All Chapters of Accidentally Pregnant for the Alpha CEO: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
207 Chapters
An option?
An hour later, and Anna was driven to the building where Damon supposedly lived. As she walked, she was flanked by two Hunters, each of whom looked more like hit men with the way they all looked extremely muscular and full of an intimidating aura. Surprisingly to the redhead, she didn’t feel intimidated at all by them, only a little amused.Whether it was the fact that she had given up all reasons to be afraid of the Hunters, or that she was bo longer just a mere human, either way, she didn’t mind the company, as they entered the elevator. The quiet gave her space to think and formulate a plan of action.If she could get to convince Damon that she would stay away from this fight between the werewolves and Hunters, then perhaps he would agree to help her.If he didn’t…Anna didn’t want to think about the possibility of Damon dismissing her. She didn’t believe he was incapable of being reasonable just yet. He was a Hunter, bot a psychopath, right?As the elevator doors opened, Anna took
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Tell me anything.
Anna’s heart sank as soon as he said those words and her mind began to whirl as she looked back over her shoulder and glared at him.Damon looked incredibly unbothered as he continued to peel almonds and pop them into his mouth, with his sleeves rolled up and like this was a friendly hangout.“What is that supposed to mean?” She asked him, her voice coming out shaky, a result from the compounded frustration, anger and fear that shot up in her at the mention of her children. What kind of games was Damon Erikson playing this time?It took everything in her to not flinch when he finally looked up at her, gazing through her and shattering the facade of calm she had with his cold, dead eyes.“I already know where all the packs in this city are located, Anna,” he stated without hesitation. “It’s only a small obstacle that prevents me from going into it right now and burning everyone and everything in it to the ground. If I want, I can have it searched soon and the packs will be found and ki
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Time for some actions.
After Ethan finished explaining, the Alpha was left at a loss, speechless for a couple of seconds.“So that’s what happened, brother. She couldn’t stay here even if you wanted her to,” Ethan folded his arms across his chest. The blow to his cheek had mostly healed but there was still a faint twinge every time he moved his jaw, and he longed to get his lick in with William.William scowled as soon as he heard his younger brother’s words. He was still processing what Ethan had said - about Anna’s experience being injected by a strange substance, and how s had changed. He still was reeling from it, but he couldn’t let Ethan win.“Was that your fucking decision to make, Ethan? Or mine?” William growled at his brother. They were alone in the study, having moved to avoid their mother as she had awoken. He slammed his hand in the desk and it shook. “You took this decision without my fucking permission. Forcing my mate to leave?!”“Do you expect her to stay regardless?” Ethan raised his hands
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Cut off.
Alpha Drake was nothing short of fuming as he pushed through the guards of Alpha William’s mansion and began to raise his voice angrily.“Where is that Alpha?! Come out, Alpha William!” He snarled. His voice echoed through the foyer and it caused chaos as the former Luna and Ethan came down t he steps, each with varying expressions of dread.“You,” Ethan blinked at the sound of Alpha Drake’s hiss as an accusing finger was pointed right at him. “Where has that brother of yours gone, huh?! Where is he?!”Ethan noticed Lily step in behind her godfather. She looked just as furious, if only that her face was stoic but her eyes blazing. Their eyes met and he looked back to Alpha Drake. He was all but foaming at the mouth at this point.Wow brother, you have done it again, Ethan thought. He had warned William that acting rashly would lead to problems, but did he fucking listen? Ethan had no intention of dealing with this at all.At least his mother was trying to calm things down, smiling ne
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Damn it!
William didn’t expect what Anna said to him, and so it took him some time to process it before he ended up replying.“What did you expect? That I would let you just leave the pack without saying anything? You didn’t even bother to say goodbye, much less tell me what happened to you,” William sounded really bitter. “I had to find out from Ethan of all fucking people what happened. Did you ever think telling me might be the right thing to do?”“I’m sorry,” she murmured quietly.“There’s nothing more to say now, Anna. Just, end this. Come home with me and I’ll protect you,” He extended his hand to her, wanting her to take it. “Trust me, Anna.”“I do. But I can’t,” Anna said. All traces of pain and regret and guilt were gone from her eyes now. She was holding back tears and her hands trembled, just a little bit. She tried to hide it by tightening them into fists, but it only made her feel even weaker.It was Damon who had told her to do this - to tell William that it was over between them
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A dark, gloomy path.
The sound of Anna’s whimpering was the only thing that was heard in the large bedroom. Despite the luxurious looking surroundings, nothing appealed to the redhead that moment. All she wanted to do was go back to that point in time when she spoke to William and choose differently. She wished the past two weeks had not happened, and she hadn’t ever come into contact with the Eriksons.Less than thirty minutes ago, she practically bade goodbye to the man she was in love with.There was no going back now. And that hurt the most.As Anna sobbed in the bedroom, the full pain in her chest deepened. Her entire body felt like it was out of strength, and all the energy she could have ever had was sucked out of her.Her life had become a dark, gloomy path she couldn’t find her way out of, no matter what. And she was trapped in this damn building and apartment with the Devil himself, Damon fucking Erikson.The thought made her want to bash her head into the wall and just end it then and there for
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Left alone.
He parked the car in the garage numbly and exited it after taking a deep breath. He was barely holding himself together.William’s return to the pack wasn’t a glorious one, like he had expected. Instead, all he could feel was anguish, so deep that it threatened to drown him.Anna was no longer with him. She had abandoned him and their children. Although he had an idea that there was a lot to the story - Damon’s involvement was certainly suspect to the theory that his mate wasn’t doing this of her own accord - there wasn’t a lot of hope in the Alpha that he would make any headway towards discovering what that was.As soon as he stepped into the mansion, he could hear voices approaching him. He didn’t have the urge to pay attention to them. All he wanted was for them to stay the fuck away from him.“William,” he raised his head at his mother’s voice calling his name. She didn’t look happy, and neither did anyone else.William took in the presence of not only his mother, but Ethan, Alpha
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Lily wasn’t one to be so impulsive but she also wouldn’t just look a gift horse in the mouth and let it be. No, she was an opportunist, and what she wanted was to be ploughed into by someone. Anyone would do.But Ethan WAS a perfect choice for her to take out her frustrations.Her eyes gleamed and she looked around to make sure no maids nor the former Luna would happen upon them and then promptly lose their shit. Then she walked up to Ethan, placing her hand on his clothed, toned chest and leaning in.“Your brother is a bastard,” she seethed in a low whisper, as she longed to kiss the lips of her fiance’s brother.Ethan could hear the desperation in her voice and he found it amusing. How easily she had managed to lose her will and cunning in the face of pressure. The invitation from her was reckless to say the least.Aware they were alone but not out of danger of being caught, Ethan pressed his lips to her ear and murmured, “Then you suit him quite well, considering you act like a bit
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I will deal with it.
Silence filled the air and Lily paused to relax from the brief surprise she felt.He was seated in the living room, which had no lights on, so perhaps that was why she didn’t notice his presence when she rushed in.“No words to say?” Alpha Drake’s tone of voice was light, as though he was in a far better mood than she knew her uncle definitely was in.“I… i went out for a walk,” she managed to say.The Alpha of the Eclipse Pack chuckled and she waited for his laughter to fade.“There’s no need to think up an excuse, Lily. I can already tell you’re lying,” he finished the whiskey in his glass with a toss, and swallowed.“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Uncle,” was what she responded with, though she stilled, gazing at him with curious eyes. What exactly did he know now?“Oh?” He tutted like a mother that just caught a child lying. “I hoped you would buckle up and not let yourself be driven by impulses again but it seems like my hopes were for nothing. I was wrong. After all, yo
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How to stop it.
That night, around a couple minutes past 1am, William tossed and turned in his bed. His mind was still stuck on Anna, and his encounter with his mother earlier that evening.Finally he gave up on the prospects of sleep and grunted.“Fuck,” he whispered into the air, staring up at the ceiling, his back pressed against the soft Egyptian cotton sheets.As though it was a sigh, his phone began to vibrate and William reached for it on his bedside table without looking.The lack of a caller ID made his brows furrow; who could it be that was calling him at this time of the night?“Yes?” He answered the call expectantly.“Is this Alpha William?” A strange male voice was in the other end, a mix of British and French accent which made William more alert. Who was this person.“Who’s asking?” He replied with shortly.“This is Victor Erikson,” came next, and hearing that damned last name of a prominent Hunter family made him sit up at last, growling into the receiver.“What the hell do you want?”
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