All Chapters of Fallen Apart: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
NIXON'S POVI developed a banging headache as I read the article that was posted that morning and it disturbed me the more because I knew I couldn't do anything to take it down. As expected Lena was pissed about it but I managed to convince her that everything would be fine when I wasn't even sure of what to do. My only hope was to make Dave talk his parent into taking the article down, which might not work if Dave refuses to talk to his parent or if his parent refuses to listen to him. But I was more scared of the latter than the former.After Lena left, I decided to call it a day and leave but instead of going home, I drove towards the outskirts of the city to see Dave. I didn't want to delay things any longer. The faster that article is gone, the better things will be for Aria. Dave had put her through a lot in the few months she had been in Chicago, she deserved to be happy again.I was halfway toward the forest when my phone vibrated in my pocket. My eyebrows scrunched together
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XAVIER'S POVThe first I did when I returned to Pittsburgh was visit my parent's grave. I apologize over and over for being an unfilal son. Their murderer was walking free out there but there was nothing I could do to punish him for his crimes. It wasn't that I didn't want to take action and put him behind bars but there was no point in wasting my effort when I knew he was never going to prison with his 00parents standing protectively behind him except he confesses himself. TWO MONTHS AGOAs I was about to start my car, I noticed the blonde officer stepping out of the building and making her way toward my car. She looked behind her and at each side of her before she opened the passenger door and climbed in."What's going on?" I watched her with confusion written all over my face. She took my hand and placed a piece of paper in my palm "This is the address of the store owner's parents in New Jersey. His name is Scott Morgan. His family might be able to lead you to him. Once you find
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DAVE'S POVStill hiding in the cabin, I kept pondering on the effect that my decision would have on the people around me. First was my parent, they did everything to protect me and I didn't want to make all their effort go down the drain.It was already enough for them that they lost the son they could rely on and was left with me who did nothing but oppose them at every chance I get and caused problem. I didn't want them to feel the pain and sadness of losing another child, no matter how useless that child had been to them.And on the other hand, was Aria, who I had hurt the most with the love I had for her. As each day passed, I couldn't help but ask myself, if I had told Aria and everyone the truth at that time and gotten my punishment, would she have forgiven me and understood that I made a mistake? Or would she have less hatred for me? Those were questions that could never be answered unless I turned back the time. Bringing the truth to light would shatter my parent into pieces
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ARIA'S POV"Are you sure you will be okay by yourself or do you want me to go with you?" Lena asked for the tenth time that morning as we drove closer to the airport. I had planned on taking a train back to Pittsburgh as usual but Nixon refused and insisted I take a flight back, claiming it was more faster and more convenient. There was no way I could reject his offer when he already booked the plane ticket with my details through Lena's help behind my back. Lena stopped the car in front of the airport, and I put on my face mask and my hood over my head before coming out of my car. "Be careful, and call me when you arrive home," she said before I walked away from the car, dragging my suitcase behind me.She couldn't escort me inside the airport because she was scared of any reporter spotting her and following her back to Nixon's place. It would not only make things difficult for her that she would be mobbed by reporters all the time but it would put Nixon in a tight spot with the M
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DAVE'S POVWalking out of my cabin, all that was going through my head was to make things right for Aria. She was suffering too much because of me and it had to stop. I went out of the woods and got into my car which was parked at a hidden spot before driving back into the city.When I got to my destination which was my parent's house, I didn't bother driving in because I would be leaving for the company soon. As I walked through the gate, I ignored the staff who were greeting me because I was boiling with anger and I wanted to avoid transferring aggression."Dave, you're here," Mrs. Johnson greeted me with a warm smile as I walked into the living room but the smile dropped when I didn't return the gesture."Where are my parents?" I asked with a blank expression."They are in their room." She pointed to the stairs with her confused gaze on me. I moved to walk past her but she stopped me. "Don't blame them too much, they are only trying to protect you." "But it shouldn't be at the exp
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ARIA'S POVAs I walked out of the airport, I saw Xavier resting against his car, typing away on his phone. When I was close enough, I called his name as I removed the hood over my head. "Hey, little sis." He smiled as he took my bag from my hand. "How was your flight? It wasn't too scary, was it?""Not at all," I replied.He put the bag in the trunk and I got into the passenger seat. "Are you okay?" Was the first thing he asked when he took the driver's seat."I won't lie and say I am" I leaned into my seat. "I'm desperately trying to be fine but it's like the Mendez don't want me to be happy even for a moment." He sighed and looked ahead. "I'm sorry that you have a coward as a brother. Just like before I was never there for you when you needed me the most." I took his hands in mine. "Don't say that, you did what you could. If not for you, I would have married him without knowing the truth. It's not your fault that we are not powerful enough to fight against them but if there's one
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NIXON'S POV"What's going to happen now?" Lena asked as she stepped into my office. I returned to my office with a banging headache after I managed to calm everyone down after the meeting with Dave. The phones in the media department were blowing up with calls and questions about the new article they released. As they were not able to give any reasonable explanation, they had to ignore all the calls.The most frustrating part was that I had no idea what to say to Mr. Mendez. He has been calling me so nonstop that I was forced to switch up my phone. If I was able to predict the future and find out that I would end up in a situation like this when Dave took up the position of the CEO of Styles, I would have done everything in my power to stop that from happening. But it was too late to regret."I have no idea." I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm completely blank right now." "How could Dave run off like that after putting everyone in such a horrible situation? Isn't he supposed to
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ARIA'S POVMy brother and I were stunned that we couldn't move from our positions and say a word when the news about Dave ended. I never once imagined that Dave would confess his crime himself when he had already gotten away with it. At first, I thought it was part of Xavier's plan but seeing how shocked he was, I could tell that he also had no idea about it. "Why are guys looking so shocked at a restaurant commercial? Haven't you seen a large-size pizza before?" Savannah's voice brought us back to reality.I blinked and moved my eyes away from the TV that was indeed showing a commercial for a pizza shop. I turned to Savannah with disbelief written all over my face."He confessed.""Who confessed?" She gave me a confused look."Dave," I replied and her eyes widened. "He went to the police station and told them the truth concerning Mom and Dad.""You are not joking with me, are you? Who in their right mind would confess to a crime that they already got away with? You must be seeing
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XAVIER'S POVAs much as I wanted to believe my sister that Dave confessed out of guilt my inner mind didn't want to trust him. My sole purpose of going to the police station was to talk to Dave. I wanted to know what his intentions were. I didn't think I would be able to tolerate it if they tried to do anything that might harm Aria again.I didn't want to confront Aria about it but deep down in her heart, I knew she still cared about Dave, even if it was a little bit. She wasn't sure if she could handle Dave being imprisoned for the rest of his life. It was a trait of Aria to still care about people even after they wronged her, especially people who meant so much to her. She found it hard to throw away people, so I understood her predicament. Her situation with Dave was different from others which was why she wanted to pretend as if she didn't care what happened to Dave but her act couldn't fool me. Despite not being invested in her life like a big brother should, I still knew her l
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ARIA'S POVSavannah and I finished preparing dinner then I sat in the living room waiting for my brother to return. I was typing away on my phone when Savannah returned to the living room after changing Aurora's diaper. "Ari, can I ask you something?" she asked as she sat on the couch opposite me."Sure, what is it?" I put my phone down to give her my undivided attention."Do you want Dave to go to jail?" "Is that even a question?" I raised my eyebrows at her. "Of course, I want justice for my parents."She rolled her eyes at me. "That was not the question I asked you. I know you want justice for your parent but are you okay with the fact that Dave might be spending the rest of his life in jail?" I remained silent as I didn't have the answer to that question. She took my silence for an answer and continued, "You still have feelings for him, don't you?""What?! No." My eyes widened. "Why on earth would I still be harboring feelings for a man who is responsible for the death of my p
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