All Chapters of The Ruthless Alpha Queen.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 Chapters
Chapter 31
At the sight of the small fires outside small tents, Carlyle couldn't be pleased any more than he was at the moment. He had feared that he wouldn't find them there anymore, but there they were, like a beacon of hope, in the middle of nowhere.He reached for his doublet with his right hand to make sure he had brought the arrow with him. It was soon a panic session as he couldn't find the arrow that he was to use as his exhibit."No way..." he searched more vigorously and was about to bring in his left hand to join in the search. But then, he realized that his left hand had been a bit numb as it had been clinging to something so desperately. He looked to see the arrow in his left hand and realized that he had hidden his left hand in the long cloak the moment he had taken up the arrow. "Goodness..." he breathed a sigh of relief.With that sorted out, he confidently made his way towards the tent. He had been readying his words since he had set out on the nightly voyage to an unknown land
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Chapter 32
The anticipation levels were something else for Anna as she was awaiting Roth by the streamside. Their conversation the last time had ended with him promising to teach her a thing or two about handling a sword perfectly.But then, she wondered if he had intended to get someone to do the demonstrations as he looked nothing like a swordsman. He seemed so calm that he looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. He looked very much like one of the children of the elite who couldn't afford to get dirty, as they would have their parents to deal with afterward. There just wasn't any trace of a warrior trait in him.His charm was an undeniable fact. She had yet to see anyone that had it like he did. Lucian came close, but he always seemed to be too serious to let his charm express itself fully.The wait was becoming uncomfortable as she soon found herself comparing Lucian to Roth. Why did he have to pop up in every single one of her thoughts? She soon heard some footsteps approaching hurriedly to whe
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Chapter 33
"What's happening here?" Lucian asked angrily with his brows furrowed at the both of them."What do you mean?" Anna asked back, wondering why he had shown up there and then, and why he was so curious to know what they were doing there.She had to had to admit that Roth had stepped a bit unusually closer to her, to help her perfect her posture, but then why was he getting so worked up about?"I meant..." Lucian's voice softened a bit, as he seemed to realized that it was awkward for him to get worked up in that scenario. "What are you both working on?"Anna looked on in slight embarrassment, as she felt some shame for him. He had probably come all the way down there to talk to her, most certainly, about their last uncannily romantic encounter, only to be met with the sight of her with another. With that scenario, it was becoming just a little clearer, what his intentions were for her."Sorry, I was just trying to help her fix her fighting postures and all that." Roth replied Lucian as
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Chapter 34
“Where have you been?” Anna didn't bother about hiding how much she had missed Barbara's company for the last couple of days. “You said you would join me that day, and you were suddenly gone.”“Sorry, I didn't tell you.” Barbara's face was without any visible expressions of emotions of any sort, and that was usual. “I was out of the territory for a while.”“Really…” Anna looked over to Barbara as they went on with their lonely walk down the path to the stream. There wasn't any other better meeting place where they could be perfectly alone, so they didn't mind visiting the stream too often. “Where did you go?”“I would rather not talk about it.” Barbara's response came just before Anna said the last words of her question. The answer seemed premeditated, and that was disturbing as much as it was suspicious. “At least for now.”Anna was briefly taken aback, but she couldn't complain or coerce her to give her a better response. She was convinced that she wasn't really concerned about what
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Chapter 35
It was morning. Yet again.Anna couldn't recall waking up and feeling that great. She sat up in bed with youthful vigor. She no longer cringed at the thoughts of Lucian, and that was a good sign. In a flash, she reminisced on the feeling of his lips on hers. It was so smooth, so crisp, so effortless, so titillating, perhaps too titillating to be the first thing to be thinking of immediately after she got up. But then, his words had breathed some life back into her.Getting up to her feet, and seeing the dim lights of the early hours of the day, she recalled why she had woken in the first place. Someone had been knocking on her door.“No way…" she muttered to herself. There was no way it could be Lucian. He wasn't that idle and also wasn't that keen on expressing his passion. She hoped it wasn't Roth as she made for the door.“Barbara?” Anna had her eyes on the last person she expected to see so early in the morning. She was Barbara, and she could be awkward at times, but why was she s
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Chapter 36
The pain of the sight was just too unbearable for Elsa, that she wished she hadn't walked in on it. She knew that it had been a rather unreasonable idea to follow Lucian as he snuck out of his fortress. Her curiosity had led her to see how her dreams of having the alpha to herself were sinking.The sun was up and shining brightly, but the day had suddenly become gloomy from her perspective. She just couldn't take it anymore, and she didn't have anyone to pour out her struggles to, but herself.“He kissed her,” she said to herself angrily, as she recalled the sight of Lucian sitting beside Anna and kissing her so passionately. How could he have stooped so low? “He kissed her!” She yelled.“Yes, he did.” Her wolf spoke up to her from within. “He seemed to have enjoyed every single moment of it.”“But what on earth could he have found in her, that's making him even break his own character? Lucian would never think of sitting on the sand by the side of that stupid stream.”“That stupid st
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Chapter 37
The pain at the back of Anna's head woke her before the surrounding voices did. The voices were unclear and indistinct, as the faces were blurry. The sun had almost left the horizon completely when she opened her eyes, which had her wondering what was happening.Her memory was quick in recollecting the rapid progression of events that had led to her current state. But then, she didn't recall holding anything in her hands when she had been knocked out.She sensed what felt like an arrow in her right hand, and what felt like a bow in the other. How did she end up with such items? It all felt like some dream she was waking up to.Perhaps, she had fallen asleep at the stream side while waiting for Barbara. Perhaps, she thought, if she shut her eyes and opened it, everything would go back to normal with her, sitting by the stream side waiting for Barbara to come join her.She shut her eyes in hope but opened them to the same sight. Something was desperately off with the whole scenario. She
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Chapter 38
"I do not want to believe any of it.” Lucian hadn't slept all through the night, as he had been kept up by an inner battle. The pressure on him was simply sickening. “None of it seems right, but—”“But what?” His wolf protested within him. “If you go ahead to punish her like all your people are suggesting, they will not bear the consequences of it with you. You're going to live a long, lonely life without your mate, and they will not go through that with you.”Lucian thought over those words as he lay on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. None of them who proposed Anna's death were going through the emotional trauma of having to make that decision with him.“It has always been the pack before yourself,” his wolf went on. “But now, you're going to put yourself first. You do not deserve the pain and loneliness, besides, there's no telling if she had actually been the one.”That was yet another question, he wanted to get to the bottom of. He couldn't just hurriedly make that decisi
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Chapter 39
"You can't go see her now," Roth said to Elsa, as she was about to step towards the door. "You'll have to wait a bit longer.""Why's that?" Elsa asked with furrowed brows, wondering if there had been a new development in Anna's predicament."Lucian is still with her." Roth's mood seemed a bit down as he made mention of that. He had obviously run into Lucian while he had gone to see Anna."Oh..." Elsa expected that. Lucian had probably been having a hard time dealing with all that was going on. She regretted not going in to encourage him, as she was sure that her quietness at the meeting on the night before had probably given him a good impression of her. "It must be a really tough time being an alpha in this sort of situation.""And it must also, really be a tough time being a stray wolf in a new clan," Roth spoke with a disposition that depicted compassion if not grief."You believe she's innocent, don't you?" Elsa sat on her bed, wondering how long it was going to take Lucian to be
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Chapter 40
Anna was scared to death by the vicious look in Lucian's eyes. There was something about the fiery color of his eyes that could make anyone's knees buckle.She had expected him to, maybe, hit Horace hard, or reprimand him, or anything that wasn't delivering such a vicious bit on his neck. Horace wasn't dead yet, but he seemed as good as dead as he lay on the floor with his eyes wide open, which depicted how he was yet to recover from the shock of the sudden attack.Lucian's ferocious fangs retracted and his eyes were normal once again, as he wiped the blood off from the sides of his mouth. The way he looked at Horace made it clear that he wasn't done yet. He walked closer to him and crouched right where he lay in pain.The doors at the other end of the room suddenly opened, with some people coming through it in their direction. That made Anna recall the fact that Lucian hadn't come through the door. How on the edge of the blue moon had he suddenly appeared behind Horace and brought hi
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