All Chapters of Flights and destinations - The Lovely Life Of Blair: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
66 Chapters
41. Ruined Wedding in Pskov
Blair I landed at Princess Olga Airport in Pskov on the morning of February 14. I felt unhappy to be there again, when in fact my wish was to enjoy the weekend in Bora Bora. But instead of sunbathing in a paradise, as we had originally agreed, I was once again stuck in an ice paradise where it never seems to stop snowing! I dragged my suitcase through the landing area hoping to find Dimitri soon. I tried my best to improve my mood before meeting him. Alright, my initial plan for celebrating our first Valentine's Day together was better, but since my brother-in-law and his fiancée decided that the date would be romantic for the wedding, so here I am, about to spend Valentine's Day with family and Dimitri's obnoxious ex-girlfriend. If that's not proof of love, I don't know what is! Dimitri texted me that he was already waiting for me in the lobby, I hurried my steps, wondering how much time I would have to get ready for the celebration lunch. All right, we would attend the lunch
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42. Valentine's Day ruined in Helsing
Dimitri I noticed Blair leaving the room with my peripheral vision as everyone seemed shocked at what I had said. My vision was clouded by the hatred I felt at that moment. I had had enough of this situation, they had spent the entire afternoon sending me hints, as they always did and I had borne it quietly, but to go on to offend the person I love? I would never allow it! " What did you say? " Boris narrowed his eyes, alternating his gaze between my ex-girlfriend and me. " Dimitri, please," Olga pleaded. " Tell the truth," I growled. Everyone seemed lost between our confrontation, but I didn't care. " Dimitri!” " Tell them that I asked you to marry me and you refused, because you would never marry me, because I would be a terrible husband and father," I snapped back, choosing not to share everything she had actually told me. " Olga! " Irina looked questioningly at her daughter as tears began to stream down my ex's face. " After everything you've done, I have the right to mov
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43. Crying in Newark
BlairTears streamed freely down my face as I curled up on the couch after the terrible decision I made earlier. Damn it, Blair. It's been almost six months since you guys broke up, you shouldn't be looking at his Instagram. Unable to control myself, I went back to looking at the photo of Dimitri with a woman in his apartment.A new sob burst from my lips as I looked at the wall, seeing the picture that Joe had painted for me. The view from Dimitri's apartment in St. Petersburg. What was I thinking, accepting an eternal reminder of my ex boyfriend? Of course he wasn't my ex at the time, but still!That's perfect, he moves on with his life and I'm left here, stuck in every damn memory.That's what I need, to move on! With a new determination growing inside me, I wiped away the tears. I needed something to overcome, and to start with, I was going to get rid of these memories. I put 'So what' on, that was all I needed, I was fine without him! First I took the picture off the wall, det
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44. moving on in St Petersburg
DimitriDuring the months that followed our fateful ending, I felt like a robot, I went to work, I walked through every city I visited in a mechanical way, going to every famous tourist spot in the place, but for me, taking pictures had no meaning anymore. What would I do with them? Who would I send them to? All the pleasures I had discovered with Blair were meaningless, in fact, I tried to avoid anything that would remind me of her, but it was in vain. She was on my mind all the time.I returned to my apartment after another successful flight from Vienna, and in that city I refused to leave the hotel. They say that time heals everything, but for me, the five and a half months that had passed only served to highlight the great emptiness in my life. An emptiness that I had never noticed until Blair's arrival.I unlocked the door and walked through the deserted apartment. I hated that sepulchral silence that seemed to haunt me. After checking my messages, I opened the picture of Kati
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45. Just a Turkish scare
Blair It had been two days since I arrived in Istanbul after being informed about my parents' accident. Receiving that call late at night was not pleasant enough, but it got worse when I arrived at the hospital after taking an emergency flight the next morning and found out that the accident had occurred because my father had a heart attack behind the wheel and would need coronary artery bypass surgery. My mother, who was with him in the car, had broken her foot and suffered a concussion, and had been admitted for observation for further tests, since she constantly complained of pain in several places, but I was beginning to suspect that she was doing this to avoid being discharged and to get away from my father. I approached the nursing station, deciding to talk to the nurses in charge before going to her room. " Good morning," I greeted them with a smile. " Good morning, Miss Ozkan," Ayça, one of the nurses greeted me. " You can call me Ayeleen, how is she?” " The doctor ha
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46. Hard days in Istambul
Blair The following days were difficult, my father was to have surgery next week, and my mother became more and more depressed as the day approached. On top of that, I discovered that being the owner of a large apartment was not easy at all, I would get things dirty faster than I could clean them, I would get in the way of my mother's feeding and medicating schedule, which by the way did not make my life any easier, and I still had to find time to visit my father and not leave him completely alone. In the beginning I took my mother with me on the visits, but as the days went by, she started to eat less and less, increasing her weakness, so sometimes I asked a neighbor who was her friend to keep her company while I went to the hospital. What worried me was the surgery that would happen the next day. How could I go to the hospital and follow it closely if we were already in the middle of the afternoon and I couldn't even get my mother to drink a glass of juice? I couldn't leave her a
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47. Cooking in Istambul
BlairDimitri and I worked together in silence, sharing our ancient complicity. " Dimitri, we have a problem," I muttered as I found the package of quinoa, which looked nothing like what was in my mother's salad." What’s the problem?”" This doesn't look like the quinoa my mother put in her salad," I held up a package of small grits." What do you mean? " he stepped closer, examining the contents of the package." My mother's salad doesn't get these crunchy grits," I pointed out.He took the package from me, staring at it without much understanding." What does the recipe say? " he reminded me.I remembered to consult the recipe on my cell phone, frowning at the incomplete information." It says to use one cup of cooked quinoa.”" Let's cook a cup of quinoa then," he opened the package." Do you know how to cook this?”" Blair, there are no secrets, let's just add water and spices," he smiled as if everything was under control.I thought for a moment and he was right. It couldn't be
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48. sensitive advice in turkey
Dimitri " So she was forced to marry him? " I was sitting next to Lauren as she explained to me the plot of a soap opera we were watching. " Exactly, and now she is finding out that he is not as bad as she thought," she declared. I frowned, not understanding how this was possible. " He's not so bad, he's just going to kill her if she tries to leave? “ That comment made the woman laugh beside me. " I know, that doesn't make any sense," she laughed along with me. We were silent again, concentrating on the unfolding of the plot. It had been a few hours since Blair had gone to the hospital to monitor her father's surgery, leaving me there with her mother. " Anxious? " I asked after a few minutes of silence. " She hasn't given any news yet.” "That's good," I assured her in an attempt to tranquilize her. " How exactly can not hearing from the person you love be good? " she gave me a cross look. " Bad news comes fast, so if you haven't heard anything yet, it's because so far ever
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49. Surprise in Moscow
DimitriThe next few days went by quickly, I was getting used to my new work routine and slowly started talking more with Blair, reminiscing about the beginning of our relationship. She would send me pictures of some spots in Istanbul she wanted me to see, give me news about her parents, and sometimes we would just talk about trivial things, but we never got as far as I would have liked."Dimitri, for God's sake, you need to touch the subject"My sister told me in the message she sent while I was waiting to board at the Debriefing lounge at the Moscow airport. "I am giving her a break.”I had vented to her about the whole situation involving Blair and me, and while she had been excited about a likely reconciliation between us, she was already losing patience."I know you think you need to be patient, but sometimes we also need to take action before it's too late!" I thought of an appropriate way to respond to that message, but before I could complete my thought, my cell phone starte
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50. News of a tragedy in Istanbul
BlairI was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling with my cell phone on my stomach, waiting for Dimitri to call or text me to let me know that he had already landed. Once again that need that dominated us at the beginning of our relationship had taken over me. I needed to talk to him all the time, and when I couldn't, I felt empty. It had taken me a while to finally pluck up the courage and take the first step to recover our relationship, but I could no longer deny it, I did not want to live away from him, and if for that to work I had to move to Russia, I would move to Russia!By my count he must have landed at least an hour ago, could the flight have been delayed somehow?I closed my eyes, determined to get some sleep. Finally my life was settling down, my father was recovering at home, my mother was back to normal, even deciding to teach me how to cook so that I wouldn't suffer so much in "emergency situations". I didn't quite understand the reason for her sudden interest in thi
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