All Chapters of Chloe's Werewolf Journey: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
36 Chapters
New friendship
Paul introduced Chloe to all his friends, who seemed very nice, but they had something odd. Chloe didn't know what, but she felt something about them, but it was not the same with Paul.He seemed to be pure and honest, a nice young man with whom every girl would dream to marry.Chloe started to feel good around Paul, she would feel safe and almost forgot how heartbroken she was.After an entire day of hanging out with Paul's friends, he took Chloe to a bar, just the two of them.When Chloe asked why his friends didn't join them, Paul shortly replied that the bar was off limits for them and that he would tell her the entire story another time, as then he just wanted to relax and chat only with her, while drinking a beef together.Chloe didn't insist, as she respected Paul, and ordered two beers, which she drank in a few minutes leaving Paul surprised.There was a tall, muscular man who didn't take his eyes off Chloe. Paul noticed that and went straight to him, asking him if there was a
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Big news
After having amazing sex, Chloe got hungry but was a bit ashamed to face her mom and brothers after all the noise she made with Jonas, so she asked Jonas to fetch her two sandwiches.Jonas knew why Chloe wouldn't go herself, so he told her that they should go together and face her family, and also apologize for the noise.When Nicholas saw them both, he couldn't help but laugh. Chloe asked him what was so funny, and Nicholas wanted to tell her that she sounded like a strangled cat, but Andrew soon interfered and told her that he told him a very good joke.Chloe knew that her brother Nicholas would make fun of her, but she decided to let things be the way they were, and just sincerely apologize to her mother for being so rude.Agatha accepted Chloe's excuses but also warned her to not repeat it under her roof."-I see that something good came out from your experience, your ankle is fine. Glad to see that. Agatha told Chloe.-Yes, Mom, I am perfectly fine, thank you." Chloe replied.Ch
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Jonas was worried that maybe Chloe was allergic to the flowers that he gave her, but couldn't believe her allergy could be that severe, so after Chloe started to feel better, he asked her to be honest with him and tell him what was going on.Chloe was weak, but she wasn't ready to confess to Jonas that she was carrying his child, instead, she told him that it was just a bad allergy.Hearing that, Jonas felt very guilty, asking Chloe to forgive him as he wasn't aware of that.Agatha was quiet, as she didn't agree with Chloe's decision to hide her pregnancy from Jonas, he was after all the father of the baby and deserved to know."I need some water please!" Chloe asked Jonas, and as soon as she took two sips, she threw it up again, her nose bled, but this time it wouldn't stop.Jonas wanted to rush Chloe to a hospital, but Agatha warned him that their only doctor was gone for two weeks, and the nurses wouldn't have been able to help Chloe."-Then what shall we do? We can not let her blee
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Inner battle
Chloe didn't think that Jonas would leave her at Olivia's place so easily, as he was quite stubborn, not to mention jealous. She could tell that Jonas was jealous of Paul, even if he didn't mention it, she could see it in his eyes.Days went by and Chloe seemed to be ok. Paul and Olivia were paying lots of attention to her and her needs, making Chloe feel safe and loved.After a while, Olivia needed to do another healing spell on Chloe, as she started to feel very sick again.Chloe was really happy to know that a baby was growing inside of her, she didn't care about any possible consequences, being determined to put the baby's life over her own.When a month went by, Chloe knew it was time for Jonas to visit her, so she didn't go to bed early, just to wait for him.Hours passed, but still no sight of Jonas. Chloe started to get worried, thinking of the worst that could have happened. She tried to call everyone but had no luck, there was no receipt that night. It was like a bad sign fo
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Everyone was devastated and didn't know what more they could do to bring Chloe back to life.Jonas rushed outside, turned into a werewolf, and run madly to the forest, howling like he never had.Olivia rushed with Agatha to search through all the books, hoping to find something that could help them perform any kind of magic that should help Chloe.Nicholas and Andrew helped their mom too, leaving just Paul with Chloe's body.Paul took Chloe's hands, concentrating so hard to create a link to Chloe's mind, succeeding shortly.It was all dark inside Chloe's mind, but Paul kept digging until he saw a pink light. He got closer and closer to it, just to find Chloe on her knees with a baby in her arms, smiling with all her heart.Paul sat next to her and asked her if that was her baby. Chloe looked into Paul's eyes and replied affirmatively.It was then that Paul noticed that Chloe's eyes were pink, and the baby was just a doll.He tried to explain to Chloe that she needed to let go and go w
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Chloe thanked Olivia and Paul for everything that they have done for her and told them she would never forget that she owed them her life.After that, she turned to her mother and brothers and expressed her gratitude toward them for being such an amazing family.Agatha took her hands into hers and said to Chloe that she knew she might need time to heal, and that she wouldn't be upset if she would decide to leave far from her.Chloe smiled at her mother, then hugged her tightly telling her that she would be close enough to them.Jonas talked to Chloe's brothers, promising them that he would do his best to protect Chloe from every harm.Paul asked Chloe to speak to her in private for a few minutes, which Chloe agreed to, despite Jonas's jealous look.Chloe hugged Paul and thanked him again for being such a wonderful friend. Paul looked sad and told Chloe that he would miss her deeply, then he became quiet, with a thinking face, which Chloe could see through."-What is it, Paul, please t
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True feelings
Seeing that they were all alone, Paul tried to kiss Chloe, but she walked away. Jonas saw that and got angry, he couldn't help but barge inside the house.Chloe heard the loud noise and went to see what it was about. As soon as she touched the door handle, Jonas opened the door and went beside Chloe straight to Paul's throat.He started squeezing his throat and yelling how he dared to try and kiss Chloe.Chloe quickly interfered and stopped Jonas from hurting Paul. Paul wasn't scared, he coughed twice and then went in front of Jonas and confessed that he loved Chloe.Chloe blushed, and Jonas punched Paul straight in the face leaving him unconscious. Chloe yelled at Jonas to stop, asking him why he did that, as she loved him, not Paul. Jonas was angry and upset at the same time, telling Chloe that he knew that it was more to it and that she might love them both.Hearing that, Chloe decided to confess to Jonas, that indeed they kissed one time, and thought there were feelings in the
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The golden totem
Chloe was so happy that her love was safe and sound again. Jonas kissed her with passion, and then asked her what exactly happened while he was turned into stone.Chloe was afraid to tell Jonas the truth, as she knew that he would make Paul pay anyway, even if Paul was not himself while he did every bad thing those past few days.Chloe was thinking about how to explain to her love what happened and stop him from killing Paul. Jonas noticed that Chloe was thinking and that something was wrong, so he took her hand and promised her that no matter what happened she could tell him and that he wouldn't get mad at her.Chloe thought very well and she decided to ask Jonas to give her one day to settle everything, without giving him details and promised him that everything would be perfectly fine and that they would return to his cabin after that day.Jonas was having huge doubts about it, but he gave Chloe the day that she asked for, and used that so he could sleep and regain all of his stren
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The Full Moon Revelation
Olivia smiled, understanding the significance of the moment. She had never revealed the existence of her secret door to anyone, but she knew that helping Chloe and Jonas escape was the right thing to do. She offered them a drop of her blood, which would allow them to access the door and transport them anywhere they desired.Relieved and grateful, Chloe and Jonas prepared to leave with Olivia's assistance. Olivia's only condition was that they spare Paul's life. Jonas agreed, realizing that this was a small price to pay for the chance to help Chloe.As they prepared for their journey, they knew that the next full moon would bring about a pivotal moment in Chloe's life. With courage and determination, she would embrace her true self and become the werewolf she was destined to be.Olivia placed a hand on Chloe's shoulder, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and admiration. "Remember, Chloe," she said, her voice soft but firm, "this is your moment to let go of the fear and embrace your
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Unearthed Desires
Chloe had embraced her werewolf nature, and the bond with Jonas and his pack brought her a sense of belonging and happiness she had never known before. She felt the thrill of running through the woods under the moonlight, the earth beneath her paws, and the wind in her fur. Yet, despite her joy, an unsettling feeling gnawed at the edges of her consciousness.As days turned into weeks, Chloe couldn't shake the sensation that something deep within her remained unfulfilled. It was as if a part of her being still lay dormant, waiting to emerge. She pondered over this with Jonas by her side, but even he couldn't explain the elusive sensation."Maybe it's just a matter of time," Jonas suggested, running a comforting hand along Chloe's back. "Becoming a werewolf is a significant transformation, and it can take time for all aspects of your nature to harmonize."Chloe nodded, wanting to believe his words, but the restlessness persisted. She couldn't help but wonder if there was more to her ide
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