All Chapters of HeartLess: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
82 Chapters
Chapter 31: Skye
"Holy cannoli, he really said all that?" Lanie stops in her tracks as we maneuver our way across campus, and the girl walking behind us plows into her."What the hell, dude," the emo chick grumbles, giving Lanie a nasty look as she walks around her."Oh, calm down," my bestie huffs, glaring at the girl. Lanie isn't afraid to make waves. "And FYI-get your eyes checked. I'm not a dude!"The girl swings back around and flips us the bird before disappearing into the crowd of early morning traffic."Well, that was uncalled for," Lanie grumbles. "People need to calm the fuck down and get some manners."I grab Lanie's hand and yank her along before anyone else can crash into us. We don't need to start our Tuesday morning off with a fight."Dammit, I knew you were holding out on me!" Lanie shoots me a steely look before stabbing a finger in my direction. "I knew it!""I-""I'm going to stop you right there," she snaps, plowing a fist into my bicep."Ow!" I rub the spot and glare. Doe
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Chapter 32: Hunter
As soon as Skye crests the second-floor landing of the library, my gaze locks on her. Even from this distance, it's impossible not to notice that her face is contorted with anger. Or that her green eyes are flashing with fire. Or how about the way her hands are tightened into fists.Yup, the girl is definitely pissed off.Well...this should be fun.I lean back on my chair and patiently wait as she surveys the floor. When her gaze collides with mine, her eyes narrow, and her jaw locks before she stalks over to the table where I'm sitting.Rage shimmers around her.Skye Sinclair is a beautiful girl. But she's fucking gorgeous when she has a burr shoved up her ass. My guess is that there's a massive burr with my name on it.My cock twitches with every step that brings her closer. I almost rub my hands together with anticipation.An unsuspecting guy with his face buried in his phone nearly gets run over as she stomps by him. One corner of my mouth hitches when she arrives at the ta
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Chapter 33: Hunter
She's so damn wet that I nearly come all over myself. I rack my brain, trying to remember the last time I was this turned on, but I can't. I've screwed my fair share of girls over the years, but none have ever made me feel like this. It takes every ounce of willpower not to yank my shorts down and bury my cock deep inside her heat.My lips settle against her ear as she trembles beneath my touch. "Mmm, so fucking wet." I can't help but gloat as I pump my fingers in her. Skye continues to insist that she doesn't want me, yet her body is sobbing. "Go ahead and tell me again how much you don't want this. How much you don't want me to touch that sweet pussy of yours."She whimpers and drops her forehead to my chest."It's okay," I croon, never letting up on the pressure of my fingers. "You can let go."As I stroke her softness, I can't stop my mind from spinning.How many other guys have touched her like this?How many guys have touched what's mine?Those thoughts piss me off more
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Chapter 34: Skye
Lanie pushes her way through the crowd as we walk up the stairs, looking for empty seats in the student section of the football stadium. Not only is it game day but it's also against one of Claremont's biggest rivals, Clemson University. The energy in the stadium is electric. There are easily ten thousand rowdy fans filling the stands. Camera crews are busy setting up their equipment on the field. Reporters are making projections about who will come out victorious. It's been a long time since I've attended a CU game. I almost forgot what a big deal they were. Half the state will turn up for them, and the other half will be glued to their big screens.I glance across the bright green football field at the opponents cheering section. It's packed full of Clemson fans wearing orange and purple. I'm decked out in orange and black. Both Lanie and I have cougar decals on our cheeks.Up until this point, I've been successful at avoiding anything that has to do with football. Either
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Chapter 35: Skye
The memories disintegrate when Mason steps toward me, closing the distance between us. His proximity has my heart slamming painfully against my ribcage. Unlike Hunter, his brother's physical appearance hasn't changed. There are now lines bracketing his eyes, and his hair is longer than it once was, but other than that, he's still recognizable.My brain is screaming for me to retreat, but paralysis has set in, and my feet refuse to move. I remind myself that this man can't hurt me.I jerk my head into a tight nod and try to keep the nerves from vibrating in my voice. "Mason."He advances another step, closing some of the distance between us. I'm tempted to move backward but hold my ground instead. As I sift through the emotions in his eyes, one thing is for certain-he's not happy that I've returned. I'm sure he wishes that I'd kept my ass firmly planted in Wisconsin."So, you decided to move home, huh?" he asks.My muscles tense at the accusation that fills his voice. Where I
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Chapter 36: Hunter
Normally after a football game-especially one where we pull off a W against our biggest rival-there's a party at the beach. Since it looked like rain, the festivities have been moved to a house off-campus. Claremont has a massive football following, and everyone will come out to help celebrate.I glance at the chaos unfolding around me.All maybe these people like to party and will use any excuse to do so.It's not even ten o'clock, and this place is already packed and getting rowdy. Music blasts from outside where a live band is busy rocking it out. They're a group of guys from campus who play at a few of the local bars on the weekends. I've heard them before, and they're pretty decent. It's a mix of covers and their own music. Someone slaps me on the back as I shoulder my way through the crowd. "Awesome game, Price!"Thanks, pal.I have no idea who the guy is, but I give him a chin lift in acknowledgment."That was one hell of a spiral you threw at the end of the t
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Chapter 37: Skye
"You look seriously hot," Lanie says, dragging me by the hand as we head up the walkway to the house where a massive party is spilling out. "Doesn't she look hot, babe?"Lanie stares at Jaxon expectantly. His gaze slides reluctantly to me before he shakes his head and shrugs. "This feels like a trick question. Why don't you tell me what you want me to say, babe, and I'll say it. Wouldn't that be easier?""For Christ's sake, it's not a trick question." Lanie rolls her eyes and huffs out an exasperated breath. "Just tell her that she looks smoking hot!"Jax glances at me from the corner of his eye before muttering, "You look good, Skye."My lips tremble upward. "Thank you."As we reach the porch, Lanie stops and gives me a thorough once-over. I was subjected to several rounds of intense scrutiny before we left the townhouse twenty minutes ago. Without warning, she reaches out and yanks the top of my shirt down until an obscene amount of cleavage has been bared."Lanie!" I yelp.
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Chapter 38: Skye
Another noise breaks the silence, and I squint as a couple takes form. Moonlight streams through the unadorned window, and I catch a strip of hard male flesh as the girl shoves his T-shirt up before kissing her way down his chest.Neither of them is aware of my presence, which makes it the perfect time to sneak out. If this continues in the direction it's going, then I'm moments away from witnessing some guy get a blowie. But something holds me transfixed. The guy is tall and muscular, but I can't tell much more than that. His features are shrouded by shadows.When the girl drops to her knees, he tangles his fingers through her long mane of hair. There's the snap of a button before it's followed by the scrape of metal teeth as a zipper is dragged down. A rustle of clothing breaks the silence before he groans.The sound is like a lightning strike down to the tips of my toes.I know the sound of that voice.When I gasp, Hunter stills, and his head jerks upright. Maybe I can't see
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Chapter 39: Skye
It takes about fifteen minutes to make it home from the party. Should I have walked by myself? Probably not, but I was too upset to stop and make other arrangements. Once home, I jump in the shower and try to wash away everything that happened this evening with Hunter. For a night that started out full of promise, it turned to shit by the end. After my shower, I wrap up in my comfy white robe and brew a mug of hot tea. There's something about a warm drink that helps settle everything inside you.And if there was ever a time I could use that, it's now.As I sit on the couch, I try not to dwell on Hunter and the pain that continues to pound through me. But it's all I can think about. How can I love someone so desperately when all he wants to do is lash out at me? It doesn't make sense.I lift the mug to my lips and take another sip when there's a knock on the door.My belly hollows as I set the cup down on the coffee table. Even before I rise to my feet, I know who will be on t
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Chapter 40: Skye
"I want this." I draw him closer so that my fingers can slide from his shoulders to his neck before tunneling through his thick hair. "I want you."His lips are bruising in their intensity. It's as if he doesn't want to hesitate for a single moment or I'll change my mind.But that's not going to happen.His hands drop from my back to my ass before he lifts me so my legs can wrap around his waist as he walks us into the hallway."Which room?" he mutters against my lips."The one on the left."With our mouths fused, he carries me through the doorway before placing me in the middle of the queen-sized bed. His gaze doesn't leave mine as he grabs the back of his T-shirt and yanks it over his head before tossing it to the floor. Then he's back, his mouth roving hungrily over mine as his hands palm my breasts. His mouth slides over my chin before traveling south to my collarbone as he works his way lower."Do you have any idea how much I've missed these?" he murmurs against my warm fles
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