All Chapters of My Ex, My Doom: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Cody's Secret
They embarked on a meticulous search of their safe house, meticulously examining every room and surface for signs of surveillance devices. Their mission had taken an unexpected turn, and they knew they needed to act swiftly and discreetly.As they combed through the rooms, their eyes trained on every nook and cranny, Claus felt a growing sense of unease. The realization that their trust had been violated by one of their own was a bitter pill to swallow.After minutes of searching, Mia's sharp eye caught a glint beneath a table in the living room. She knelt and reached for what appeared to be a small, inconspicuous object. It was a bug, a sophisticated piece of surveillance equipment.Claus rushed to Mia's side, their hearts pounding with a mixture of relief and anger. They examined the bug closely, realizing that their conversations had been monitored and recorded."It's a damn bug," Claus muttered, his voice laced with frustration. "Whoever planted this was trying to eavesdrop on us.
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Where is Mia?
As Claus continued to tail Cody through the city streets, he knew that they were playing a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. Cody's increasing paranoia had made him cautious, and Claus had to be equally vigilant not to give himself away.Cody led Claus to a seemingly abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The desolate location raised Claus's suspicions even further. He watched from a distance as Cody entered the building, his heart pounding with anticipation.Inside the warehouse, Claus could see Cody engaged in a hushed conversation with a man he recognized as El Patrio's right hand. His heart sank as he realized the extent of Cody's betrayal. He needed to gather concrete evidence, but he had to do so without being detected.Claus strained to hear the conversation between El Patrio's right-hand man and Cody as they spoke in hushed tones within the warehouse.In a low, stern voice, Sergio spoke, "Cody, we need to discuss the details of the casino operation. This is a criti
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It is a Trap
Without wasting a moment, Claus grabbed his equipment and sprinted back to Cody's last known location. He couldn't shake the feeling that Mia might be in danger, and he had to find her.As he approached Cody's hideout, Claus's worst fears were confirmed. The door to the hideout was ajar, and it was evident that there had been a struggle inside. Furniture was overturned, and Mia's equipment lay scattered on the floor.Claus clenched his fists, his heart pounding with a mix of anger and fear. He knew that Mia had been investigating Cody's activities and gathering evidence, but it seemed that she had walked into a trap.He carefully examined the scene, looking for any clues that might lead him to Mia's whereabouts. It was clear that she had put up a fight, but her absence weighed heavily on Claus.As Claus continued to investigate the scene, he noticed a faint trail of blood leading towards a back exit. His heart sank at the sight, and he knew he had to follow it. It was a grim sign that
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Mia or E.P.?
Claus's hand instinctively went to his sidearm, but he knew that any hasty move could lead to a dire outcome. Sergio, with a cold and calculating demeanor, spoke first."Well, well, Claus," Sergio began, a sinister smile on his face. "I must say, you're quite resourceful to have made it this far. It has been a week and you are yet to find Rick but in less than an hour, you found his wife. What do we call that? Claus scoffed, dismissing his allegation, "Where is Mia?" Sergio laughs very loudly with no rhythm. "you see, I have something you want—a chance to reunite with Mia."Claus's jaw clenched as he demanded, "Where is she, Sergio? What have you done with Mia?"Sergio's tone turned menacing as he laid out his demands. "I have her, safe and sound for now. But I won't release her until you agree to a little trade. I want El Patrio eliminated."Claus's eyes narrowed as he considered the proposition, but his resolve remained unwavering."The last I checked, you are supposed to be his k
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E.P. Must Die
As tensions continued to mount in the cabin, Sergio, feeling the weight of the moment, reached for his pocket. He intended to retrieve his phone, hoping to communicate with his men to bring Mia to their location. However, Carol, who remained vigilant and ready to take action, misinterpreted Sergio's movement as a potential threat. In a swift and calculated response, she fired a shot that hit Sergio's palm. Pain surged through him as he cried out, his hand instantly soaked in blood.Carol's stern voice cut through the turmoil. "Any hesitation, Sergio, and the next shot will be aimed at your head. Make no mistake."Sergio, now wracked with both physical and emotional pain, nodded in reluctant agreement. He understood that he was no longer in control of the situation, and any further resistance could lead to disastrous consequences.His bewildered men watched in stunned silence, their loyalty to Sergio tested in the face of the unexpected turn of events. Sergio signaled to one of his su
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Give Me Peace
Carol, with her usual air of authority, took charge. "Here's what we'll do. We meet at the casino tonight at 8 p.m., just before El Patrio and the Beast are set to appear. Sergio and his men will act normal, maintaining their positions by El Patrio's side. The entry point remains the same."Sergio, though burdened by his palm, nodded in agreement. "I'll help you get to Rick and the baby. Once they're safe, you can proceed with your plan."Cody, his face etched with a mix of fear and pain, spoke up. "What about my role? What do I do?"She shot him again. This time it was his arm. Cody yelled while Claus's eyes widened. Carol, her gaze killing "Stay out of my fucking plan. I might not be able to resist the urge to pull the trigger." Claus watched in disbelief as the situation took another violent turn. The tension in the room was palpable, and the air seemed to crackle with hostility. He knows that Carol can be uncontrollable when she is angry. Sergio, clutching his wounded hand, spok
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Shoot your shot
The blaring alarm shattered the stillness of the safe house, abruptly pulling Claus from his slumber. Disoriented for a moment, he instinctively reached out to silence the persistent noise. As his bleary eyes adjusted to the sudden wakefulness, he realized that Mia, still nestled on the couch with her head in his lap, remained peacefully asleep.Smiling, "she won't even wake up from the sound. She has not changed a bit." Claus muttered to himself. Her serene expression in sleep captivated Claus, and he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He continues to smile while he admires her. Her features were softened by the gentle glow of evening light filtering through the curtains, and he marveled at her resilience and unwavering strength throughout their tumultuous journey.Claus's fingers gently traced the contours of Mia's hair, his touch tender and filled with affection. He caressed her face with a delicate reverence, cherishing this intimate moment when everything else seemed to fade into
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Crazy Carol
Claus and Mia are alone in the room. Mia stood before the mirror, carefully choosing her attire for the upcoming mission. She reached for the sexy dress that Claus had surprised her with not too long ago, its deep crimson hue promising allure and confidence.Claus watched her with admiration, his eyes tracing the graceful lines of her silhouette as she slipped into the dress. He couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. "You look stunning, Mia," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.Mia turned to face him, a soft smile playing on her lips as she approached. She placed her hands on his chest, her eyes locking onto his. "Thank you, Claus. Your taste is impeccable," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of playfulness.Claus couldn't resist leaning in to steal a tender kiss, his lips meeting hers in a moment of shared affection. Mia pulled back slightly, her gaze searching Claus's eyes. "For the last time," she whispered, her voice carrying a weight that mir
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Let's Get to Work
As they kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, Mia noticed the security guard who had been acting suspiciously. His movements were erratic, and he seemed overly interested in the casino's layout.Mia subtly nudged Claus and leaned in closer, her voice hushed. "Claus, I think we should keep an eye on that security guard over there. He's been acting strange, and I have a feeling he might be one of the Beast's men."Claus, still scanning the area, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Mia. He does look out of place. We need to be cautious. I'll keep an eye on him."As they continued their surveillance, Mia maintained a casual conversation with Claus to divert attention from their observation of the suspicious security guard. They talked about their plans for the future, and their dreams, and even shared a few lighthearted jokes to keep their cover intact.Meanwhile, Carol, who had a clear view of the security guard from her vantage point, discreetly relayed information to them through a
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The Charming Roulette Man
Mia, using her charm to their advantage, skillfully engaged the group of men Claus had pointed out. Her smile was alluring, and her conversation was light and flirty. As predicted, the men couldn't resist her magnetism, and they vied for her attention.It didn't take long for two of the men to become captivated by Mia's presence. They started competing for her affection, their voices growing louder as they argued vehemently.The first man, a sharply dressed individual with slicked-back hair, declared, "Hey, sweetheart, why don't you come with me? I'll show you a good time."The second man, bulkier and more casually dressed, shot back with equal confidence, "Don't waste your time with this guy. I can give you an unforgettable night."Mia, maintaining her act, feigned surprise and glanced between the two, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Oh, my! I didn't expect such attention. You both seem so charming. What's the big disagreement about?"The sharply dressed man retorted, "This guy thi
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