex, they're funny." He chuckled, looking away from me. I followed his eye line, Ezra and Alex were sat at an opposite table looking like they were having a very heated conversation. "Yeah, they are." I giggled."Are you tired? Do you want to leave?" I asked as he yawned. He shook his head, "No, it's your party. I'm ok." He replied with a yawn. I chuckled and shook my head. "Oh no, you're my priority." I clarified, standing up with h
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#Chapter90I yawned and opened my eyes slowly. I stretched then immediately groaned. Ugh, I feel sore everywhere. Rhydian decided he was feeling adventurous after we made love for the second time. I didn't realise my body could twist into strange positions.I turned over and sighed as I looked at my peacefully sleeping husband - still not going to get used to that. I bet he's not aching everywhere.'Can always rectify that.' Aurora chirped.'I miss you.' I whined. When my wolf comes forward for any reason, it's like Aurora disappears. I know we become one but I wish that didn't happen because she's barely around anymore.'I'm always here, Amaris. We are one of the same. I'm happy we are at full potential. You don't need me around all the time anymore. You're not alone, you have Rhydian and Cory. You're happy, therefore I am happy.' She professed. 'As for the rectify the situation... Kick him out of bed.' She growled playfully.No, I wouldn't do that. Oh, who am I kidding? Of cour
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