All Chapters of In His Arms Again: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
967 Chapters
Chapter 111 Westwood
Upon hearing the mention of the Hans family, Yvan's brow furrowed. "A lot has been going on in the Hans family these days." Lucian, who was driving, sneaked a glance at the rearview mirror. "That's normal. In Jefton State, the Jenkins family, the Roosevelt family, my family, the Fisher family, and a few more dominate the market. The Hans family is in a position where they nearly make the list, so they'll come up with anything just to be a part of us." Gabriel titled his head. "To think of the reason why they can't make it up there yet. Always trying to find shortcuts. Tsk." Yvan's finger was pressed against his temple. "The Hans and the Reid families have been colluding to carry out several illegal transactions. We should just ignore them as long as they don't do anything that crosses the line." Head tilted, he raised his gaze to look at Gabriel. "What's with the restaurant at Westwood?" Lucian snickered. "Since the Hans and the Reids families are working together, he's just ho
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Chapter 112 What a Coincidence
Yuna and the other two were still chatting in the glass house when Natalie trotted in and hugged her legs, pleading, "Mommy, Mommy, I want cotton candy." "Cotton candy?" Yuna asked. Nathaniel chimed in, "We saw a cotton candy machine at the entrance hall when we arrived." "I'll get it for you," Harry offered, about to stand up.However, Natalie turned to lean on him instead. "No, no! I want Uncle Harry and Aunty Sherry to play with me. Mommy can get the cotton candy. She knows my favorite flavor!" Nathaniel instantly added, "Uncle Harry, Aunty Sherry, Nat wants to play what we usually play at home." Yuna got up. "Wait here then. I'll buy the cotton candy for you." Watching their mother heading out to get the cotton candy, Natalie and Nathaniel exchanged glances and heaved a sigh of relief in secret. Yuna walked toward the entrance hall while checking her phone's notifications, then she replied to Cedric's text. When she found the cotton candy stand, she asked for five co
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Chapter 113 Picking On Her
"Both," Yuna replied succinctly. She quickly sent a text to Sherry, before offering the cotton candies to them, pretending to be relaxed. "Do you want some?" "I won't hold back then." Lucian took two of them and passed one to Gabriel. Seeing them walking ahead, Yuna took the chance to check her texts. She became more at ease when she saw Sherry's reply. She was relieved that Sherry saw the text. It might be better for her to follow Yvan and the others for now. She could at least stop them if they're walking around the area, so that they wouldn't bump into her company. Before long, they arrived at a glasshouse. Yuna breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there was a considerable distance between her glasshouse and this one. Yvan sat down and watched Yuna, who looked uncomfortable, with an eyebrow raised. He spoke coldly, "Didn't you say you'd work overtime? I see you're spending your sweet time here having a meal and enjoying the scenery. Were you lying about the promise
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Chapter 114 A Meal With Ashton
It wasn't easy to turn him down. Yuna didn't want to embarrass him since Ashton knew Zachary and the others. Besides, Ashton had helped her out before. "Won't I be disturbing you?" "Of course not." Ashton lifted his arm. "Come this way." Following behind him, Yuna was unaware that Yvan was already standing outside, eyes on her back. He looked as if he almost burst a blood vessel. When Yuna reached the glasshouse with Ashton, she realized there were quite a number of people already seated inside. She was taken by surprise as she forgot to ask who would be dining with him. She stood out the most at the gathering. "Oh? Isn't this Yuna Feron?" someone exclaimed, recognizing her at first glance. "How do you know her, Mr. Yale?" "Yuna is the ex-wife of Yvan Jenkins, after all. The news of her return has been circulating everywhere in Jefton State." The mention of Yuna being Ashton's ex-wife ignited a flurry of whispers among them. They all felt that it was strange how Ashton
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Chapter 115 The Devilish Darren
Meeting Darren's mischievous eyes, Yuna started being cautious. Although he was Ashton's friend, she still sensed danger from the man. Ashton lowered his voice and said, "Darren, don't scare Yuna off." Hearing the way Ashton referred to Yuna, Darren simply shrugged and drank his wine. The others who were sitting there were probably from affluent families themselves. Anyone from the same social class could tell how much Darren valued Yuna by listening to the three's conversation. They already knew what to do. Not long after, one by one, they started to toast to Yuna to show their hospitality. Yuna didn't expect these people, who just gave her a skeptical look a moment ago, would suddenly become so welcoming. Thanks to Ashton's help, she did not need to drink much. She could tell this was just a normal dinner get-together for Ashton with his friends. Right then, someone said, "Darren, why would you be interested in visiting a place like this? This kind of restaurant with an ope
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Chapter 116 He Planned This
When Darren walked out of the glasshouse, Yuna was already nowhere to be seen. He found it strange. Suddenly Gabriel appeared before him, something he didn't expect. Arms crossed, Gabriel looked at him with a smile. "Darren? Didn't think you'd be here enjoying dinner as well." Seeing this, Darren got over his shock in just a second. He grinned even wider. "Gabriel Fisher. This must be fate." At the same time, Yuna was already forcefully dragged into the car by Yvan. "Yvan Jenkins!" Falling into the backseat, Yuna tried to get up but was pushed down by Yvan. She instantly froze out of fear. Staring right at her were Yvan's frighteningly dark eyes. "How many times have I told you? Don't hang around Ashton Yale!" "Aren't you being too controlling?" Yuna asked, furrowing her brow. "Well, have you forgotten what kind of relationship we have now?" "Does that mean I can't be friends with another man?" Yuna asked sarcastically. "You must have a death wish!" Then, he opened the
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Chapter 117 Stop Right There
At Birchwood Heights. Yuna was eventually brought to the place by Yvan. Although she had stayed there for two years, things were no longer how they used to be, despite everything else looking the same. Besides, the situationship she was sharing with Yvan now made her uncomfortable. "When can I leave?" Yuna asked. Yvan glanced at her. "Rushing back to have drinks with them, aren't you?" "No one knows our relationship now," she stated coldly. "Whatever I do now won't affect your reputation. Don't you find it ridiculous to control me like this?" Yvan lit a cigarette and replied, "Just be obedient when you're with me." He glanced at her as she spoke. Being all high and mighty, his face remained ice cold. "You can choose to go. But I can't guarantee that news about our relationship won't leak out." "You!" Yvan snickered, grinning widely in satisfaction. He hit Yuna's weak spot effortlessly. "Try me." She couldn't bother to fight him anymore. "I want my laptop." Yvan made
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Chapter 118 News Got Out
Yvan slammed his cup down. He said with an icy expression, "I can make you incapable of taking a single step outside the house today. Do you believe me?" Yuna met his gaze. His eyes were warning her that he was not joking at all. She clenched her teeth, wishing she could be anywhere but there. Eventually, she sat down for breakfast, and only then did Yvan take his eyes off her, satisfied. Just like he promised, Yvan personally dropped Yuna off at the research center. The news of her stepping out of Yvan's car spread throughout the research center. However, Yvan headed to Mayson's office while Yuna went straight to the research room. They seemed to not have any more interactions after getting out of the car. While Yuna was changing, Rose entered the room, her face filled with guilt. She was hesitant to say anything. Yuna glanced at her and said, "If you have something to say, just tell me. Or else you won't have the chance to do it anymore once we're out of here." "Ms. Feron,
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Chapter 119 No Chance
Sherry held Yuna's face. "This must've been so hard for you. You're always busy from morning till night. Although you had someone to look after Natalie and Nathaniel when you were out of the country last time, you worked hard to take care of them too. I can't imagine how you managed to survive those seven years." Her words warmed up Yuna's heart. "Thankfully, my two kids have never made me worry about them ever since they were born. My work was easier with everyone looking after them too. That was all in the past. Let's not dwell on it." Although she said that, Sherry still believed that Yuna was describing those years on a surface level. She was still worried about one particular thing. "Yuna, if Yvan still finds out about Natalie and Nathaniel, what do you plan to do?" "He doesn't deserve to be their father. So no use even if he does find out about it. Natalie and Nathaniel have foreign nationalities. No matter how much he can do, he won't be able to do anything outside this co
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Chapter 120 Exposed
Nathaniel easily transferred 800 thousand dollars from Yvan's company, and escaped without leaving a trace.Sitting beside him, Natalie watched him with a serious look. When she saw the 800 thousand dollars transferred into their account, she asked curiously, "Nathaniel, we've stolen quite a lot of his money, haven't we? Would he go bankrupt after this?" "He has a net worth of billions and trillions of dollars. Do you think this bit of money would matter much to him? Plus, this money should be considered as alimony and compensation, shouldn't it?" Hearing that, Natalie couldn't agree more. She said, "Then you should get more money from the company next time, Nathaniel. He has too much money anyway." Outside the house, Yuna had absolutely no idea what her dear son did. She didn't even know what was happening to Yvan after being played so hard by her son again and again. …The next two days were peaceful for Yuna. She dedicated all her time and attention to her work. It lasted
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