All Chapters of My Semi Prostitute Girlfriend: Chapter 91 - Chapter 92
92 Chapters
Chapter 92 - Moodswings
Nathan was still asleep when Kimberly wakes, today's Nathan's birthday and she's excited to prepare everything. First, she'll bake the special double chocolate cake. She smiles imagining Nathan's reaction. Next was his favorite food including steaks, the goulash and ravioli. And also try to cook tempura. She even decorates the kitchen into a children's party like, balloons and confetti, since the idea is about their babies. The main present is hidden in a small box which wrapped with effort.Kring.kring.kring.The phone rings that she quickly went outside leaving the box on the table."Hello?" she horridly answers the phone to avoid disturbing Nathan in his sleep."Kimberly..." Andy started."Hey Andy, sorry we didn't show up yesterday, something happens." she explain but Andy paused fighting his tears. "Hey what's wrong?""Are you okay?" Andy asked back trying his best to be casual."C'mon Andy what's wrong? You're making me ne
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Chapter 93 - Devastating
The sun rises naturally that Tuesday morning and it's been two days since Kimberly was tied inside the bathroom. She also had no idea that it's been two days since her mother's wake laid at the funeral and even Nathan has gone for two days. Henry was having a hard time looking for the both of them; with the help of Nathan's father, they check every airline, cruise lines, all the possible transportation they use, places they go, but still no clues. Until Henry went to Johnny's bar and have a little drink to ease the stress he experiences."Hey, it's been a long time, Henry!" Johnny greeted, giving him the usual drink, he orders."It seems like your best friend's relationship is having a hard time?" Johnny starts as Henry sits in front of him while all the crews are cleaning the bar from last night business."What do you mean?" Henry asked surprise."You didn't know?" even Johnny has same reaction."I've been looking for him... do you know where he i
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