All Chapters of The Forced Breeder of the Lycan King : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
74 Chapters
Chapter 31
The inner walls began to crack, red light shined through, accompanied with a great scream that shook the Earth's foundation as a Being emerged, in human form, 6ft, long black hair, red eyes."Carla didn't gain any abilities either, we finally… Carla's distracted."Did you feel that? Like the earth shook right under my feet", Imelda asked. "I did. Something's not right. Tomorrow we'll contact the BTG". Alberto replied.You're welcome back to the land of living, Scourge", said Sebastian, the most loyal follower and leader.At the break of dawn the wolves and vampire began their journey to Imelda and Alberto. They hid in the bushes beside the house and hoped Alberto and Imelda hadn't lost their ability to sense the presence of immortal beings.Alberto woke up abruptly, Imelda woke up almost immediately."They're here, do you think they're rebels?" Imelda asked."Only one way to find out". Alberto said in response.As soon as they went outside the BTG members came out.A new prophecy was
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Chapter 32
Dona continued, paying so much attention to Carla. With a grin on her face, she tapped on Carla on the arm."I'm happy for you love, come on, let's go celebrate, I could order pizza " She suggested, as noticed Carla was occupied with something else."Am I missing something here? What are you looking at?" She asked as she touched Carla who was startled by it."Yo! Are you good?" Dona asked, confused."I thought...I..", Carla stammered."It must have been my imagination, sorry, never mind", she continued as she laughed nervously."What were you saying?" Carla asked as they walked home."Would you love me to Order pizza to celebrate?" Dona repeated."Yeah, do that, and my favorite milkshake", Carla said suddenly distracted by something she saw run down the alley."Did you see that?" Carla said, alarmed."See what? I was on my phone, trying to order a Pizza. It'll arrive in ten minutes so we better hurry", Dona said, rather less concerned."Look down the Alley," Carla directed her friend'
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The test
THE TEST It's a new day, Carla was woken up by the Sun's light which shined in her face, and the chirping of excited birds."Urgh," Carla sighed as she yawned and struggled to get up."I really hope this day brings nothing weird and out of the ordinary again or I might just slump", she murmured in frustration.She brushed her teeth, had her bath while singing her favorite song, the only song she doesn't know who taught her, but it had a way of making her calm when she was tense."Carla, breakfast's ready, come before it gets cold", Aunt Jasmine called out from the kitchen."I'll be right there Aunt, i'd just finish up my hair routine and come right down", she replied at the top of her voice.Jasmine is a sorceress, Carla was put in her care after the death of Imelda and Alberto. She has taken care of Carla greatly so that she doesn't lack the love of a parent.Finally she was downstairs, took a sip of her coffee and had a seat ."Weird", Jasmine remarked."Mm?" Carla was almost chok
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Chapter 34
THE INSIGHT (1183)The Scourge walked to the dungeon where he kept Baran. With the speed of a lightning he went into the dungeon and lifted Baran up by the neck, choking him."Are you ready to talk now, or i might just choke you to death, obviously your so called allies have forgotten about you", Scourge threatened."There has been no change in the prophecy, I don't know the identity of the chosen one. Even if I did, give me one good reason why I will tell you". Baran said while looking directly at the Scourge and trying to free himself from his grasp.The Scourge threw Baran across the room. Baran shrugged in pain."Then I know what to do. I'd kill every 20 years old girl, vampire or werewolf. Let's see if she still wouldn't show herself or try to save her people! He cackled as walked away.The telephone rang."Jasmine, Baran is missing. He was last seen 3days ago after he revealed the prophecy. Do your card thingy, check if you could see where he is", the Scourge said."Okay I will
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The Night chasers
THE NIGHT CHASERS(1557)"Why don't you give the Scourge Carla? She's of no use to us!" Melissa whispered with assertion."What do you mean Melissa?" Sandro inquired while looking around to make sure no one was hearing.Melissa was the wife of Sandro. She had always wanted power for herself and her husband. Now they have it, she was not ready to let a little girl take it away from them. If there was anyone who's name was going to be written in the history of both vampire, werewolves and downworlders, it was Sandro."She has no power, or abilities to fight the Scourge, talk more of her being the savior," she continued."The prophecy never lies", Sandro said."The prophecy does change!" She replied .Almost putting her head in his face she continued."Our actions determine what the outcome of the Prophecy is. Baran is not even here to tell us if there's been a change. The Scourge won't stop his killings until he gets what he wants. How many more deaths can your conscience take? All for p
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Chapter 36
KATRINA'S DEATH (1517)It was late at night, a little girl of age twelve was walking back to the shelter where she lived singing to keep fear away. She stumbled upon a stone and fell to the ground. Blood oozed out."Oh no", she struggled to stand up.Inhales air,"Dinner!" the vampire said, licking its lips as it immediately sped off.Lucas was back, he headed to the shelter with his sister's favourite chocolates because he was able to make extra income. He went to their room but she was not there."Ma'am Felicidad, have you seen my sister?" Lucas asked, as worried lines made their way to his forehead."Not yet, she went to the market to sell some clothes she has outgrown. She wants to help you out Lucas", Felicidad replied."Okay ma'am, I'd just go look for her. Thank you". He replied as he ran along.He got to the market but she had left. So he took the other route that led to the shelter."Katrina! Where are you?" Lucas called out but got no answer. He suddenly hears screaming from
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Chapter 37
THE MYSTERIOUS JAKE(1527) Lucas was turning and tossing, sweating profusely. "I will always love you. save him!""She has been bitten! Ruuuuuun!!!" He screamed as he woke up, breathing fast like someone who just ran a marathon.Sis Felicidad ran into his room in fear because she had been hearing his screams. She sat beside him, rubbing his hair to calm him down."What is wrong, my child? Did you have a bad dream?" She asked, with concern written all over her face."Yes, but, it felt so real ma'am Felicidad." Lucas said while he tried to catch his breath."What did you see dear?" She asked."A pregnant woman, there was also a commotion, a few people were running away, while some stayed. It's all so vivid, so I can't really say.""It's just a dream my dear." Sis Felicidad convinced him."It's 5am, get some more sleep, since you're still on leave. You will be fine, my child." She said, pat him on the shoulder and left.Lucas found it hard falling back asleep but he did eventually.Carl
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Chapter 38
SAVE THE COMMISSIONER AND CONGRESSMAN (1628)"Jake?" Carla asked, as she definitely was not expecting to see him."Carla hi, are you okay?" Jake asked as he checked her body for any visible bruise."I'm fine." She said as she pulled herself from his grasp."Were you following me?" She asked because she hates being stalked."Definitely not! I saw some strange movements in the alley, I figured it was some damned creature lurking around and I decided to follow it. Thankfully I came at the right time". He said."Can I walk you home?" He asked.Jake couldn't bear to leave Carla, especially not after she almost got bitten by a vampire."No thank you. I'd do just fine on my own, goodnight." She said as she waved to him.Jake contemplated on going home or following her. He followed her until he saw her get into a house which he considered her home, and left for his house.Carla walked into the dark sitting room, then slowly found her way to the fridge to get a cup of juice. She gulped on it s
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Chapter 39
ONE THING LED TO ANOTHER (1504)"Supreme one, we have brought a gift for you, you will like it." Fernando sounded unsure of what he just said."And what is that?" The Scourge asked with his back turned against them."The.. c- congressman", Fernando stuttered."And the Commissioner?" The Scourge asked.Fernando refused to keep talking and poked Zayn to talk. The Scourge turned to look at them."He was a- able to get away f- f- from us". "You're useless!" The Scourge yelled and they were thrown across the room."A group hindered us from getting the Commissioner. They caught us off guard and outnumbered us. We are sorry. " Fernando said."A group? Were they mortals?" The Scourge asked, more interested."Yes they were, but they had instruments capable of killing Vampires. They were also very fast." He reported."The Guardians, they are the only ones who have trained humans to be strong enough to fight the vampire or any of my creations. I killed all of them, except they've started recrui
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Chapter 40
THE INFILTRATION, REVEAL, DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF CARLA (1536)Carla tried to turn but felt pains all over body, especially on her face. She slowly opened her eyes to see her aunty looking at her like she almost died."What happened?" Carla asked as she tried to sit up."You almost got yourself killed when you ran into the road. The Good Samaritan brought you home, thank your God he is not a pervert." Jasmine said."Did you get his name?" Carla asked."No I didn't", Dona said as she walked in with 3 cups of tea and slices of bread. "Tell us what happened", Jasmine curiously asked.Carla told them about the ordeal and her new mission. In two days her bruise should be healed a bit so she could wear makeup and begin her mission. Carla's aunty, Jasmine, already contacted her work place to take a three days break. Carla also dropped a text to the night chasers to let them know about her ordeal.Since Lukas woke up, he couldn't stop himself from worrying about Carla. During his lunch bre
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