All Chapters of STay: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Chapter 81: Cassidy
##Chapter 81Book Two: Don't LeaveShe pulls away just enough to meet my gaze. "I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with us tomorrow morning?"In all the years I lived at home, Mom and my sisters would get up super early and hit all the Black Friday sales. Normally, I'd be playing in some turkey shootout tournament, but that's not the case this year, and suddenly, I'm glad for it. "I'd like that. Thanks for asking.""Great." Her eyes take on a sly look before she asks, "So, any plans with that foxy boy who gave you and Brooklyn a ride home yesterday?"My mouth drops open as I repeat with a fair amount of horror, "Foxy? Did you seriously just say that?"Her brows draw together as she says, "Isn't that the hip lingo all the kids are using these days?"I shake my head. "Um, no. And quite frankly, I don't want to hear that word come out of your mouth ever again." I shudder. "It's so wrong, it can never be right."Her lips twitch. "How about sexy? Is that better? Like
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Chapter 82: Cassidy
##Chapter 82: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveIt's slammed home Friday morning that getting up at the ass-crack of dawn to fight an overzealous crowd of crazed shoppers for a few sweaters and a cute pair of ankle boots is not my idea of a good time.Not only do we hit a few malls, but then I'm dragged against my will to Target and Walmart for more of this tortuous thing called Black Friday shopping.If I never hit another store for the rest of my life, it'll be too soon.The only thing that makes the experience bearable is the steady supply of caffeinated beverages shoved in my hand. Brooklyn also accompanies us on this miserable excursion. Unlike me, she seems to thoroughly enjoy the thrill of the hunt and excitement over every new discovery as much as the other demented people who are out and about before the sun has risen in the sky. In other words, she fits in perfectly with my mom and sisters.I have two words to sum up this day-Never.Again.I don't think I've ever felt more ex
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Chapter 83: Cassidy
##Chapter 83: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveLuke causally drapes an arm around my shoulders, making it clear that we're together. "Not much. How about you?"A hard glint enters Austin's eyes as he takes in how close Luke and I are standing. "Brook called, so I'm going to take her home." His narrowed gaze shifts to me. "You need a lift home, Cassidy?" He nods his head toward Brooklyn. "Since you're next door, we can drop you off."Unease blooms in the pit of my belly as I shift, wanting to defuse the thick, suffocating waves of tension that have fallen over the group.From beneath my lashes, I glance at Luke. At this point, we're just friends, but I'm sure Austin assumes differently. My heart trips, wondering if he'll mention it to Cole.Just as quickly, I wonder if it matters.My guess is that it doesn't."I'll take her home," Luke replies before tugging me a bit closer.It feels as if I'm in the middle of a pissing match between these two, which is ridiculous. Austin has no
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Chapter 84: Cole
##Chapter 84: ColeBook Two: Don't Leave"Someone's at the door, can you please answer it?" Mom yells from the kitchen where she's baking Christmas cookies.Already.That's not a complaint.It means I'll have more food to take back to school when I leave tomorrow afternoon. I pause, unable to rip my attention away from the big screen TV as the final seconds of the first quarter play out. The bell rings for a second time as the ball is being passed and-"Cole?" she shouts again.Except this time there's exasperation lacing her voice.And that's never good."I'm on it!"But not really.Fumble.Damn.With a shake of my head, I jog to the door and throw it wide open. Almost immediately, I wish I'd ignored it."Hi, Cole." The edges of her lips lift tentatively.When I remain silent, she shifts from one foot to the other before stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jacket."Hey," I force myself to say. If she thinks enough time has passed for me to forget about what happened betwee
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Chapter 85: Cassidy
##Chapter 85: CassidyBook Two: Don't Leave"I know exactly how long it's been." Even though I'd thought I was completely over her and what happened, I realize that it's still festering inside me like poison."I screwed up." Her eyes turn pleading. "And I hurt my best friend in the process."What sucks most is that Jackie had been my closest friend.I'd been ten years old when my dad died, and she's the one who sat up in the tree house with me for hours while I sobbed like a little girl. I still remember what it felt like to have her scrawny arms wrapped tightly around me, holding onto me for dear life as if I might float away if she didn't anchor me to the earth.I can picture her sitting on one of our lawn chairs while I slapped thousands of hockey pucks at the net in our driveway, attempting to channel all of my anger and rage toward something other than the drunk asshole who stole my father from me.In middle school, I made sure no one messed with her. Even though I wasn't a f
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Chapter 86: Cole
##Chapter 86: ColeBook Two: Don't Leave"So, what's the deal between you two?" Austin asks. "You two aren't together, are you?"The suspicion in his voice is clear.My gaze flickers to his. "No, we're just friends." Sort of. I guess. Maybe. It's all a bit tentative right now. And weird. But it's much better than hating her guts.His brows furrow as we walk to class.I'm aware of how Austin feels about Jackie.And none of it is good.He might not know her personally, but he was there when shit hit the fan last fall. He's the one who encouraged me to get back out there again. Up until that point, I'd never been with anyone else but her. For a couple of months, I made up for lost time in that department before deciding that random hookups weren't for me.He gives me a bit of side-eye. "You sure about that?""Yup." I have zero desire to travel down that road again.When I say nothing more on the topic, his muscles gradually loosen. "Glad to hear it."To fight off the wicked
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Chapter 87: Cassidy
##Chapter 87: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveI've spent most of today camped out at the library, with the exception of two classes. Now that Christmas break is right around the corner, it seems like almost every course has a paper due. My books are spread out all over the table as I tap away on my laptop.Every time I begin to feel overwhelmed, I close my eyes and inhale a deep breath. Once it no longer feels like my heart is being squeezed in a vise grip, I look over the list I've compiled to prioritize all my assignments.It's taken a lot of hard work to get my grades up to where they were before Thanksgiving break. I refuse to blow it now that we're in the homestretch. After my breakup with Cole, I'd let some of my classwork slide. Thankfully, Brooklyn was there to slap some sense into me, and I've been able to bounce back.Getting through that experience was tough, but it made me realize that life will always have its ups and downs. What's important is that you push through t
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Chapter 88: Cassidy
##Chapter 88: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveA smile lights up Luke's face as he pulls me into the warm circle of his arms. "I have about thirty minutes before I need to be at practice. What's up?"For a heartbeat I allow him to hold me before untangling myself from his embrace. "Do you mind if we grab a coffee and talk?""Sure."After we order our drinks, Luke hands the barista a few bills before I can grab the money from my purse."I've got it," I say, quickly digging through my wallet. "I'm the one who invited you for coffee. I should pay.""You can get the next one." When he winks at me, the barista sighs. "Don't worry, I'll hold you to it."A few minutes later, he grabs our coffees from the counter, and we head to a table nestled in the corner. Once settled, we both take a few sips from our mugs. The weather has only grown colder, and it feels good to warm up."How are classes going?" he asks. "All caught up?"Luke understands how stressful my breakup was with Cole becaus
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Chapter 89: Cassidy
##Chapter 89: CassidyBook Two: Don't Leave"Pass it to me!"I wind up and hit the puck to Cole who flies across the ice. The rubber disk lands right on the end of his stick as he races with it to the goal and flicks it into the net. We've been here for about thirty minutes, and it feels just like it used to. I love spending time with Cole on the ice, and over the last month, I've missed it.Missed him.As difficult as it was talking with Luke yesterday, I'm so glad I cleared the air. Even if nothing changes with Cole, I know that remaining friends with Luke is what's best for both of us.After I thought about it, I decided that maybe Cole was right, and I was allowing what happened last year skew my feelings for Luke. I didn't want to believe that was a possibility, but when I tried to separate my emotions for him, I wasn't able to do it.They were too deeply intertwined."Water break?"I nod as we skate to our water bottles on the bench. After removing our gloves, we toss them
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Chapter 90: Cassidy
##Chapter 90: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveOnce we're inside his room, he twists the lock and pounces, catching me around the middle and pressing me to him. When his hands settle on my ass, he hoists me up so that my legs can wrap around his waist. A growl rumbles up from his chest as I grind myself against him.His lips crash onto mine, and there is nothing gentle about how this kiss unfolds. "Too much clothing," I gasp."Agreed."His hands leave my bottom as I drop to the floor. My palms stroke over the solid planes of his chest before my fingers grip the hem of his T-shirt and I whip it over his head, tossing it over my shoulder. In the blink of an eye, my shirt also disappears. He removes my bra as I work the button and fly of his jeans. Even though his erection is still covered by his boxers, it springs forward. My thighs clench as I stroke my fingers over the hot length.I've missed this so much.Impatiently, he pushes the thick denim material down his hips and thighs b
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