All Chapters of The Reborn Luna : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
108 Chapters
Scarlett's POV"Freda, we need to locate those two men who approached me earlier. Something tells me they have a hand in this. They seemed suspicious, and their timing was too coincidental."Freda nodded in agreement, her expression focused. "You're right, Scarlett. It's highly likely that they are connected to the attack and the traitor. We need to find them and extract whatever information they possess. They might hold the key to unraveling this mystery."With a shared understanding, we set off, our senses heightened, scanning the area for any signs of the two men. We knew that time was of the essence, and we couldn't afford to let them slip through our grasp. Every moment lost meant the traitor's influence could grow stronger.As we traversed the narrow streets of our community, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the task ahead. Lives hung in the balance, and the truth seemed shrouded in a web of deceit. But I refused to be overwhelmed. Determination surged through my veins, fu
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Scarlett's POVThe bitter taste of defeat lingered in my mouth as I watched the man vanish into the depths of the waterfall. Anger and frustration swirled within me, threatening to consume my every thought. But Freda's voice cut through the haze, pulling me back to the present."Scarlett, we need to hurry back to the pack," she said, her voice urgent yet composed. "We can't let this setback deter us. There's still a chance to find the other man, and we need to seize it."Her words resonated within me, reigniting the flame of determination that had flickered momentarily. She was right. We couldn't dwell on what we couldn't change; we had to focus on the tasks ahead. We turned on our heels and sprinted back through the winding alleyways, retracing our steps with a renewed sense of purpose.As we arrived at our headquarters, the air crackled with anticipation. Freda swiftly gathered a group of her trusted men, her voice cutting through the tension-filled atmosphere."Listen up," she comm
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Scarlett's POV The sight of the man's lifeless body sprawled on the floor sent shockwaves of disbelief and anguish through the room. Freda's cry of despair echoed in my ears, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and frustration. It was as if the weight of our unanswered questions had manifested before us, mocking our relentless pursuit of truth. Tears welled in my eyes as I reached out, a futile attempt to grasp the fleeting essence of life that had slipped away so tragically. But it was too late. The man's final act of defiance had silenced the answers we had sought, leaving us with only fragmented pieces of a puzzle. "Freda..." I began, my voice choked with sorrow. But before I could say more, she stormed out of the room, her footsteps echoing down the corridor, each step mirroring the anger and frustration that surged within her. "Stay away from me!" she spat, her voice dripping with anger. "This is all your fault! If it weren't for your incompetence, we might have gotten
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Ethan's POVAs Shakira took my hand in hers, a surge of power coursed through my veins. I felt a strange energy enveloping me, and in an instant, everything around us blurred and distorted. The world seemed to bend and twist, and before I knew it, we had vanished into thin air.My senses were overwhelmed as we reappeared inside a small hut. The sudden change in surroundings left me momentarily disoriented. I blinked, taking in my new surroundings—a dimly lit room adorned with ancient symbols and mystical artifacts.Shakira stood beside me, her presence grounding me in this unfamiliar place. Her eyes shone with determination as she looked at me.Shakira's gaze locked with mine, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of determination and concern. "Ethan," she began, her voice steady yet filled with gravity, "we have crossed into a land inhabited by the most deadly and formidable werewolves in the country. This is their domain, and they have long guarded the secrets that Scarlett has manipul
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Ethan's POV"I... I can't be an Alpha. I've never held such a position before. Are you sure, Shakira?"Shakira's gaze met mine, unwavering in its certainty. Her eyes sparkled with an otherworldly wisdom that left me in awe. "Ethan, I have seen the potential within you," she explained, her voice steady and assured. "You possess qualities of leadership that can inspire and unite. I believe in your ability to deliver justice and bring an end to Scarlett's reign."I struggled to comprehend her words, the weight of responsibility settling heavily upon my shoulders. Being an Alpha was not something I had ever imagined for myself, but Shakira's unwavering faith in me made doubt begin to fade."But... why me?" I asked, my voice tinged with humility. "There are surely others more experienced and deserving of such a role."Shakira's gentle smile conveyed a sense of understanding. "Ethan, leadership is not solely defined by experience or lineage," she explained. "It is about the strength of char
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Ethan's POVAs we hurriedly made our way towards the spy, my heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and concern. The urgency in Shakira's voice and the young man's battered appearance only intensified my curiosity. I exchanged a quick glance with Lucas, and we quickened our pace, following Shakira's lead.As we reached the spy, his ragged breathing and battered form were evident. He was soaked from head to toe, his clothes clinging to his body. Shakira wasted no time and immediately addressed him, her voice filled with urgency."What happened?" she asked, her tone demanding answers. "Why are you in such a state? Where is your teammate, Dave?"The spy took a moment to catch his breath, his voice coming out in short bursts. "Your Highness," he began, wincing in pain, "we carried out the mission as planned. We infiltrated the pack, gathered vital information about the elders, and executed our plan successfully. But during our escape, two women began hunting us relentlessly."His words
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Ethan's POV As I slowly opened my eyes, a dull ache throbbed in my head. Blinking against the harsh glare, I gradually adjusted to the surroundings. The blinding light receded, revealing a sight that left me astounded. I found myself lying on a smooth, cool marble floor that stretched out before me. My gaze took in the breathtaking sight that unfolded. I had returned to the temple where I had faced off against Scarlett, but now it stood before me as a testament to resplendence and grandeur. Bathed in a warm, ethereal glow, the temple exuded an aura of mystical allure. Its architectural design remained faithful to the structure I remembered, yet a profound transformation had taken place. The once shattered remnants had been meticulously restored to their former glory, as if time itself had reversed its relentless march. The temple now stood tall and majestic, radiating an air of invincibility. With a sense of wonder, I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position, my hands finding s
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Ethan's POVJust then, Lucas entered the room, his voice filled with urgency. "Ethan, the soldiers are ready to move out," he informed me, his gaze scanning my disheveled appearance. "Is everything alright?"I forced a reassuring smile and replied, "It's nothing, Lucas. I'll be out with them in a few minutes. Just need to gather my thoughts."Lucas looked at me with concern, but seeing my determined facade, he nodded and left the room. Alone again, I struggled to make sense of what had just transpired. It was as if the encounter with Scarlett in the temple had left its mark on my mind, tainting my perception of reality.Something was definitely wrong. Someone possessed a power that twisted my surroundings and played havoc with my thoughts. But who could possess such formidable abilities, and why were they targeting me? Questions swirled in my mind, and a deep unease settled within me. I knew I had to find answers and put an end to this twisted game before it consumed me entirely.Just
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Ethan's POVLucas glanced at me, his brow furrowing in concern. "Ethan, I understand that the events of late have been unsettling, but I've never once doubted our cause or our mission," he replied with unwavering conviction. "We have faced countless challenges before, and this is no different. It's only natural for doubts to creep in, but we mustn't let them overshadow our purpose."I nodded, absorbing his words, though a lingering unease still tugged at my thoughts. "But Lucas, the encounters with Scarlett and the strange occurrences we've witnessed... It feels as though someone or something is deliberately trying to hinder our progress," I explained, my voice filled with a mix of frustration and determination. "We can't simply dismiss these events as mere coincidences. There's more at play here."Lucas sighed, his gaze fixed on the path ahead as we continued our march. "I won't deny that things have been unusual, Ethan. But dwelling on uncertainties won't bring us any closer to the
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Ethan's POV Dr. Thorne's spectral form seemed to radiate with a solemn certainty as he continued to unravel the truth before me. The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, battling against my own convictions. Could it be true? Could Shakira, the one who had seemingly supported and empowered me, be plotting my downfall? I couldn't help but scoff at the notion. "Crush me and my army? Impossible," I retorted, a hint of laughter lacing my words. "We are strong, united, and prepared for any challenge that comes our way. Scarlett may be formidable, but she cannot break our resolve." Dr. Thorne's eyes shimmered with a mix of sorrow and determination. "Ethan, do not underestimate the power of destiny and the forces that conspire against you. Scarlett possesses an innate strength and unwavering determination that surpasses what you have seen thus far. She is destined to bring an end to the darkness that engulfs our world." I waved his words aside, my confidence unwavering. "Destiny or
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