All Chapters of The Billionaire's Instant Family: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
60 Chapters
"Grandma?" Eleanor called gently.The old woman's eyes instantly snapped open while the other two finally realized another presence in the room.Becca who sat on the other couch screamed, "She's here!"Grandma Sophie stood up excitedly and stretched her arms. "Eleanor? Is that really you?" Eleanor nodded and fell into the old woman's warm embrace. "Yes, grandma. It's me. I missed you!""Oh, child." Grandma Sophie laughed loudly.Becca frowned when the duo didn't break from each other for a while. "Ahem!" She cleared her throat, "Hello! We're not invisible!"The other woman by her side who looked alot like her giggled and said, "You actually are invincible, Becca."Becca turned to her sister and pinched her. "Bella, you're only jealous because Eleanor loves me more than you!""That's not true!" Bella retorted. She turned to the old lady and said, "Grandma, see that?"Eleanor laughed and pulled the two into her arms. "I love you both. The same!"Becca felt satisfied. She stuck her ton
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The Andersons
When Eleanor arrived at the cozy coffee shop, she stood at the entrance. Her eyes scanned the entire time for her 'date'. She had no idea who or what he was. Cassie had only told her he wore glasses and had brown hair.Heaven knows how many guys with brown hair with glasses in New York City.As she looked, she finally noticed a man waving to her from his seat in a corner.Eleanor quickly assessed him.Brown hair, check.Glasses, check.Clutching her purse tightly, she walked to where he sat.She could turn around and leave, but that would be a waste of time. She might as well just deal with it now that she was here.Eleanor almost rolled her eyes at the thought of spending an hour or two with a total stranger.When she got to the table, she looked at the man who was standing and looking at her with a wide grin on his face."Hello" He greeted politely.Eleanor now regretted why she hadn
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Time Of The Month
When Eleanor woke up, the kids were no longer in the room with her. She was least bit worried since Becca and Bella were infatuated with twins like them.Eleanor took a quick glance around the room as she folded into a sitting position. The room was not as big as her bedroom at home but it was warm and cozy. The royal blue and white colour tone of the room did not come off as a surprise to her as she knew about her mother's obsession to those colours. Guess it was in the genes after all; she and Tasha had that obsession.After taking a hot water shower, she put on her favorite leather pants and decided to tour the closet since she hadn't seen it.Eleanor noticed a small door at a corner of the room. It was hardly noticeable as it had been painted to blend so perfectly with the royal blue wall surrounding its area. She thought for a while what lies behind the door. After a minute, she decided to push it open and was surprised to find it unlocked.'Hmm' she thought and took a few steps
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One Condition
The sun was already settling down for its sleep when Damien finally woke up from his long sleep. There was this throbbing pain at the back of his neck that made him scrunch up his nose and almost shriek. He knew it to be due to the many bottles of hard liquor he took the previous night.Speaking of which...His eyes looked frantically around the room and were surprised to find himself in his room. How the hell did he get here? Wasn't he at the bar last night? Or did... It finally dawned on him:Eddy... Damien recalled seeing Eddy's face before blacking out. It must have been Eddy's work, bringing him home. Damien shoved his hand into his hair and shut his eyes tight. A deep sigh left his lips and he thought of how much Eddy had been doing for him. The guy was just too good, he did beyond his job description.Letting it all wash away with another elongated sigh, he pulled the sheets from his body and got off the bed. His legs led him to the bathroom.As the warm water cascaded down
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The Party
The birthday party was held at Emerald Hotel, a place where only the high and mighty had a chance to step into. Emerald Hotel was one, if not the finest hotels in the city of New York. Some believed it was owned by the presidency, and only movers and shakers of New York were opportuned to visit it.Grandmas Sophie and Cindy arrived at the hotel in the company of Zara, both set of twins and Penny. While Sophie, Zara, and Cindy exchanged greetings with the guests, Becca, Bella, and Penny pulled the kids into the hall.As the car bringing Mikey, Cassie, Auntie Florence, and Eleanor cruised over behind the other's into the hotel's car park, Sophie's lips curled into a smile.A few minutes later, Mikey, with Eleanor and Cassie in tow, approached the old woman. "Happy birthday, grandma." "Bless you, my child." After exchanging hugs with the older women in the hallway, Cassie and Eleanor proceeded to a corner of the room to stand. Away from the crowd.Eleanor had never been fond of socia
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Are You My Daddy?
"Eleanor, where are my Godchildren?" Jonathan asked sternly. His eyes were glaring holes in Cassie's body, but, Cassie was doing same to him too.At that moment, there was a sudden flurry of activities at the door.A young woman's voice was heard muttering to whomever was listening, "Who is that handsome man?"Suddenly, the crowd turned their eyes to the hotel entrance. The group at the side realized that someone very prominent must have arrived and they craned their necks to catch a glimpse.Becca elbowed her twin sister and asked, "Bella, why did the hall go quiet? Any idea who just came in?""No idea." Bella replied.Cassie walked to Jonathan and whispered to him, "We are so not done yet. I'd handle you later." before grabbing Eleanor's hand. Getting on their tiptoes, the pair tried to get a view of the hotel entrance, but there were too many people blocking them from witnessing what was happening at the entrance. It was quite a bustle that drew everybody's attention. Damien walke
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"Daddy?" She called out softly. Her eyes turned red once more and she asked, "Are you my daddy?"'Daddy?' Damien was puzzled.Was the child looking for her father? Did he look like her daddy? Who was her father?Although he had no idea whose daughter she was, he desperately wanted to say 'yes' to her question.Damien bent over and tousled her hair. With a small smile , he said, "Are you looking for daddy?"Tasha nodded and began to cry harder. Her small body shook as she sobbed. She reached for Damien's face with her chubby little hands. "Daddy... You're... Daddy?"Damien was at a loss for words.He didn't know what to say to the child so he stretched out his hand and wiped her tears. "Don't cry, beautiful baby. Shhh.""Daddy..." Tasha wailed harder, large droplets of tears rolling down her eyes and it made Damien feel helpless and almost at the verge of tears.Tasha couldn't stop crying, she finally had a father. Now, she knows she didn't fall from the sky in a drop of rain like her
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Okay, Eleanor thought, that was not expected.How dad looks, usual question. All about him, nope, new one.Eleanor thought for a while. As she closed her eyes, she let the events of that night flood her mind. As the memories played like tapes in her eyes, she stroked his hair."You know," she began, having Nathan's undivided attention, "he had black hair just like yours.""Like mine?" Nathan asked with eyes that twinkled. It was delightful to hear his father had black hair just like his.Eleanor nodded and continued. "You are just like him, only, you're a boy and he's a man. I saw him smile once.""How was it?""It was simply captivating, like Tasha's. He was tall and strong. Like a macho man." She chuckled.Nathan was quiet as he stared at the black polka dots on the blue duvet for a long time before finally looking up. His lips moved but no words came out. His thoughts were a jumbled mess and he wondered if he should tell her what he saw. After a long while, he decided against it.
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The sun was just starting to set on the West and it was a beautiful sight to behold. Its golden rays spread like a large star shinning at the end of the horizon. Even the cars hurried down the road as everyone tried to get home in time for dinner. It's been two long - hectic and boring - weeks and Damien had been busier than usual. Having to make up for the time he spent in the villa, his schedule was beyond tight.Sitting on the couch in the living room, before his television with a bottle of diet soda in his hand, he kept sighing. This was his life: lonely, boring, and pathetic. No one needed to tell him how sad and empty his life was.For two hours, Damien sat before the television set, barely watching a thing as he was lost in the whirlpool of his secrets.Maybe he should start letting them out, he thought and hissed at the idea. Secrets were meant to be personal and private."But, she's a secret I can't keep forever." He muttered, placing the bottle on the table he picked his ke
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Chapter 40… MotherNote... The chapter before this should have been Secrets..Do well to read that before reading this one ***"Mother?" Damien called as soon as he opened the door. His voice was low and trembled lightly.The woman on the mat in a corner of the room turned to face him. Her head tilted to the side and she scrutinized Damien very well.Damien smiled at her reaction. He knew she wouldn't recognize him -she never did. Still, he came every week to see her with hopes that she would one day recognize him."I brought flowers." He said, holding the lilies with both hands before him. He grinned awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck."Actually, I plucked them at the foot of the hill since no flower shops would be open now."The woman named Mirabella, smiled and patted the mat next to her. Damien didn't hesitate and hurriedly took a seat besides her after placing the lilies in a glass of water."Mother Mary said you're getting back." He said and she nodded, her eyes squin
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