All Chapters of Her Lycan From Hell: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
113 Chapters
Chapter 31
-MILA- My body felt hot, like I was in a furnace. I opened my eyes, the fever making me shiver in some sort of cold heat. My eyes felt heavy, I had no strength. "Mila?" I shifted my eyes to stare at Lobo. It took all the strength I could muster to speak, "What's... What's going on?" "You were hurt. You're body, um, your body is recovering." "Where am I?" I could feel there was something wrong with me, but when I shifted my eyes, I wasn't seeing a hospital. I was seeing the alcove by the streem and the Elder Tree. "You're at the sacred place. With the alter." "Why?" I sighed, "My body is hurting. I feel like the pain is in my bones." My memory was foggy, I couldn't remeber exactly what happened. But I recalled getting attacked. "I can't remember what happened. I was attacked by the Lycan," I realized it was Selene who called me, "Is Selene okay?" "A lot happened, Mila. We can talk about everything when you're feeling better." He was hiding something, it was obvious. "Wh
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Chapter 32
-MILA-Opening my eyes I discovered that I was still in the alcove.I had been drifting in and out of consciousness, seeing strange flitters of light every time my eyes closed."Are you ready to tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked the second I was awake and able to lift myself into a sitting position."How are you feeling?" Lobo looked at me with concern etched into his eyes."Hot. Like I'm fevered. Every time that I close my eyes, I see these strange magical looking lights. Green, pink, light blue, silver. It's a bit odd, I've never really seen anything like it before," I turned my head, my eyes falling on the lake, "Until the lake, that is," I turned back to Lobo, "Is Selene okay? I'm starting to remember more about that night."Lobo was sitting close to me, he took my hands in his and sighed, "Mila, there is no easy way to say this, I know how much Selene meant to you," he shook his head, "I'm sorry, baby, she didn't make it."I heard his words, but my brain wasn't acceptin
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Chapter 33
-MILA-I opened my eyes, confused and disoriented.I wasn't in the alcove anymore.But I would have chosen that over my current housing.I was in a large cage. Just big enough for a small bed and a place for me to stand up."Lobo!" I shouted. Outside of the cage, I couldn't see anything but an empty room with stairs leading upward.I heard a door open and shortly after Lobo walked down the steps."What the hell do you think you're doing? You locked me in a cage? What is wrong with you?"Lobo sighed as he walked over to the cage, "I know you probably hate me right now. But you aren't strong enough to go walking around. If this is the only way I can keep you safe until you're thinking straight, then I'll do it."I glared at him, "Lobo, I am in a cage. A cage! What part of this do you think is okay?"Lobo frowned, "Mila. You fainted while attempting to leave. What else was I supposed to do?"I scoffed, "You really don't get it. You marked me without my consent. And now you're keeping me
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Chapter 34
-MILA-I was asleep when I woke up with a loud noise."Lobo?" I turned in the bed but Lobo wasn't there.I got out of the bed and made my way out of the room."Lobo?"He was standing at the window, staring out."We need to leave.""What? Why?""It's getting worse. Had a bunch of humans out here, throwing shit, screaming that I'm not welcome here."I sighed, "They're blaming you?""I'm a lycan. They don't want us here.""I get it. Where are we going?"He shrugged, "I don't know. Go back to bed, I'll figure it out.""Shouldn't we be figuring it out together?""Mila, you don't need any further stress on your plate. Go back to bed."I sighed and went over to him, wrapping my arms around him, I leaned my face against his back, "You really have to get better at letting me in if this is going to work out."I could feel his body tense at my words, "Sorry. I'm used to doing things alone.""Well, you have to get used to not doing things alone anymore."He turned around in my arms, looking down
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Chapter 35
-MILA-I woke up after eventually falling asleep sometime through the night.I had been plagued by nightmares of the upcoming changes I would be facing.When I walked through the house I found Lobo in the kitchen."Morning.""Hey. How are you feeling?""I'm okay." I didn't feel like getting into the nightmares. The less I thought about it, the better."We're leaving later for the mountains.""Okay. Sounds fine." I sat down at the table and noticed my phone had a few missed calls from Lowell."Has he been calling all morning?""Yeah. I figured it would be better if I didn't answer your phone."I sighed, "I'll call him back later. I'm not in the mood right now.""That's understandable. Here, eat." He put a plate of food in front of me."Thank you," I took a bite of food, "This is good. Am I going to meet the rest of your Pack today?""Yes, probably. They will probably be there before we get there.""How many are there?""Ten.""That's a lot of new people. Does your Pack have a name?""I
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Chapter 36
-MILA-When Lobo said mountains, I hadn't been expecting an array of cabins. They were nestled between beautiful snowy mountains."Wow. I wasn't expecting this." It looked more like a resort than a Pack home."What, did you think we just lived out in the open when here?""Well, yeah?" I responded sheepishly.Lobo chuckled, his hand on my lower back, "Come on, let's go to the Packhouse, I'll introduce you to everyone."My stomach flipped from nerves. The beauty of the place had momentarily stilled my nerves about meeting the rest of the Lycans.He steered me to a larger cabin and as we stepped in I was met with a lovely smell of food. The cabin was a welcomed warmth from being outside in the stark snowy cold. Even though there was no snow currently falling, it felt like I was standing in a freezer out there.There were people around, talking in small groups and laughing.I quickly scanned them, trying to get an idea of them.There were only two women that I could see.It took them all
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Chapter 37
-MILA-I was waiting back in the cabin for Lobo when there was a knock on the door.Surprised, I went over to open it. Lewis was standing there with a smile."Hey, Lobo is having a few drinks, he sent me to ask if you would like to join him."I groaned, "No, I'm good with staying here.""I know it's all new to you, but it would be nice if you could join us. Get to know us a little better."I forced a smile, "Yeah, maybe later. I just want to have some time to myself right now."Lewis surprised me once again, this time by pushing his way into the cabin."Sure, come on in, then," I said sarcastically. Turning to face him I crossed my arms over my chest and watched him."Lewis, I don't mean to be nasty, but what are you doing here?"He turned to me with a broad smile, "I'm trying to make you feel welcome. Lobo has been good to me, and you're his mate so," he shrugged, "And I know the backstory of who you are."I nodded, "Yeah. Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm just getting used to everythi
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Chapter 38
-MILA-I woke up with the sun hitting my face from the open window. Lobo wasn't in bed.I got to my feet and walked around the cabin but he wasn't there either.He didn't even leave a note or a text to tell me where he was going and I wondered what he expected me to do to pass the time while he was off doing whatever it was he decided to do.I shoved my feet into a pair of slip-on and walked outside. Although I had forgotten about the snow, it wasn't that cold, it was definitely warmer than the previous night.I was still in my shorts and tank top with a light jacket pulled on."Hey, you're up!" Shauna called as she walked over to me."Yeah. Where is Lobo?""Oh, he's training with the others. Here," she shoved her hand into her pocket and produced a small bag, "I packed up some herbs to help with the transformation. You should start taking them right away.""Thank you," I took it and put it into my jacket pocket, "It's nice out here in the morning."Shauna nodded, "It is. It's a beaut
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Chapter 39
-MILA-I felt sick to my stomach and didn't bother waiting to see what happened next.I turned and marched my way down the little pathway toward the stoney area they were training on.I was aware of Shauna calling to me to wait but I wasn't listening.I was fuelled by a mix of anger and pain.I marched into the clearing with my hands swinging by my sides.Betty wasn't as close to Lobo now, and if I had paused I might have realized the look on her face.But my eyes were on Lobo.He turned and his eyes widened in surprise to see me walking angrily toward him."Baby, you're-""What the fuck was that?"His brows furrowed in confusion, "What? Lala, what are you talking about?"I realized all eyes were on me and forced myself to get it together.I raised a brow and pointed up to where I had been standing, "Shauna and I were watching the training session."His frown deepened but then realization dawned on him, "Oh.""Yeah, oh," I turned to Betty, "And as for you, who the hell do you think yo
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Chapter 40
-MILA-Walking out the cabin beside Lobo there was a heavy feeling of awkwardness hanging in the air.We had barely spoken after our conversation about love and I was left with a feeling of deep confusion.We walked into the clearing between the mountains and the trees, a little away from the cabins.The other members of the Pack were standing and I wondered what exactly would happen next.I knew that I had to accept to be his mate, but I was suddenly realizing that I didn't know what else to expect, and that worried me slightly.Lobo stepped up onto a large, smooth boulder and extended his hand out to me.He was shirtless, wearing some type of fur hung over his shoulders.I wore a long indigo dress provided by Shauna.I took his hand and climbed up beside him.To anyone looking in, no one would have realized that we were having any issues between us.He masked it well, no one would have guessed that we had such an awkward conversation only minutes earlier."I, Alpha Lobo of the Midni
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