All Chapters of Ninety Days To Be His : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
106 Chapters
Chapter Seventy-eight
In Andrea's large living room, Elena knew that she had to talk to Andrea about what was bothering her in mind. She needed him to understand what she had in mind since it was his house she was staying in.Sitting on a plush sofa, Elena nervously fidgeted with the hem of her dress as she spoke. "Andrea," she began softly, her eyes searching him for understanding, "I've been thinking a lot lately, and I really want to go see my mother."Andrea's expression changed, concerned with laced lines on his forehead. He leaned back against the armrest of his armchair, contemplating her words. "Elena," he replied gently, his voice tinged with caution, "I understand that you miss her, but you have to consider the dangers involved."Elena's eyes brimmed with a mixture of longing and determination. "I know it's risky, Andrea," she admitted, her voice quivering slightly. "But it's been so long since I've seen her, and I can't shake off this feeling that time is slipping away. I want to be there for he
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Chapter Seventy-nine
Andrea's heart pounded against his chest as he searched the grand halls of his mansion, desperately searching for any sign of Elena. Anxiety passed through his veins, manifesting as beads of sweat on his furrowed brow. Elena was nowhere to be found, and Andrea's worry was escalating to the point of madness.''Where the hell is she?!'' he barked.He summoned his trusted men, his loyal servants who had served him faithfully for years. With a sense of urgency, he commanded them to comb through every room, every corridor, and every hidden alcove within the vast mansion. They responded promptly, their footsteps echoing through the hallways as they executed their master's orders.Hours passed with no trace of Elena, intensifying Andrea's distress. His mind raced with worst-case scenarios, imagining her entangled in danger or slipping away from his grasp forever. The thought that she had dared to leave the safety of his residence without his consent struck a nerve, stroking his frustration a
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Chapter Eighty
''Dinner at my place?'' Andrea asked.They were walking back to his convoy of cars that was parked just a few meters away from where he found them. Now that they were at least in a talking stage, he knew the best thing he could do was to host them for dinner, one in which they would never forget.''About that…'' Elena sighed.Alarm bells rang in Andrea's mind and he really hoped that he wasn't the cause of the distress on her face.''What's wrong?'' he asked, holding her hands.''Oh damn! You are really a sucker for love.'' Syria laughed.Even though they were on talking terms, that still didn't stop her from taking a jibe at him when the opportunity presented itself.They both ignored her because they knew there wasn't any heat in what she said. They had gotten to the car now and Elena knew that if she got in, her mother would never forgive her for as long as she lived.''I need to go see my mother… i've been putting it off for a really long time and Andrea, if i don't see her now, s
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Chapter Eighty-one
Later on, after Syria and Andrea left for their respective homes, Elena sat down with her mom in the cozy living room, the scent of freshly brewed tea lingering in the air. It had been a long day, and Elena had something on her mind that she needed to share with her and what she didn't know yet was if her mother would accept what she had in mind. Her heart raced as she took a deep breath and began, "Mom, I've been thinking a lot about Andrea's house, and I really want to go back."Her mother looked at Elena with concern etched on her face. "Elena, I understand why you feel that way, but you need to be careful," she replied gently, her voice filled with caution. "Remember what happened the last time you were there. It was a dangerous situation, and we don't want you to get hurt."Elena nodded, acknowledging her mother's worry, but a determined spark flickered in her eyes. "I know, Mom. I remember what happened, but things are different now. Andrea and I have talked about it, and we bel
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Chapter Eighty-two
It was a warm evening, and Andrea sat with Elena in their sprawling penthouse overlooking the city skyline. As they sipped their glasses of fine wine, Andrea's face lit up with a mix of excitement and concern."Elena, I've been thinking about something," Andrea said, his voice tinged with a touch of nervousness. "Vanessa's birthday is coming up, and I thought it would be a great idea to host a party for her. After everything she went through with the kidnap episode, it's time to celebrate her recovery and bring back some joy into her life."Elena listened intently, her brow furrowing slightly. While she understood Andrea's intentions and the importance of Vanessa's recovery, she couldn't shake off her concerns about her safety. The thought of exposing Vanessa to potential risks weighed heavily on her mind."Andrea, I understand how important it is to celebrate Vanessa's recovery," Elena replied, her voice gentle yet firm. "But considering what she went through, I can't help but worry
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Chapter Eighty-three
Throughout the rest of that day, Andrea was busy, hard at work within his home office and Elena decided to leave him alone to focus on his job. She made her way towards the living room, slumping on the chair as she watched a rerun of her favorite tv series. Just then, a thought came to her mind and she knew she had to go through with it. Rising to her feet, she made her way towards Vanessa's room.Elena realized that they hadn't seen each other since the time she was kidnapped and she needed to talk to the little girl to find out how she was mentally and emotionally. Walking towards her door, she sighed, wishing that none of this ever happened to her but she realized that due to the nature of her father's job, things like this were always bound to happen to her."Knock… knock." Elena smiled, walking into Vanessa's pink-themed bedroom.She met the little girl laying on her bed, reading a story book and she was quite glad that she engaged herself in something worthwhile."Hey honey… Can
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Chapter Eighty-four
While Andrea was working in his study, engrossed in his tasks, he suddenly heard faint giggles and loud chatter coming from the nearby kitchen. The sound of the joy tugged at his curiosity, pulling him away from his work.Intrigued, Andrea followed the sounds, the anticipation mounting with every step. As he entered the kitchen, a heartwarming sight unfolded before his eyes. There, amidst a delightful mess of flour and baking ingredients, stood, and Vanessa.Elena and Vanessa were deeply engrossed in their cupcake-making task. Flour dusted their aprons, and their hands were adorned with streaks of colorful icing. The kitchen table was adorned with an array of baking supplies and beautifully decorated cupcakes.Andrea couldn't help but smile at the sight of his two favorite people, immersed in a world of culinary creativity. Setting aside his work for the moment, he decided to join them in their cupcake-making adventure.With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Andrea playfully announced
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Chapter Eighty-five
Elena found Andrea, in the patio within the mansion. The moonlight shone gently, illuminating the lush garden surrounding them. The soft rustling of leaves added a touch of peace to the air, creating the perfect setting for their conversation. Elena had been thinking a lot laterly about Andrea and his upbringing and how he knew so much about survival and how the spirit was within him even when he didn't mean to show it.As Elena walked towards him, Andrea, looked up from his thoughts and smiled at her warmly. He gestured for her to join him on the plush cushioned seat, calling her into his private sanctuary. Elena's heart skipped a beat as she sat down beside him, feeling the gentle warmth of his touch as he reached out and kissed the top of her head.The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying each other's presence amidst the beauty of the night. Elena, had so many questions and a desire to know more about the man she had come to deeply care for and she knew she
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Chapter Eighty-six
The next morning, Elena awoke to the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. As she made her way downstairs, still groggy from sleep, she couldn't help but be surprised when she entered Andrea's kitchen. There, standing near the stove, was a woman she had never seen before."What's going on here?" Elena murmured.Startled, Elena blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't dreaming. The woman, who appeared to be in her late 50s, had a warm smile on her face as she skillfully chopped vegetables on the counter. She wore a crisp white chef's coat and had her salt-and-pepper hair tied neatly in a bun.Elena cautiously approached the woman. "Um, excuse me," she said, her voice filled with curiosity. "I hope I'm not intruding, but who are you?"The woman turned her attention to Elena and smiled warmly. "Oh, dear, you must be Elena," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of an accent. "I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Rosana."Elena's eyes widened in
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Chapter Eighty-seven
Ethan arrived at the sprawling mansion later that day. The grand entrance greeted him as he walked through the double doors. The foyer was adorned with exquisite chandeliers and luxurious furniture, reflecting the richness of the mansion.Vanessa was filled with joy upon spotting Ethan. With a bright smile, she rushed towards him, her tiny arms outstretched, and embraced him in a warm hug. Ethan hugged her back, lifting her up gently, causing Vanessa's laughter to fill the air.As Elena observed the scene, she couldn't help but notice Andrea's distant behaviour. He stood a few feet away, arms crossed, a noticeable frostiness coming from him. Concerned, she approached him and whispered softly, "Andrea, why are you being so cold to Ethan? He's family, and Vanessa clearly adores him."Andrea's gaze remained fixed on Ethan, his voice laced with tension as he replied, "You wouldn't understand, Elena. It's complicated."Elena's brow furrowed, feeling a mixture of confusion and concern. She
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