All Chapters of Dark obsession, with her: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
96 Chapters
A wicked charm
Alexander was completely inflamed by the charm that Brenda had put on him, and more so now that she had become a vampire, he thought that she was the goddess of his life Sarah had been relegated completely and was no longer even in the least of his thoughts, when he returned home, he found neither his father nor his sister, because they had not yet arrived from the ritual, he waited for them for a moment, but he was desperate, he wanted to return to Brenda's arms.He felt an infinite need to be by her side, to have her close, to kiss her and take her to bed again, he was not even sure if it was love what he felt for her, he only knew that it was a great obsession that was consuming him.Anxious he left his mansion again and went straight to Brenda's cabin, he only needed to get a little closer to her, to feel that the aura and the atmosphere was darker, denser, usually a vampire didn't give off such an evil nature, but on this occasion, it was as if Brenda was surrounded by pure evil.
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The beginning of the curse
After Brenda and Alexander killed the pair of women to extract their blood, their bodies floated down the river towards the slope that reached the wolves' territory, two of the warriors saw how the bodies floated and immediately pulled them out to show them to Gary."Sir, look, we have come across the bodies of these two women on the slopes near the river, they are completely sucked out, they don't have any blood on them."Gary approached the women's necks and realized that each had been bitten by vampires, he made a nauseating gesture and stood up."The curse started to come, extinction by vampires is imminent, if we don't stop them, they will wipe out not only the humans, but us as well, gather the whole pack, we must go DarkVille.""Yes sir" the wolf warrior went to gather the whole pack, Gary knew that from that moment on they were facing a race of vampires stronger even than wolves, for when they sucked human blood, their powers became incomparable to those of any species and cou
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Sarah needed Alexander.
On his side, Markus was completely desperate with Sarah's pregnancy, for her the minutes were turning into days, she was feeling weaker and weaker, while her belly was growing bulging, her pains were consuming her, the pale of her skin was more noticeable, she was becoming transparent."Sarah dear, I have spoken to the doctor, and he told me that it is important that we go to the local hospital, they must do a blood transfusion, there are things going on inside you that are very difficult to explain, you can't go on like this" Markus was in Sarah's room, but far from her, he wouldn't even allow her to get close."What do you have planned for me; do you want to take my baby away from me? Tell me the truth, I know your pretensions may turn out to be very bad Markus" Sarah clutched her belly weakly."The opposite, with you my intentions are the best Sarah, I fell in love with you lost and I only want you and my child to be well."Sarah trembled, not only from the discomfort she had at th
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Unbridled passion
For his part Alexander and Brenda were consumed by the unbridled passion of their relationship, he was completely bewitched by Brenda's charms, she had made sure that he fell back into the temptation of drinking blood and that made him superior to any other creature. However, there was something inside him that wouldn't let him feel good."Dear do you feel the power coursing through you? This feeling is completely indescribable, we must look for more blood" Brenda was still tasting."No Brenda, this thing that just happened is not right, we are going to unleash a war, and they are going to want to hunt us down."Brenda slowly approached Alexander, now she was different, her appearance was not like that of the particular human that had come to DarkVille, but on the contrary, she was a little taller, her body was more corpulent, and she didn't look like she walked, rather she looked like she levitated."My love, are you not seeing how powerful we are becoming? Just appreciate the dynas
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Sarah must be saved.
At the VonStrudell's mansion they were planning the way to look for Alexander to get him out of the spell Brenda had him in and thus start putting all the things in their place, but Lea was impatient, she had a very bad feeling, it was as if inside her something that was about to happen wouldn't let her go on."Lea, we have to go, we have to go and look for Alex.""Yes father, I know, but it's just that something is holding me back, it's a small presence that is in danger and we must hurry to rescue her, please.""A small presence? I don't understand, we don't have much time, the hunters must be looking for Alex and Brenda and if they find them first, there will most likely be a very strong war between them.""I know father, but it's just that I have a bad feeling, we must help Sarah, she is pregnant, but I'm sure it's my brother’s.""It can't be, she's a human, to be pregnant by a vampire is almost impossible.""Father, I saw her, I swear I saw her, my mother just told me in a vision
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A difficult decision
Sarah was still in a state of unconsciousness, before the eyes of the vampires that were around her, her belly was growing and growing in an unstoppable way, only two days had passed since her rescue, and it was as if a couple of months had passed, it was something magical and inexplicable, but that frightened those around her, many of them had not witnessed the pregnancy of a supernatural being, or rather, the expectation of a vampire, and they did not know how to handle the situation."Father, she looks like she's going to die, what do we do?" Lea is consumed with anguish, she knows that if they don't act fast, Sarah will possibly lose her life soon."Daughter, they are already looking for the wise vampire, she knows what to do in these cases, but she has been too long without leaving her abode, it is very difficult for her to do so, she became a vampire when she was very old, she can hardly even walk.""Father, I believe that Sarah should be turned into a vampire immediately her ba
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Alexander begins to wake up from the spell.
Alexander returned to the cabin with Brenda, the words that his sister had told him, echoed like drumming noises in his ears, he kept thinking about the fact that he was going to be the father of the child that Sarah was expecting, it was something too incredible in his race, usually vampires only prolonged their existence by distributing their venom by turning a human with their bite, reproduction was not something that was something very common.Brenda began to prepare a large piece of animal flesh she had in a refrigerator, while Alexander just stared at nothing and kept silent."Is something wrong my love?" she asked him suspiciously, but he didn't answer her right away."I asked you if there was something wrong Alex" she nimbly turned to him and buried the knife in the table, very close to Alexander's hand."There's nothing wrong with me honey did you want to cut my hand?" Alexander dug out the knife, running the sharp blade across his hand."No honey, not at all, I just got stre
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Back to Sarah
Alexander tied Brenda as tight as possible and left with her in his car towards the legion of Lestat's native vampires, he had placed her unconscious in the back seat of the car, he kept seeing her through the rear view mirror, they say that vampires are not afraid of anything, but 'he was terrified with the energy that she emanated from her body, and before anything, he would deliver her to be finished with her, because he could not only because of the power that she had to bewitch him.When he arrived at the place, they were already waiting for him, some vampire warriors received her and locked Brenda in a kind of dungeon, when she realized it, she woke up full of anger and stared at Alexander."My love! What have you done?" Alexander just stared at her longingly, for deep in his heart, he always loved Cleopatra with all the strength of his soul."You are not Brenda, you are Cleopatra, but you have never stopped being a wicked woman, you must go back to where you came from sweethear
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There is no end to evil.
Fortunately, Alexander came out of the enchantment that Brenda had him under, but he was too exhausted to take care of his daughter, and he had not even had the opportunity to have her by his side the first time, much less to know her face.On the other hand, in the territory of the wolves, they had already learned of the birth of Alexander's daughter, and Gary was furious, in his mind was only the idea of ending everything that stood between him and the power, now he had become obsessed with being the one who would take care of everything.While Markus came desperately looking for help to end what he himself had started."Gary, the vampire's child has been born, we must attack the vampire's legion and put an end to that spawn.""The only one to blame for everything happening is you, you are the only one responsible for your wife giving birth to a child, that wasn't even yours, now we are in trouble, because we will have no sacrifice for the moon goddess, and in five months we will al
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an unexpected transformation
The vampires were aware that at any moment the wolves would come to attack them, they were also prepared to receive them, although they were too peaceful, and did not have the slightest idea what they were going to face."Morgan, you must hide with the girl, we know that a pack of warrior wolves is coming to attack, possibly they want to come for her" Lestat came running towards the room where Morgan was next to his daughter and granddaughter."But where are we going to hide? This place is really too small.""You have to run Morgan" Lea turned to Lestat and grabbed him by the face."I'm not going anywhere; I'm staying here with you fighting.""No Lea" Lestat stroked her hand "you must go with your father; they must protect that beautiful girl. Alexander is already coming to say goodbye, he will stay to protect Sarah, but you must go, a couple of warriors will accompany you."Lea nodded sorrowfully, when she had finally found love, she should leave him to his fate, but it was more impo
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