All Chapters of Chase Me Again, Mr. Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 32
32 Chapters
As everyone notices that Bella’s water has broken, Bella and Elise remain calm. Meanwhile the men are in a state of panic. Elise goes and grabs clothes for Bella and her bag. Bella goes into the bathroom in one of the guest rooms on the main floor. She quickly changes her clothes after a quick shower. Elise is laughing because the men are stuck on the doorway and have no idea what to do. They are just standing there like statues. Bella come out of the bathroom and is fully dressed and ready to go. Her contractions are not that far apart yet and she knows she still has some time. Elise and Bella have been reading many books on Labor and Delivery as well as pregnancy. They have had pretty good pregnancies. They didn’t have as many symptoms as they have read about which made them happy. Elise pregnancy was a little bit harder. She had to be relaxed most of the time and on some bed rest. She was not allowed to be on her feet as much either due to her pregnancy being high risk. People
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4 Months Later Bella and Elise are in a room getting ready together. It has been about 4 months since the twins were born. Having twins is not easy. They thank their parents everyday for getting them a nanny. If it was not for the nannies that they have they would not be able to function properly. Bella and Elise took 6 months off of work after they had their babies. They got back to their pre baby weight but it was hours of gym time with their husbands. Alex and John have been so patient with them not only throughout the pregnancy but even with the twins. They love their children and it shows. They don’t mind getting up with their wives for the children in the middle of the night. There are nights when the women in both mens lives don’t feel like they are enough. They feel like they are not the best mothers because sometimes the babies cry and they don’t know how to soothe them. But the men sit with them and hug them and tell them that sometimes babies just cry and they are doi
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