All Chapters of one night stand.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Chapter 21: Liam
The night I took her home was a hookup, pure and simple. Neither of us were looking to jumpstart a relationship. I settle against the chair as her comments circle through my brain."It might have started out that way, but I'm interested in more. Haven't I made that clear?" Before she can open her mouth to respond, I continue in the same lazy tone, "And I'm an observant guy. I've already figured out a number of things about you."One skeptical brow rises as she stares at me from across the table. The challenging look she aims in my direction prompts me to say, "I know you teach second grade at North Hill Elementary. And, if you decided to go into education, then you must like children. No one in their right mind would agree to spend their entire day around kids if they didn't have an affinity for them. How am I doing so far?"My words do exactly what they're meant to which is bring a slight smile to her lips and a softening to her eyes. "All right, you caught me. I enjoy spen
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Chapter 22: Gia
He gives my hand a gentle squeeze. "I had a really good time tonight."Liam has had my fingers ensconced in his larger ones all evening. Someone needs to explain how it can feel so natural when this is the first time we've been out.We slept together a month ago...And then I fled the scene of the crime. This should feel awkward. Oddly enough, it doesn't.Liam is so open and affectionate. Kind of like it's no big deal. Even though I try not to, I can't help but compare him to my ex. Tyler was definitely not into public displays of affection. We never held hands when we were out and about. It's only now that I realize how much I like the feeling of my hand being buried in his larger one. The instant connection and intimacy it invokes.Or maybe it's just Liam.I don't know."Me, too," I admit.We're standing on the tiny covered front porch outside my house.Tonight has been surprisingly...nice.Better than nice, if I'm being honest with myself. I haven't thought about the diff
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Chapter 23: Liam
I glance at the bottle in my hand. I know zilch about wine. The best I can hope for is that the dude at the liquor store didn't steer me in the wrong direction by recommending this particular brand. As I reach out to ring the bell for a second time, Gia opens the door. The breath gets knocked from my lungs as our gazes collide. It's like this every damn time.I take her in, starting at the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Tonight, she's left her inky black hair long and loose. It cascades in glossy waves past her shoulders. It reminds me of the first night I saw her at O'Brien's.I'm considering the merits of dropping to my knees and thanking whoever designed the sweater she's wearing because it hugs her body in all the right places as it showcases the amazing curves of her breasts, making them look even softer than I remembered.It's probably not a good time to dwell on her pink-tipped nipples. Somehow, I doubt that popping wood within the first few minutes of her op
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Chapter 24: Liam
"I've never heard anyone describe wine as full of vigor," she says with a laugh. "What, pray tell, does that mean?"My lips tremble. It would appear that the jig is up. I shoot her a superior look. "Apparently, you don't know as much about wine as you thought you did. I hear vino described that way all the time." A giggle escapes from her before she calls me out. "Liar." Gia moves across the room before opening the fridge and pulling out a green bottle of beer along with a water. "I'm afraid these are your only options."Without a second thought, I nip the beer from her fingers. "Sold."An easy grin lights up her pretty face as we stare at each other. The moment stretches and lengthens. When she blinks, the energy that had been gathering strength between us shatters.She breaks eye contact, quickly moving away to peek in the oven. "The salmon should be ready in about fifteen minutes."A small pot boils away on the stove. My guess is that it's the quinoa. Not that I woul
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Chapter 25: Liam
Gia sits back and watches me with a small smile simmering around the edges of her lips as I continue to wolf down my dinner.Amusement flits across her face as she shakes her head. "I've never seen anyone eat like that before."One brow hikes up. "Did I mention that it's delicious?" I can't help but scoop up another mouthful."Yes, several times." She laughs before admitting, "And here I was worried you might not like salmon." Her gaze drops to my plate. "Or quinoa."I don't bother to mention that I've never had salmon before. It wasn't exactly standard fare at the Garrison household. If it wasn't ground chuck or chicken thighs that were snapped up on sale, it was too expensive for the likes of us."I love it.""Here," she forks the rest onto my plate, "take the last little bit." I should probably politely decline. Except, it's too damn good to refuse. And who knows when I'll enjoy another meal like this again.Because I'm a quick learner, I realize that getting her to talk
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Chapter 26: Gia
I'm ashamed to admit that I eavesdropped on Liam's conversation while cleaning up after dinner. The way he agreed to drop everything so he could take care of whatever was going on at his house only makes me respect him more. I don't know anything about his family situation, but my curiosity is piqued.Whatever happens tonight, I'll come out of it with a clearer understanding of who Liam Garrison is. And maybe that's what I need at this point. A little clarity.I sneak a quick peek at him as we drive. I'm not sure what it is about the dark-haired football player, but I'm drawn to him. Sometimes it feels like the more I discover, the more fascinated I become. He's not the guy I originally pegged him to be. There's an unexpected depth to him. An underlying seriousness.On the surface, he seems like an easy-going, college-aged guy blessed with both good looks and amazing athleticism. Not that I know how he does in school, but so far, he strikes me as intelligent. You have to be
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Chapter 27: Gia
When my gaze flickers to Liam, he gives me a grateful smile before tilting his head toward his father who has reclaimed his spot on the recliner."I need to talk with Dad for a bit."She nods before leading the way. Actually, it's a relief to escape from the living room and the oppressive energy.Even though it's a Friday night, the small kitchen table is littered with schoolbooks. My gaze roams over the mess before bouncing to her. Most girls Claire's age would already be out the door with her friends."Wow," I say. "You must be really dedicated to stay in on a Friday night and work on homework."The light shining in her eyes dims as she drops onto a chair, and I settle next to her. I don't remember if Liam told me what grade his sister is in. If I had to guess by the textbooks scattered across the table, I'd say middle school. One of the books splayed open is pre-algebra and most students take that course in eighth grade.She sucks in a breath before releasing a long sigh. It
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Chapter 28: Gia
"Are you sure about this?" There's a crushed gravel quality to his voice. It's all low and rough. Almost gritty.The thickness of it arrows straight down to my core before exploding upon impact."I'm sure," I murmur.Even though I told myself I wouldn't do this, here I am-standing in the middle of my living room with my arms entwined around his neck and his hands cupping my ass.When he gives my cheeks a hard squeeze, everything inside me riots painfully. Lust and longing clamor until every qualm that had been circling through my head when he first walked through my door earlier this evening is nothing more than a distant hum.With deliberate strokes, he brushes his mouth across mine. "I don't want to rush you into something you're not ready for." The flintiness of his eyes slice through mine in the darkness.I almost snort. If there's anyone rushing things around here, it's me. "You're not."His hands drift from my backside before slipping beneath the hem of my sweater and gli
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Chapter 29: Gia
"Did you really think that I was going to give it to you so quickly?" He slants a dark brow at me before leaning down and pressing a kiss against my soaked flesh. "Sorry, sweetheart, I'm going to make you work for it."I'm so close to splintering apart. My body trembles with the need to find its release. All I want is to feel the warm pressure of his mouth on me.I grit my teeth as a mixture of pleasure infused pain crashes inside me. "Liam," my tongue darts out to moisten my lips, "please?"His chuckle is strained around the edges. "Please what, baby? What do you want?"Arching my body toward him, I moan, "I want you to fuck me."As soon as those words fall from my lips, he groans. "Do you want it with my soft tongue or hard cock?"It's not a question I have to think about. "I need your cock."I want his thick erection buried deep inside me, pummeling me senseless. I want him to take me the way he did before. No man has ever fucked me like that. There was something almost.
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Chapter 30: Liam
An unexpected contentment fills me as I press her soft curves against my body.Last night...It was pretty fucking amazing.Hands down, the best sex I've ever had.In my entire life.And yes, I know I said that after the first time we were together, but this was like a hundred times better. It was crazy, almost unbelievably good. What I really want to do is wake her up and take her all over again. But I won't, because I kept her up pretty late.I don't know what it is about this woman that has pushed me over the edge. I really don't. After about ten minutes, Gia stirs in my arms before stretching her naked length against mine. The friction alone is enough to have me stiffening up."It's nice to actually wake up with you in my arms this time," I murmur. "No sneaking out at the crack of dawn."With a chuckle, she relaxes against me. The sound is deep and throaty. It does funny things to my insides. "It had seemed like a good idea at the time."I pull her close.
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