All Chapters of Rented Out By My Husband : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
83 Chapters
Michelle drove back home after dropping the kids off at school. Just as she was about to unlock the door, she saw that it was opened. She even noticed another car packed outside the house. Hurriedly, she rushed inside and saw Francis sitting on the dinning table. He was eating some cereal. A deep frown appeared on Michelle's face. "What the heck happened to your phone? Do you know how worried I was?" She asked. He raised his head and smiled at her. "You didn't have to. I'm sure you can do well without me" he replied. She scoffed and moved closer to him. "What if I decide to log out of the app? What if I decide to go back to the old times?""You can't do that. The kids love the new way now, I'm sure you can't break their heart by doing that shitty thing" He shot her a hard glare. All she wanted to know was where he went throughout yesterday. She was worried that even the kids asked of him. She had to lie to them. But, she was sure that he was cheating on him. "Enjoy your food, F
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Her Clapback!
Rose tried to calm Michelle. She didn't want her to regret what she's saying. Even if Francis hurt her and she wants to throw him out of her life, she should consider the kids. She just watched as Michelle kept sobbing softly, tears running down her face. She explained what Francis did to her at the club. Rose was annoyed but, she can't let that annoyance result to bad judgement. "You two aren't married yet. Don't let what he did hurt you. Just be strong so you can take care of the kids" she said. Michelle smirked."I can't believe I'm taking advice from you"Rose laughed and Michelle joined. "My life has been fucked up ever since I entered that dating app. I should leave""You met good people from there... At least""Frederick is not a good person. I think he's trying to find me. I can't let him win" "I hope you take care of Kelly and Chloe. That's my concern" Rose said. Michelle smiled and hugged her tight. "You're like my sister now""Of course, I am" Rose said. They both la
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Hello Stranger!
In a fancy five star restaurant, the whole building has been rented by Mr Will. They sat with Ginny, waiting for the groom and his family. She was unsettled as her feet kept on tapping the floor. She was even sweating when it was so cold. "Ginny, don't be nervous" her mother said to her. "I'm not nervous mom. Can I go to the bathroom?" She asked. "Sure" she replied. "No! You can't go now. They are here already" her father jumped in just when she was about to leave. They all sprung up to welcome them. They walked in together. Mr Will doesn't know which family they're from. All he wanted was a family ranking from the first to tenth. The atmosphere changed immediately they stepped in. They looked so wealthy, that the aura was oozing out of them. "Apologies for being late" the man said in a cool soothing voice. "There was a lot of traffic" his wife added. Mrs Will fell in love with her posture. "It's fine. We just got here, please, have your seat" she said. The man behind them h
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Before The DDay!
Michelle took the kids to school the next day. She pulled over in front of the school and some parents started staring at her. They started gossiping and laughing. "Hey, go to class now. See you two later" she said to them. They nodded and left. Just while she was about to enter the car again, she saw a picture outside the notice board. She rushed to it and saw how she stood in their midst, looking like a cleaner. It was the picture of the parents and teachers gathering. She started breathing hard, trying to control her anger. She tightened her fist angrily. "Mrs Michelle, you look so hot in that photo" one of them said and walked away. The others laughed. She frowned and left. She would have destroyed the picture but it would ruin her reputation. She entered into the car and drove off. She went back home and tried to calm herself but, she heard some clattering noise in the kitchen. She thought it was a thief because the door was locked. Slowly, she reached for the flower vase th
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The Meet Ceremony!
Michelle dropped the kids off at school on Wednesday. The compound was quiet. The security walked towards her."There's no school activities today""Why? Shouldn't I have know this?" She asked, angrily. "Apologies ma'am" he said. The kids got into the car and she drove them back home. Rose was waiting for her at home. They entered the house together and she discovered that Francis already left the house again. "You didn't go to work today?" Michelle asked Rose, pouring a glass of juice for her. "Today is 3rd of August. It's the ceremony today, remember?" She asked. "Ah, I almost forgot" she smirked. "I came to spend time with Chloe and Kelly and you. We should go hang out today, what do you think?" Rose asked. Michelle smiled. "I have to meet someone. He's paying me for the service I did to him days ago. After that, I'm logging out of that app""Ouch" Rose said and touched her heart. Michelle laughed. "The girls are upstairs. You should go meet with them""Sure" Rose dropped t
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The Unexpected Proposal!
Michelle's eyes wandered around the man on stage. He spoke elegantly and maturely. She couldn't believe she spent the last days with him. He just acted to be averagely rich, went to a middle class hotel instead of a rich one. She could understand why he met him for the second time at the CC mall because he owned it. The CC stands for Christopher Croydon. She smiled as he ended his speech. Everyone sprung up and clapped for him. There was no glimpse of joy on his father's face. Christopher must have taken over from him, just the same way he hardly show emotions. He bowed and alighted from the stage. He walked to the table. "Good job" his father said. "Thank you father" he replied. There must be something going on between these two, she swore she could feel it. "Sit down please" he held her hand, wanting to help her sit. But one of his father's wives reached for a napkin and ruined her dress with a glass of wine. No big deal about that. She saw the hatred in their eyes the moment s
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A New Case!
Michelle was awoken by the sound of the doorbell. She blinked repeatedly but her eyes seemed heavy. Of course, they were swollen. She cried herself to sleep even after treating the kids injuries. She saw them asleep on their bed. It was past 9am already. She can't let them go to school with that injury on their body. She walked downstairs and head to the door. There was no sign of Francis anywhere. The house was still in a mess with blood everywhere. She walked to the door and found Ginny. She yawned and stretched her body before welcoming her sister in. "I know a lot of stuff happened yesterday. But...what the hell is the house a mess? What happened to your body?" Ginny asked, looking shocked. "A lot of stuff indeed happened yesterday. I'm fine, I'll get better. It's just a little scratch" she said. Ginny gasped. She touched her sister's skin and frowned. "Did Francis do this?" She asked. "It's a long story. I take responsibility for it Ginny. You don't have to...""Francis! G
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A Red Flag To The Wills
Ginny angrily threw everything on the dinning table away after hearing the news from her father. She won't get married to Christopher but another stranger she hasn't met. Her parents exchanged glances with each other. "Ginny, show some respect!" Mr Will yelled. Ginny raised her head and glared hard at her father. "All my life, I've showed respect to you father. But, I'm sorry I won't do that today. You promised to get me married to Christopher and you must fulfill that promise!" She yelled. Mrs Will pouted her lips and tried to step over the broken ceramic on the floor to get across to her daughter. "Oh dear, come on now. Don't be upset with your father. It's not his fault Mr Croydon had to change his mind. He knows about Michelle being your sister. He wants Michelle for his son. He claims he can't decide for Chris""Chris is nice. He'll answer once I explain things to him. I know very well for a fact that he's under a spell. How will a rich hot young man want to get married to a u
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Manuel Croydon!
It was a fun week for Chloe and Kelly. They get to spend time with Christopher. They never once got the chance to spend time with Francis this way. They loved Chris's company and the way he treated them with care. Their injuries were almost healed so they could go to school on Monday. But, on that Monday morning... Michelle was packing their lunch box when she heard the doorbell. Chloe rushed to the door to open it. It was Christopher. She shot her mouth wide open and checked the time. "It's 7:30. What are you doing here?" She asked. "I came to take my kids to school. They told me how you were always bullied by the other parents"Michelle glared at Chloe and Kelly. They both drifted their gaze to Chris. "You can't take them to school. What if they talk?""Let them talk. I never cared about what they said anyway. Come girls, grab your lunch box and let's go" he said. They took their boxes and waved at Michelle. "Bye mom!" They chorused and ran out of the house. "Thank you Chris.
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The Court Hearing!
Christopher got out of the hotel with Michelle. She was about to enter her car when Chris stopped her. "Hey"She paused and gazed at him. "Listen, there are some things you do not know yet about me. Once you come into the Croydon family, you'll start to understand. Then, you'll support me" he said. "Are they bad things?" She asked, remembering what Trevor told her earlier. He swallowed hard and didn't say anything. "I'm doing all of this for my kids. You don't need to worry about me" she said and entered the car. Immediately, she zoomed off. ..Michelle kept replaying what Michelle and Chris said to her today. She thought of changing her mind about marrying her because of the kids. "Mom, is daddy coming today?" Kelly asked. She was even surprised to see Kelly talking these days. "Of course not, you'll see him on Wednesday" "Argh!" Chloe groaned. She watched them go back upstairs. "I'll call you when dinner is ready!" She yelled. The kids kept talking about him, thinking abo
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