All Chapters of Love to Hate You.: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
56 Chapters
Chapter 41: Daisy
##Chapter 41: DaisyI jolt awake as a muscular body slides beneath the sheets. My eyes pop open and I find Carter's face hovering above mine."Hey," he says gruffly.The sound of his voice plucks something deep inside me before reverberating through my body. I reach out to touch him before remembering that I spent the afternoon hanging around the apartment, waiting for him to return so we could talk.But he never showed. This is the first I'm seeing of him.My hand falls back to the mattress.Could I have shot him a text to make sure everything was okay?Yeah, but there was no way I was doing that. The bottom line is that Carter and I aren't together. He's not my boyfriend. I'm not his girlfriend. He doesn't owe me any explanations. The situation between us is casual and neither of us have pushed for more than him slipping into my room at night to screw.Not only does that thought hurt my heart, but it solidifies everything inside me. Even though he's just woken me from a deep
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Chapter 42: Daisy
##Chapter 42: Daisy"So," I tilt my head and squint. "You're not going to tell me where we're going?" Carter skewers me with a glance and shakes his head. A smile clings to his lips. Every so often, our eyes catch and hold, sparks of desire flaring to life, before he jerks them back to the road.This is a first for us. We never go out in public together.Sure, we walk to class and sit next to one another, but there's always a distance between us. Everything about our demeanor screams friend zone. Which is exactly why girls still approach him. They flick their hair and flutter their lashes. They press their hands to his chest or trail their fingertips along his bicep. I might be standing next to him, but it's like I'm wearing an invisibility shield. As much as I want to growl and tell them to back the hell off, I can't.What am I going to say?That he's my secret boytoy and to keep their sticky mitts off my man?Not going to happen.Although, Carter doesn't encourage their be
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Chapter 43: Daisy
##Chapter 43: Daisy"Whenever I needed to get away from home and clear my head, this is where I'd go. Even now, when I'm at school and need a break, I'll take off and drive here for a while." He pauses for a beat. "I don't always set out with the intention of coming to the park, but this is where I always end up. There's something tranquil about the lake and woods."As those words sink in, I realize how special this place is to him and my heart cracks wide open. "Thank you for sharing this with me."He stares up at the cotton candy-like clouds as they float past."I've never brought anyone else here." He glances at me and then yanks his eyes away. "I've never wanted to."Instead of staying curled up in the crook of his arm, I roll toward him until I'm draped across his chest. "But you wanted to bring me?" My gaze fastens onto his, searching it for more than he's willing to admit."Yeah," he whispers.We might be the only two people in the park, but we keep our voices pitched l
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Chapter 44: Carter
##Chapter 44: CarterAs I pull out of the state park, my phone dings with an incoming message. I don't bother checking who it is. I'm not ready for reality to rear its ugly head. Instead, I glance at Daisy. She's still slumped on her seat with one hand shielding her face from view.I laugh, and she lowers her hand enough to glare."There's nothing funny about what just happened. I've never been more humiliated in my life," she grumbles."Well, had he stumbled upon us five minutes later," I interject. "I think this moment wouldn't have felt so bad."Daisy groans and buries her face in both hands. "I'll never be able to show my face there again.""I doubt it's your face that he'll remember."That comment earns me a whack on the chest."Ow," I laugh and rub the spot with my fingers. It doesn't hurt all that much. I take a worse beating out on the field every day, but I have the feeling that she'll hit me again if she doesn't think I've been properly chastised."I blame you for th
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Chapter 45: Carter
##Chapter 45: CarterMy grip tightens around the steering wheel until my knuckles turn bone white.What the hell is he doing at the house?He isn't supposed to be there.Mom filed for divorce along with a restraining order. He was served both last week, which pissed him off to no end. I went with her myself to the local police station to file the restraining order. He's a piece of shit that needs to disappear from our lives.As the tires eat up the pavement and bring us closer to school, Daisy remains quiet. Every so often, I feel the weight of her gaze resting on me. When she reaches out and threads her fingers through mine, it takes everything I have inside to tamp down the truth. I want to keep her as far from this dysfunction as I can. I'm embarrassed by the situation. Embarrassed that this is what I come from.That this is who I am.More than that, I fucking hate that there's the slightest chance I could turn out to be anything like my father. It makes me sick to my stoma
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Chapter 46: Carter
##Chapter 46: CarterThis has been one of the strangest days of my life.How else do you describe a twelve-hour period where you experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows?Throughout the whole damn thing, Daisy has been unwaveringly at my side. Somehow that made the worst of it a little easier to bear. The situation with my family has always been a dirty secret that I've gone to great lengths to hide. Having Daisy there as a silent onlooker, watching me as I subdued my father...that was beyond anything I could have envisioned. The hot licks of humiliation will forever be singed into my psyche. And yet, now that she knows the truth, it's like a crushing weight has been lifted from my shoulders.After all these years, I can finally suck in a full breath of air. Daisy's hand is secured in mine as we ride the elevator to the third floor. Today is a turning point and I want to get the rest of it over with. I want everyone to know that Daisy is mine.And that means shari
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Chapter 47: Daisy
##Chapter 47: Daisy"Yeah, sure." Carter nods and gives my fingers another squeeze before releasing them. "Where do you want to go?" "Not you," Noah snaps and stabs a finger in my direction. "I want to talk to her.""What?" Carter's brows jerk together as he glances at me in surprise.I'm just as thrown by the request. "Me?" I place a hand on my chest to clarify. "You want to talk with me?"Noah's scowl intensifies. I can't remember the last time I've seen him this angry. He looks ready to bust a nut."Yeah, you." He jerks his head toward my room. "Let's go."I catch Carter's gaze and shake my head in confusion. "Um, okay."This isn't the way I saw the conversation unfolding. Noah stalks to my bedroom and I trail after him before closing the door. I knew he would be mad. My cousin has always gotten bent out of shape when his friends or teammates looked sideways at me. So, this reaction was to be expected. Although I'd assumed he would want to have it out with Carter,
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Chapter 48: Daisy
##Chapter 48: Daisy"You need to back this truck up and start over again," Olivia demands over the loud noise of the stadium. "I want all the details in slow motion, so I can savor them more fully. Plus, I want to make sure you didn't leave anything out.""That's not necessary," I chuckle. "You're totally in the know.""Likely story." She huffs and slaps my thigh. "I still can't believe you were holding out on me like that!" She pauses for a beat. "This is huge."Even though we're sitting in the tenth row of the student section, with people jam packed around us, she manages to throw her arms wide, narrowly missing the guy sitting next to her. "Bigger than huge. Mega-huge.""Yeah," I wince. "I know."I probably should have clued Olivia in to what was going on with Carter, but how could I do that when I didn't know myself? Olivia and I have always confided in each other. We delved headfirst into our friendship the first week of freshman year and haven't come up for air since.
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Chapter 49: Carter
##Chapter 49: Carter"Great game, Prescott!""Dude, you owned that field today!"Hands pat me on the shoulder as I move through the crowd searching for Daisy. She hung around after the game to congratulate me and then took off with Olivia, saying they would meet up with us later.It amazes me that I went this long without Daisy and now all I want is her by my side.And her wearing my jersey this afternoon?Yeah, that was sexy as fuck.I'm sure she's changed into something more party-friendly, but I'm fantasizing about seeing her in my jersey and nothing else. Thinking about it gives me a semi.The plan for this evening is simple. I find her, we hang for an hour or so and make the rounds, then we head back home where I immediately strip her ass naked. Maybe have her throw on that jersey again.I stop and survey the crowd, but don't see her blond head anywhere. I'm just about to pull out my cell and track her down when a pair of female hands rove over my chest. My head snaps up, ho
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Chapter 50: Daisy
##Chapter 50: DaisyAs soon as Olivia and I walked through the door of this party, some guy glommed onto me and I haven't been able to shake him loose. He's not getting the hint that I'm not interested. My guess is that his inebriated state has something to do with it.Ugh.Even if I were single and ready to mingle, drunk guys are never on my radar.For one thing, they have the tendency to think they're hilarious. As if everything that spews from their mouth is comedic gold. Let me tell you from experience, it's not. Far from it. Half the time, you can't make heads or tails of what they're slurring.Two, they're usually way too handsy for my taste. I'm not a girl who likes to be manhandled. Unless, I give you the green light to manhandle me. Then I love it. But otherwise, forget about it. I'm liable to deck you. And lastly, there is no such thing as letting them down gently. They get all offended if you're not interested and either end up calling you a bitch or a dyke.Wh
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