All Chapters of A Mate Not For Sale: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
71 Chapters
SIXTY-ONE | A Trip To The Spirit Clan
"You know about it. How? How did you find out? I mean..."She smiled. "I heard everything they said to you and how you replied to them. I wasn't eavesdropping. I was just opportune to be close by". I sighed. "Xavia" she cooed. "I am not asking you to go to the Spirit clan so that you can forgive him. You might need time to do that. I am asking you to go so that you can have a good reason to be angry with him"I laughed. "Alaila"She smiled. "You do not expect me to tell you to forgive him. That man left you for a long time""Thank you" I muttered. "Thank you for not telling me to forgive him"She smiled. "Xavia, I know you've passed through a lot and you do have a lot of regrets. I do not want you to have regrets about your father. He might not have cared for you but he is still your father. Xavia, he might not have much time left, which may be the reason he sent people to look for you. They have been on the search for six years. Isn't that enough to earn them a one-time visit?"I nod
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SIXTY-TWO | Meeting The Ice Pack Alpha
I looked around in surprise. We were standing in front of empty lands. I looked around and all I could see were empty lands.I blinked. What is going on here? Were we not standing in front of Axel's house some minutes ago?"You are joking right?""She is not" Mira answered. "This is the Spirit clan""What are you saying? These are empty...". I blinked. The once-empty lands were now filled with houses and people walking about. "Wh-what just happened?""The Spirit clan always stays hidden and is only seen if the person who visited is a Spirt being or a person with no bad intentions""Is that the reason I saw empty lands at first?"Elora nodded. "Yes""Elora, we will get going," Mira said.She left with the man Axel introduced to me as Ryan. Elora faced me."Come with me. Let me take you to the Palace"I pulled Alaila was had not said anything since we arrived."Are you coming with us or do you want to keep staring"She chuckled. "I think the Spirit clan is beautiful""Do you want to sta
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SIXTY-THREE | She Looks Different
GILBERTThere was a general meeting in the Lycan Pack and I was to attend it with Arden. This was going to be the first meeting I would be attending in a long while and I wasn't looking forward to it. I had not expected my mother to send Arden to me to prepare to attend the meeting. When she found out about me rejecting Xavia, she was furious and she asked me to apologize to the Pack members and step down for a while but I refused. There was no way I would apologize to the Pack members for rejecting my mate. Was she, not the one who asked for the rejection? I insisted that I had no reason to apologize and that got her angry. I did not expect that she would apologize to the Pack members on my behalf and tell them I agreed to step down until I felt remorseful.Would I ever be remorseful? That was my first thought. I had done nothing to be remorseful for.My mom commanded the guards not to allow me to leave my room but she knew that they would not be able to hold me back so she visited h
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SIXTY-FOUR | Desiring His Mate
I never thought that I was going to like Xavia, after all the things we experienced together but ever since I came back from the meeting in the Lycan Pack and set my eyes on Xavia, I could not stop thinking about her. At first, I thought it was because she was now the Spirit Princess but I soon realized that I liked her. It was never supposed to happen. I was never supposed to like someone I rejected some months ago, but right now that is what is happening.I was to meet up with the spy today. To avoid anyone being suspicious, I asked that he meet me in the garden. I sat in the garden waiting for him and when he finally showed up, I stood up."Hope you have enough information for me," I said and he nodded.I have been curious to know how she got to the Lycan Pack. I could remember that Arden had told me she said she was never going to return to the Lycan Pack and for some reason, I suspected that she had a bad experience there, which I presumed to be worse than the one she experienced
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SIXTY-FIVE | The Jealous Axel
AXELJason told me that the Ice Pack Alpha would be coming later with his Beta to the company and I asked Xavia to stay back in the Packhouse after she closed from school. I do not want her to meet with him and remember her experience with him, which is why I do not want her to come to the company. I can still remember how she stared at him in fear when she saw him."Why do you not want me to come to the company?" she asked."I want you to get some rest" I replied."But I have a lot of work to do at the company""I will ask Jason to help you do them""I do not want Jason to help me. I want to..."I held her hand. "Xavia, I know how school has been these days. You are also preparing for your exams. Adding the company's work will only make you become stressed out. You need as much rest as you can get now ""Can I at least go today? I can stop going to the company tomorrow""Hey, babe. I want you to rest until you are done with exams""That's too far. I...""How about you take this week
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SIXTY-SIX | The Stronger Mate Bond
She stared at me. "I am not asking you not to worry now". She placed her hand on my face and smiled. "But I want to know why you are worried". I stared at her but said nothing. "Come on, tell me why you are worried," she said and I sighed."I am worried that you will choose him over me"She stared at me. "Yo-you are joking right?""I am not" I replied. "I have tried not to think about it but I can't help it""Why would you think of such? Do you think I am going to leave you for Gilbert?" she asked and I sighed. "Do you not trust me?""I trust you" I muttered. "But I do not trust the mate bond""What do you mean?""He is your mate...""Was my mate" she corrected. "He rejected me, remember?"I sighed. "I know he rejected you but what...""Axel, can you stop worrying about nothing?"I held her hand. "I have every reason to be worried. He is your mate and you belong to him too""I do not belong to him. I already told you that he rejected me""I know he did. But what if he changes his mind
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SIXTY-SEVEN | A Mate Not For Sale
XAVIAI noticed that Axel had been acting strange recently. Aside from him being worried that I would choose Gilbert instead of him, I could tell there was something else causing him to worry. I became worried too. I spoke to Alaila about it and she told me it might be work and the Pack affairs."I do not think it's any of these two," I said."How are you sure about it?"I shrugged. "I am not sure but I do not feel those are the reasons"She sighed. "Do you have anything in mind? I mean anything you considered may be the reason?""I can't think of any" I answered. "If you cannot think of anything then I will suggest you stop getting worried too""I wish I could but I can't. Seeing him worry makes me worry too""Have you tried speaking to him about it?""I spoke to him and he said he is worried that I will choose Gilbert over you""Why would you do that? You have no reason to""I told him that. I told him I did not have any reason to go back to Gilbert. He is worried that if I keep ta
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SIXTY-EIGHT | Can't Hold Grudges
I turned to face her. "I do not understand why he spoke to Jason about the contract. He never spoke to me about wanting me back""I knew he had always had an ulterior motive. It was obvious. I told you he is cunning""You did but I still do not get it. We spoke yesterday, right before I came to meet you and he said nothing to me about wanting me back as his mate. He never spoke about me being his mate. It was strictly about the gold business""His motive would have been obvious if he had spoken about it. He needed you to trust him and you did""But why would he ask Jason for a contract that is about six years old?""To take you back, I guess""Why would he want to take me back? Even if he wants to, why would he talk about the contract""He couldn't wait anymore for you to come back to him, I guess"I scoffed. "Does he think I am going to return to him if he goes about it this way?""That might be his easiest way""Are there not other ways he can use to try to woo me back? What gives h
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SIXTY-NINE | Time To Make A Change
The GILBERTWhen Xavia told me she did not hold any grudges against me I was ashamed of myself. I had not expected that from her despite everything I did to her. What I expected was a fierce, angry, and revengeful Xavia. The one who will treat me as badly as I have treated her or even more. But the one who stood before me was the kind-hearted Xavia who stared at me with pity. I stared at her right from the cell in which I was locked and my heart bleed.How did I come to be like this? How was I cruel enough to treat someone like Xavia very badly? She was a good person. She has always been.I looked away quickly. I could not keep looking at her. I had not thought there would be a time when I would feel humiliated. A time that I would feel ashamed and remorseful for everything I have done."I-I am sorry" I muttered. "I should not have lusted after you. I felt guilty that I treated you so badly, yet you did so well. I thought getting you back was the only way I would stop feeling guilty
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SEVENTY | A New Love Interest
I was not expecting anyone to come for me. I know that what I did to them was hurtful and I do not deserve their sympathy. Neither was I expecting Arden to come for me.How am I going to face Arden? I wondered. How am I going to face him after everything?I stood rooted to my spot and the guards did not hasten me up to leave. For some reason, they treated me with respect."Why are you treating me well? Why are you not treating me as a criminal?" I asked."Our Alpha asked that we treat you well because you are an Alpha of a Pack" one of them said.I was surprised. I did not expect the Lycan King to tell them such.Could Xavia be the reason he is treating me well? I wondered.I walked out of the cell and headed outside. I was surprised to see not only Arden but also Kate. I blinked. She was the last person I was expecting to see.Why is she here? I wondered. "K-Kate?" I mumbled and she smiled at me but said nothing.I could not move closer to them. I stood rooted to my spot not knowing
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