All Chapters of Don Nikolai: Chapter 81 - Chapter 86
86 Chapters
My head was buzzing and my ears were ringing. There was an undeniable pain in my right leg and stomach. I was beginning to think I was in purgatory for all the bad things that I had done. I tried unsuccessfully to pry my eyes open.Every time I did that, my head hurt like small pins were being dropped on my head. I let out a groan when I was finally able to open my eyes. I was surprised when I saw darkness everywhere.If it wasn’t for the fact that I was sure that I had opened my eyes, I would have been doubtful of the fact that they were open. I tried to walk and that was when I registered that my movement was restricted.There were shackles on both my arms, pulling them apart like I was on a cross. My feet, on the other hand, were shackled to the wall behind me but they were closer together than my arms.Where the fuck was I?I tried to remember the events of the past few days but my memory was foggy and my thoughts were all over the place. I wanted to get out of that place that had
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First Suspect
“ You know something, don’t you? This can end right now or we can go all night. “ Lorenzo said and removed his coat for emphasis.He proceeded to fold the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows. I didn’t understand why he insisted on wearing a suit when he was only going to torture people. It was a waste of the perfectly tailored expensive Armani.We were in the basement of the new house and there was a man tied to a chair. It was only the three of us in the room. The man was believed to have known what happened to the estate. He was one of the guards who had survived.We had yet to find the rest and it begged the question of why they were hiding in the first place. I had made it my responsibility to know everyone who had died during the attack. Those who were survivors and hadn’t come forward were suspects.Before the man could speak, my phone rang and I headed out to pick it up. It was one of the suppliers and I prayed it was good news or else he would pay. My patience was thinner than
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As I was pacing wondering why the men we had sent to attack Bianchi’s estate had not arrived, my phone rang. I frowned as I looked at the screen because it was an unknown number. Who could it be?Thinking it could be new information regarding Nikolai, I was eager to answer it. I stepped away from Romano. Esposito had gone for a smoke so he wasn’t anywhere near where we were.“Hello, “ I spoke as soon as I placed the phone against my ear.“It’s Anabelle. I need you to make sure you are nowhere near the people around you. Walk away from everyone now. “ The voice on the other end said.I recognized that it was indeed Anabelle from her voice. I could recognize it anywhere. I put my hand on my mouth and did as she had instructed. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted anyone but my instincts told me I could trust her.“Where have you been? “ I asked, wondering why she had been missing all that time.“Look, I can’t talk for long. It was a trap. Bianchi is not an enemy. You can’t trust anyone. You’
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A plan...
Anabelle lowered the gun and placed it in the back of her jeans without taking her eyes off me. She proceeded to take my gun from the ground and unloaded it. She placed the bullets in her pocket and then tossed me the gun without any bullets.“Tell me what you meant when you said all my men are dead, “ I said, not wanting to beat around the bush.It was then that I realized how insensitive I was being. She had been through a lot and I hadn’t even heard what had happened to her yet I was prioritizing my needs over hers. I shook my head and gave her a soft look.“What happened Anabelle? One day I left you with Lorenzo, Viv, and Florian, and the next, I came back to find my mansion in ashes. What happened to your arm and where have you been?” I asked.She sighed and sat down on a rock. I followed her lead and sat beside her.“We were all in the mansion. Florian and I were in the basement interrogating someone when we heard the commotion upstairs. We stayed back and watched through the li
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Saving him
“We will attack from this point right here and then Luca and the other men will go from the back. Make sure all your coms are working when we get there. If you encounter something, you tell us. “ I instructed.Esposito and Romano were standing on either side of me looking at the map I had. Thanks to a tip, we had a possible location for where they were keeping Nikolai and I was determined to find him.“So-““Why is nobody looking for Lorenzo? “ Viv asked from the door. I turned to face her with a hard glare on my face as I crossed my arms against my chest.“You’re not allowed in here, Viv. Why are you here?” I asked even though I had heard her previous statement.She scoffed and came deeper into the room, making me fold the map and hand it to Luca. With a nod of my head, he understood what I was saying and he left.“I asked where Lorenzo is. Last I heard from him, you sent him on a mission and he never came back. That was three days ago. Why aren’t you looking for him?” Viv asked.I d
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The end
My eyes felt heavy but my ears were alert. I heard the beeping of machines and the voice of a woman speaking. Was I finally in heaven? I knew if that shit was real, I was going to hell for all the horrible things I had done.“Is he going to be, okay? “ I heard an angelic voice ask. It sounded awfully familiar like I should have known who it belonged to but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Why did it sound so sweet and inviting?“He will be. He should wake up any day now. “ A male voice replied.For some reason, I wanted to hit the male and tell him to stay away from my angel even though I couldn’t see how close they were.“You said that last week, “ the angel said with a sigh. There was sadness in her voice and it broke my heart. I had to open my eyes to look at her.When my eyes finally cooperated, there were white walls everywhere and two people in a corner. One of them was wearing a blue dress and her copper hair was in a messy bun.That was the moment we made eye contact and sh
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