All Chapters of Bad Girl Reborn: Chapter 821 - Chapter 827
827 Chapters
Chapter 820: Visit Ben
"Whoa, Misoup, calm down. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Sure, they’re both good-looking, but you shouldn't get any ideas. They're not for you..."Misoup shook her head. "No, madam, you misunderstood. I'm just curious."Her expression turned a bit awkward. "It's my first time seeing a couple of guys together like that. I think it's kind of fascinating..."Diana looked puzzled."But your brother's always going on about finding a boyfriend. I thought you’d be used to this by now!"Misoup replied, "My brother isn’t gay."Diana: "What?"Misoup: "He's just... psychopathic."Diana: "..."The film set where Ben was shooting was quite a distance away.After lunch, Diana started to feel drowsy. She dozed off in the car, slipping into a hazy nap for over an hour until they finally arrived at Ben’s shooting location.She woke up, wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth, and got out o
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Chapter 821: Is that really Ben?
Anthony's expression was one of utter anger. "Who did this to you? I'll kill him!"Diana remained unflappable. "Who else but John? The child is his."“It's John Matthews?!”“Yes, do you want to go after him? But he's not in Cloud City right now.”Anthony's face fell, a look of pure dread crossing it. Go after John? He didn’t have the guts for that.He was devastated. Nothing could be done now; it was so frustrating!Tears welled up in Anthony's eyes, and then, with a loud sob, he turned and ran away, wiping his eyes.Diana watched him go, frowning slightly. "What's with him? Is he acting?"Leo glanced at Diana's growing belly, his expression turning serious. "He's probably having a hard time processing it," he said, a note of sadness in his voice.Leo himself was struggling to accept it, but Diana was never his to begin with. Pushing aside his bitterness, he found a small measure of peace. If he had to lose her, at least
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Chapter 822: Ben, what did Diana show you?
Ben narrowed his eyes slightly. “Don’t be so childish.”“What?!”Anthony was completely shocked.He reached out to cover his mouth, his face a mask of disbelief. “Did you just call me childish?!”Oh my God.He was insulted.He was actually insulted by Ben, that big oaf!Leo was equally astonished.“Ben's really lost himself in this role. It seems like he's not coming out of it anytime soon…”“Not necessarily.”Diana rubbed her chin, then broke into a cryptic smile.She took out her phone and sent a message to Liora.After receiving a reply, Diana flashed a satisfied smile.She then slowly approached and stood before Ben.“Ben, I've got something to show you.”Ben looked up. “What?”Diana said nothing, just held out her phone for Ben to see.Ben took the phone with a puzzled expression.He glanced at the screen.The moment he saw the photo, he froze, hi
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Chapter 823: He's got his eye on someone else
"That was just acting!" Wesley snapped, brushing himself off, his cheeks still burning.Anthony, watching their exchange, raised an eyebrow. "Are you two… falling for each other because of the show?"Wesley glared at him. "Like hell we are!"He took a moment to regain his composure and turned to Diana, holding out his phone with a hopeful expression. "Z-God, could I have your contact information?""Hold on," Ben stepped in front of Diana, his expression protective. "Just because you’re my future brother-in-law doesn’t mean you can make moves on my sister. And besides, Diana is already pregnant. You don’t stand a chance!"Wesley's eyes widened in shock. "Pregnant? Well… congratulations, Z-God."He fidgeted, clearly flustered. "I’m sorry, I didn’t bring any gifts today…"Diana smiled warmly. "No need for gifts. If you really admire me that much, how about giving me some respect and calling Ben your brother-in-law?"Wesley was stu
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Chapter 824: Bodies
“Check the nearby area for any suspicious caves.”He added, “Be careful and don’t wander too far. This deep in the forest, there could be dangerous animals.”The group nodded and dispersed to search the area.Before long, Xavier hurried back.“Boss, I found something.”John's eyes darkened slightly.He picked up his walkie-talkie and informed the others.Soon, everyone gathered with Xavier in front of a large cave.As they approached, a pungent smell hit them, reminiscent of herbs.Jackson grew excited.“Boss, I think this is it!”John's handsome face lit up with a hint of light in his eyes.He glanced around.“Where’s Mitbahl?”“Well... he went off in another direction to look.” Jackson took out his walkie-talkie. “Let me ask him.”No sooner had he spoken than an excited voice echoed.“Boss, I’m here!”John turned slightly and saw Mitbahl hurrying over, cradling so
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Chapter 825: Is this Hag a person or a ghost?
Mitbahl hesitated for a while, then picked a slightly larger corpse, and carried it out excitedly.As soon as they stepped out of the cave, John stood to the side, his handsome face cold and indifferent.“Put it down.”“Huh?” Mitbahl was puzzled but obediently laid the corpse on the ground.Dr. Freud immediately stepped forward and examined the body carefully.Then he looked up. “Boss, this person’s fatal wound is a gunshot to the chest, but it looks like something drained their blood afterward, which is why they ended up like this.”As he spoke, Dr. Freud bent down and sniffed the body.“Also, the body was soaked in a special herb, preventing it from decomposing.”Jackson frowned. “Drained? That sounds creepy. Is this Hag a person or a ghost?”Xavier scoffed, “Boring.”Jackson looked confused. “What?”Mitbahl translated, “What my honey means is that this Hag is really boring for doing something so inexplic
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Chapter 826: Men are all untrustworthy
The Hag's eyes widened as she stared intently at Ivana. "I remember you..."She sniffed the air around Ivana, her eyes narrowing. "Yes... it's you. Something's off about your scent. Have you been turned into a Voodoo Lwa?"Ivana's face showed a flicker of complex emotions. She nodded. "You remember me..."The Hag's expression darkened. "Where is your mother?""My mother... she's dead...""Dead?" The Hag's voice dripped with sarcasm. She lifted her head slightly and burst into eerie laughter.Her laughter, already disturbing, became even more chilling."Dead? Good, good... She deserved it. If she had left those men earlier, you wouldn't have ended up in such a tragic situation. She deserved it...""Men are all untrustworthy. They all deserve to die. Every single man on this earth deserves to die!"The Hag's voice grew louder and more agitated. Her already terrifying face twisted into a grotesque mask of anger as she turne
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