All Chapters of Charmer Widower's Boss: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
155 Chapters
chapter 70
Hello everyone, Happy reading! -♡ Juliana entered one of the shops selling ties feeling a bit nervous. This was her first meeting with Wira after their intense fight a few days ago. Juliana wanted to give him a present as a sincere apology to ease the tension that had occurred between them. After listening to the advice given by Talita and Nabila, Juliana finally chose to apologize sincerely again, perhaps it was true that all of this was Juliana's fault. The shop, which didn't look too crowded tonight, was filled with all kinds of ties in different colors, patterns and textures. Juliana looked through the shelves full of neatly arranged fabrics. She was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the choices before her as there were so many interesting looking ties, Juliana was eager to find the right one for Wira.She started going through each shelf, looking at the different colors and patterns. A bright red tie caught her eye, but she thought the color might be too flashy and too attention-se
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Chapter 71
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana stepped with erratic steps on the side of the road, the woman walked alone on the edge of a quiet road. The dim street light enveloped her surroundings, creating a gloomy atmosphere, the light reflecting off her flowing black hair. Even though there was the sound of car horns and motorcycles passing next to her, Juliana didn't care. Her thoughts were so chaotic and messy, nothing could occupy her mind other than her own confusion, like an endless vortex.That night, Juliana felt completely trapped in the labyrinth of her own mind. Why does Wira seem to ignore her? What had she done to make Wira so angry? Juliana felt her chest beating fast, looking for an answer in the midst of her overflowing anxiety.She kept replaying her last meeting with Wira in her mind. Juliana felt confused and hurt by Wira's reaction. How can a man who is usually gentle and caring suddenly turn into a rage that blinds her? What had happened between them that Wira felt
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chapter 72
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana and Nabila arrived at Nabila's house where it was warm and comfortable. Both of them were still wearing clothes wet from the rain. Their steps into the house made a sound like a creak from the traces of water on the soles of their shoes. Nabila led Juliana to the guest room, where they could change clothes and continue their conversation that had stopped in the car.The two of them sat in front of the mirror in the living room, looking at their tired and wet reflections from the rain. Nabila gave Juliana a warm towel to dry her loose hair. Next to it, there are dry clothes that have been prepared for Juliana."Now we have to dry ourselves and change clothes, Juliana," Nabila said softly. "Then we can sit together in the living room and continue our conversation."Juliana nodded, sincere gratitude radiating from her eyes. She took the towel proffered by Nabila and started to dry her wet hair. Her flowing black hair slowly returned to its natura
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chapter 73
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana sat at the end of a long mahogany table, with her eyes focused on the piles of documents scattered around her. In front of her was a black laptop showing several open tabs, showing how much work still needed to be done. The meeting table that was once bustling with the sound of discussion is now quiet, leaving only a few people who are busy finishing their respective work. After the meeting was finished, William ordered them to immediately revise several reports to be used at the next meeting.To Juliana's left, Thomas, his coworker who looks neat, is also busy typing fast on his laptop. He occasionally raised his head to look at some of the files with the pen strokes.The atmosphere in the room was thick with the warm smell of coffee and the empty cup was still lying on the right side of Juliana's table. She stared blankly for a moment, contemplating how long the list of work she had to complete before the day ended. Feelings of anxiety and f
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chapter 74
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana and Ishak walked down the brightly lit office hallway. On Juliana's side, the woman was holding a transparent box filled with tarts that Ishak managed to decorate beautifully, while Juliana's other hand tightly held Ishak's small hand. They walk with light steps and full of joy, creating a joyful sound between their footsteps that can be heard echoing in the quiet office hallway, it seems that the employees are spending their lunch time in a food court, or a restaurant near the office.Meanwhile, the afternoon sunlight that came in through the glass windows in the hallway created a fairly warm temperature around there. Their steps continued until they finally arrived at the door of William's room, Ishak's father and Juliana's boss. The room is wrapped in a professional atmosphere with a gentle personal touch. The high quality wooden doors invited them to enter the world beyond.Juliana raised her hand and knocked gently on the door. The knock
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chapter 75
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana, William and Ishak walked through the aisles filled with fresh fruit racks of the biggest supermarket in their town. The bright neon light and the fresh pungent smell filled the air, increasing their enthusiasm to find the best fruits to bring to William's parents' house.Ishak, who was invited to shop for fruit at the supermarket for the first time, enthusiastically held Juliana's hand, while skipping every step they took. "Mom, I want an apple!" he exclaimed happily. Juliana smiled, pulling him closer to the shelves of glistening apples. They chose large, shiny red apples, which Ishak had carefully selected. He considered it the best choice for his Grandma and Grandpa, later.Meanwhile, William glanced at the sweet orange that lay next to him. The man was asked by Juliana to choose oranges. Even though William had refused, Juliana didn't need to bring lots of fruit like this, besides they weren't on a special visit to his parents' house eith
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chapter 76
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana carefully set the dining table in her apartment beautifully. She chose a plain silver tablecloth that seemed soft. The table was decorated with clean cutlery and elegant wine glasses. In the middle of the table, an aromatherapy candle is lit, creating a soft light that creates a warm impression on the room.Juliana took a deep breath while looking at the dish she prepared for Wira. In the middle of the table, there was a delicious cream of soup topped with a sprinkling of a pinch of fresh parsley. Next to it is a pile of spaghetti carbonara covered with melted parmesan cheese. Juliana also didn't forget to cook grilled salmon served with fresh lemon-butter sauce. The dessert that had their mouths watering was the warm apple pie with delicious vanilla ice cream.While arranging plates and wine glasses, Juliana smiled happily. She had cooked these dishes with all her heart, remembering all of Wira's favorites and how the last time they had dinne
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chapter 77
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana and Wira sat together in the living room after enjoying their delicious dinner. The dim lights create a serene and warm atmosphere. Ahead of them, the television flashed to a low sound that filled the room, creating a comfortable backdrop for their chatter.Wira, with a sincere smile on his face, looked at Juliana with admiration. The soft television light illuminates Juliana's face, highlighting her natural beauty. Her soft hair flowed so elegantly, and her eyes that radiated serenity and warmth made Wira enchanted."Tonight you are very beautiful," said Wira in a low voice, indicating how fascinated he was by Juliana's beauty.Juliana smiled shyly, her cheeks flushed at Wira's warm praise. His eyes radiated happiness and appreciation as she looked at Wira. "Thank you, Wira. You also look handsome and charming tonight," She replied, holding Wira's hand gently.The two of them stared at each other affectionately, feeling each other's warmth en
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chapter 78
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana felt the scorching rays of the sun slowly trying to sneak into her room through the window which was tightly covered with a sheet. The morning sun was so bright, creating streaks of light that cut through the darkness in the room. Its rays danced across the wooden floor, casting faint shadows.Feeling disturbed by the increasingly bright light, Juliana slowly opened her eyes.her eyes slowly and carefully sat her body up. However, before she could fully sit up, a sharp pain suddenly shot through her head. Like a sudden flash, the pain shot through Juliana's head, making her wince in pain and reflexively hold her throbbing temples.She tried to calm herself, breathing deeply in an attempt to ease the aching pain. The pain felt like an invisible prick throbbing inside her head. Juliana felt cold sweat as if pouring down from her forehead.After a while, the pain started to subside a bit, though it was still a pain that seemed to settle in her he
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chapter 79
Hello everyone, Happy reading!-♡Juliana felt that her consciousness was slowly recovering after a heavy sleep. In the morning silence in her apartment, she opened her eyes which were still puffy and swollen, Juliana started looking around with a weak gaze. Realizing that it was still a day she had to face, she moved her body and sat on the edge of the bed.Juliana took a deep breath, trying to gather the courage and enthusiasm that had been scattered within her. She felt a throbbing of deep feelings and pain that she didn't know when it might be relieved.With heavy steps, Juliana walked towards the bathroom. The room felt cool and soothing, making her feel as if she could forget the overwhelming burden she had just carried. Juliana then turned on the shower and let the water rush.Warm water soaked her body that felt stiff and tired. Juliana closed her eyes, trying to feel every drop of water that gently fell on her skin. She felt the touch of the water as if washing her buried inn
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