All Chapters of In His Arms Again: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
967 Chapters
Chapter 141 Supper
Yuna stopped in her tracks and turned just in time to see Yvan, who appeared out of nowhere and stood right in front of her. She took a step back. But Yvan reached out and grabbed her waist, stopping her from falling backward. "This is precisely how a person having a guilty conscience reacts." Yuna turned her head and saw Yvan's arm on her waist. She frowned and extricated herself from his grip. "It was you who spoke and appeared out of nowhere. Anyone would be surprised." Seeing how Yuna struggled out of his grip, Yvan's eyes filled with displeasure. He landed his gaze on the neat pile of documents on the table. "Have you sorted out all the details?" "You can take a look and see. If there's anything you don't like, we can discuss it by then," Yuna said in a serious tone. "If there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave." "Did I allow you to leave?" Yuna stopped. Then, she turned to look at him. Yvan, on the other hand, was already closing the distance between them, to
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Chapter 142 His Reaction
Yvan's eyes met Yuna's before he moved his eyes away nonchalantly and started eating. He said casually, "That's right, I invited Master Eastin over. But you're the one who came instead." As he spoke, his eyes fell on Yuna's side profile again. There were complicated emotions in his gaze. Yuna was calm and unaffected. As if she had faced the question many times, she replied instantly, "Normally, Master Eastin wouldn't work on the projects he took himself. He would instead distribute it to his few disciples. But during the research, he would watch over and occasionally check on us. I know what you're worried about, Mr. Jenkins. There won't be a problem. Plus, when Master Eastin accepted your project, I believe he mentioned that he wouldn't work on the project. Otherwise, why would you have agreed to let his disciple take it over?" "The way you said it makes it sound like you've handled quite a few similar situations." His tone wasn't happy or angry, but there was a hint of teasing.
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Chapter 143 Master Eastin Left
It was a call from Cedric. Cedric knew the time difference between Jefton State and abroad. There must be some important matters if he called her at this hour. She quickly answered, "Cedric." Cedric briefly greeted her too. "I thought you'd be asleep." "Did something happen, Cedric?" Yuna asked worriedly. "It's nothing big. I just want to let you know what Master Eastin informed me. He told me that he accepted a project, but it's a secret project, so he can't tell us much about it. And he won't be able to contact us for about three months starting now. We won't be able to contact him either. That's why I'm telling you." Yuna was confused when she heard that. "Whose project is that? Why is it so secretive?" "I've asked about it, but Master Eastin didn't tell me anything. Besides, I only got this information from a text he sent me before he boarded the plane. When I called him, his phone was turned off. I did try to search for the flight that went on, but I couldn't find any
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Chapter 144 The Wait
"Even if that's the case, she shouldn't use suicide as a way to attract his attention. I really don't know how her mind works." Kiara's voice carried a mixture of disapproval and disdain toward Daisy, as if she did something embarrassing as a woman. Yuna even thought that if she hung around Yvan more, Daisy would expose what she did again, just like before. Only this would take her a step closer to the truth. She never expected that she would choose to attempt suicide. What a shame.Sensing that Yuna was quiet, Kiara thought she shouldn't have told her the news. So, she quickly changed the topic, "The press conference is happening soon. There's even a public announcement for that. For now, the only thing that hasn't been revealed yet is your identity as Surra. I'm guessing that it would be big news when you appeared on the screen." Yuna could actually hear the excitement in Kiara's voice. She laughed and said, "Yeah, it would be interesting. But I don't think this will affect
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Chapter 145 Angry For No Reason
At TN Group. Yvan didn't sleep at all for the whole night. After making sure that Daisy was asleep, he sneaked back to Birchwood Heights but was told that Yuna took the chance to leave when he wasn't around. That instantly made his blood boil, but there was nowhere he could release his frustration. That caused him to glare at anybody at work, which left all the employees and staff horrified. Not long after, Michael pushed the door open. "Ms. Feron is here, Mr. Jenkins." Hearing that, Yvan snuffed out his cigarette and frowned. But his brow relaxed soon after. "Why is she here?" Michael explained, "One of the documents that were supposed to be sent here was left out, so Ms. Feron came here to hand it to you." "Let her in." Michael nodded, then turned and left. He gave her a look to signal that she could go in. Seeing her heading inside, Michael breathed a sigh of relief. It would all depend on Yuna whether she could make Yvan's mood better. The moment Yuna entered the of
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Chapter 146 Punishment
Half an hour later, Yuna and Yvan were in a private room at a restaurant. When the waiter brought all the food out, she watched with confusion as Yvan started to eat. She, on the other hand, didn't touch the food. Yvan raised his eyebrow and asked, "Do you not like the food here?" Yuna didn't know that Yvan's punishment was for them to have a meal together. But this indeed felt like a punishment to her. After all, she always felt like she was suffering when she had to eat with Yvan at Birchwood Heights. She took a deep breath and smiled. "No, enjoy the food, Mr. Jenkins. I'm not that hungry." "Don't waste food. Eat." Yvan frowned and said—no, commanded. Yuna had no choice but to pick up her fork and knife and start eating. Yuna wasn't sure if it was an illusion, but Yvan seemed to be in a great mood. He even looked like he was enjoying the food better than usual. But she was sure it was just an illusion because Yvan and her always couldn't stand each other. So it was impo
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Chapter 147 Car Accident
A small truck came fast from the side, appearing out of nowhere. Yvan's car was just less than ten feet away from it. When Yuna yelled, Yvan was already braking the car. He even turned the steering wheel all the way to the right in that moment of emergency. It was a close call when the car and truck only brushed past each other. However, the car still collided with a garbage bin by the roadside. A loud bang followed the impact. Yuna felt like she was being jerked back and forth in the car. The back of her head struck forcefully against something before propelling her forward. She was fast enough to shield her head, but it still hit the front, causing her to feel a concussion. The front of the car was dented due to the impact, and black smoke was coming out of the hood. The situation inside wasn't any better. Yuna was suppressing a painful moan. Her eyes couldn't focus at all. "Yuna!" Yvan unbuckled his seat belt and noticed that Yuna looked as if she'd passed out any moment
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Chapter 148 Harry Took Her Away
At that moment, it was like Harry and Yvan were having a face-off. Still sitting in the passenger seat, Yuna was in so much pain that her complexion turned pale. She almost couldn't think straight anymore. "Harry, quick." Harry took the tool from Yvan. "Saving Yuna is more important here, Mr. Jenkins." Yvan took a deep breath, not wanting to aggravate the injury in his stomach. His face became tense ever since Harry appeared. Harry reached into the car again and tried to carefully move Yuna's leg out with the help of the tool. The process lasted less than five or six minutes, and Yuna could finally sigh in relief. Harry threw the tool aside and carried her out of the car effortlessly. He told Yvan, "Mr. Jenkins, the other traffic police will arrive soon. They would need you to tell them about what happened as the victim of this car accident. I'll send Yuna to the hospital now." Yvan wanted to stop him, but seeing how Yuna's ankle was still bleeding, he could only watch as H
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Chapter 149 A Dare
But Yuna said, "It's alright. When will Mr. Jenkins be back from examination?" Seeing Yuna was concerned for Yvan, Michael said, "Why don't you wait in Mr. Jenkins' ward? I'll go check on that." And so, Michael brought Yuna to Yvan's ward before going off to see him. Yuna took the chance to ring Sherry up and tell her the ward number so she could find her in the hospital. After that, she browsed the net, which showed the news of the car accident. Thankfully, she wasn't in the news. The news headline was "Yvan Jenkins Involved in Serious Car Crash." Because of the accident, the press conference was also mentioned. She carefully read through the comments, finding out that the netizens thought the car accident was strange. When Yuna started thinking about it, she, too, thought something was off. "Yuna Feron, why would you be here?" Daisy's sudden appearance distracted Yuna from her thoughts. She put her phone away and lifted her gaze to look at Daisy, who was walking into the wa
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Chapter 150 Bad Luck
"Yvan Jenkins is just next door." "Huh?" Sherry nearly shrieked. She then closed the door to prevent anyone from eavesdropping on them. "Is Jenkins actually next door?" "And his girlfriend too.""The heck?" Amused by Sherry's reaction, Yuna nearly laughed out loud. "Can't you use a better word to respond?" "What is this, some soap opera?" Sherry finally used other words as a reply. "Harry just told me that you and Jenkins got into an accident. So Jenkins got injured pretty seriously too?" "He's suffering from internal injuries, while mine is an external." "What a match," Sherry said teasingly. "So, when you came out from that ward, Daisy was also in there. What kind of battlefield was that?" Although Sherry was talking in that way, it was obvious that she wished she could do something. The next second, she said, "I wish I were there." "You can still feel it if you go there now." "No, no." As Sherry spoke, she helped Yuna get into the bed. Yuna asked, "Natalie and N
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