Semua Bab Fated To Rival Alpha; Her Deadly Revenge : Bab 61 - Bab 70
154 Bab
Jax's POVAfter we had breakfast, I led Aurora back to the alpha's quarters"I would be leaving for my office, I've not used it ever since I came here, it's time for it to be of use" Aurora said to me and I nodded in compliance"I also have a lot to do, I will see you later in the day" I said to her and watched her as she made way to her so called office while I also took the direction to mine.I'm man with so many packs under me, so I have to deal with more paper work than the ordinary alpha and I have to attend a lot of council meetings, and I somehow do not like the fact that Aurora is going to be attending to some things, she would have to find out some things that I don't want her to.Like how I have been taking the supply of coal without her permission, for the little while that she was sick and I asked Julius to send some troops down there to check on the stability of the pack, I was told that they were doing really well and I was also informed of the coal production that had j
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Aurora's POVI stayed busy for the rest of the day, I had a lot to look into and it was quite hectic, I finally calmed down my nerves, even though I still feel a little bit angry, Maya has been with me until few minutes ago that I persuaded her into going into her room to get some rest, I felt a little bit overwhelmed but I carried on, it's been a little while that I did this but doing it again is a little bit of work but I did it anyway.Stephen and I took some break in between to take lunch and rest our head a little bit."Done" Stephen voice rang in my head as I signed the last bit of paper"is that all?" I asked him"yes alpha, that's all you can go to your room now, I will clean after you" he said and I stood up to head to my room, honestly I'm super tired, all I need to do now is to sleep and rest, I still need to speak with Jax, I haven't told him yet that I will be traveling back to the crimson pack alongside Maya and Stephen and I really do not want to see his face, but I do
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Jax's POVBoth Emily and Julius walked right into my office, damn the both of them, I was really having a good time"what a perfect timing for you both to just come into my office don't you think?" I said to them and Julius burst out laughing, I swear on the moon goddess that I'm going to kill this boy by myself."How are we supposed to know that you both will be making out right inside the office, the door is broken alpha, you could have just used your room or her office that the door is still intact" he said"you know you both really do amaze me, this minute you both are fighting and are at each other's throats, the next minute you are kissing each other, what exactly are we to believe you both are just so confusing" he added and sat back on his chair."So why are you both here? you better have a good reason for coming here to disturb me" I said to them and Julius looked like he was going to laugh but I didn't pay any attention to him, I just focused on Emily."Well I was going to a
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"Yes me" the person answered"what are you doing here?" Alice asked him"I'm here to see you of course, I noticed when you came here so I decided to follow you here, the thing is that I want to propose something to you" he said and Alice was forced to look at him, what could this person probably offer her, she's not even in the mood for all these things, she's not really interested in whatever it is that he his saying or has to say."I know you don't like the Luna, I don't either, I have a plan we can use to get rid of her" he said to her and Alice's ears popped open, there's nothing that she wants more in this world than for that so called Luna to just disappear, it would even be better if she had died, she would really love that."What plan is that and what exactly do you stand to gain for yourself?" she asked him, he can't just want to help her get rid of the Luna for nothing, he would also stand to gain something"you don't have to worry about that for now, you should just focus o
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Book 2 chapter 65Aurora's POVMaya pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly as I sobbed silently"I really miss it here Maya, I don't want to go back to the dead moon pack, I want to stay right here and lead my pack just like father wanted" I said to her as streams of tears fall from my eyes."It's okay darling, you should not say that, next to your mate is exactly where you belong, it's because you are just coming back home after such a long time" she said to me trying to comfort me"but do not in anyway be worried, I can assure you that you will soon get used to this Aurora, it's just a matter of time" she said to me and I nodded my head."You should rest now, we've had such a long journey" she said to me and I agreed, I would have really loved to take a look at those letters today like right now but that would be very selfish of me, Maya is old and she needs to rest"I will make sure that your favourite dish is prepared for you" she said and I nodded my head, and she left lea
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Aurora's POVI had absolutely no idea that the reason behind my father's and jax's argument that the night soilders told me about was as a result of the pack or something like that, how come she's hearing something else, that has nothing to do with what she had thought, this is really messed up."long live the alpha" one of the council members chanted"speak" Aurora said to him"the alpha of the dead moon pack was here, before your father passed, about two years before his passing, he told your father that he would like to purchase the land where the pack is located from him, he was willing to pay a lot of money for it, but your father refused him, he sent letters upon letters but your father never for once obliged him.He came to your father angrily the day before his passing and told him he would take not just the land that, the coal was located but also the entire pack."Your father was angry and they had an argument because of that" the man concluded his speech."How come I'm just
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Aurora's POV"I never really noticed this here and I doubt if your father did too" Maya said to me.I just sat there in shock, I could not even read the letters, could it be that my mother ran away with jax's father, what if father is also not dead like he and everyone thinks, Jax was pretty young back then, so definitely anything could have happened, what if he was also lied to like her, because at this point a whole lot of things is a possibility.I stared at the box right in front of me filled with letters that my mother wrote right after she abandoned my father and I and went on to leave with someone else.One thing is certain, her mother was definitely at the dead moon pack at the time of the writing of this letter or she was with someone of authority from the dead moon pack when she wrote this letter, it's either of the two.And in this case, it seems to be the alpha of the pack back then, he's the only one with the authority to use the stamp and symbol, no one else can unless g
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Jax's POVIt's been two days now that Aurora left and I've not been able to concentrate on anything that I've been doing, I can't stop thinking about that mate of mine, I wish that I can mindlink her but her mind is just something that I cannot penetrate into, and it's not supposed to be so, she's my mate and she's the one that I should be able to communicate with the most.She must still be angry with me about the coal, I already asked that some guards take the money to the pack, she's supposed to return today and I hope that nothing changes that, tommorow is the feast that Emily has been planning for her, I really do not know what my little sister aim to achieve with the so called feast, Emily is not the type to give up on anything that she wants, the Emily I know will never want to get along with Aurora no matter what.But it's all good, I was still in my room thinking of what I want to do with my day, I made sure to do a lot of things yesterday which gives me a lot of free time to
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Jax's POVI felt Aurora's presence as I sat down in my office attending to some papers that needs approval, they just arrived from some packs this morning, I can feel Adrian's excitement, I quickly stood up and walked to the Luna's room"where are you going, we are not done here alpha, you are being so lazy with work today" he said, there he goes again lecturing me with so many talks, what a very annoying beta I have."Aurora is here, I can feel her" I said to him"you know what you should just look for a chain and chain the alpha to your side, she's all that you think about" he said and followed after me.I made my way to her room but she's not there, I left the alpha's quarters and met Lina and Joana there"has the Luna arrived?" I asked them because I can't see her anywhere but I can feel her, our bond has become something else these days."Not yet, but some of the guards already told us that she's almost here so we are here waiting for her" Lina said and I nodded my head in acknow
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Aurora's POVI woke up and found myself in a room that's not my own, I looked around and found that I'm in jax's room, I quickly remembered all that happened yesterday from when I arrived here at the dead moon pack, Jax is such a beast, I can barely feel my body and he's nowhere to be found.I managed to drag myself up and the next thing that I felt is hunger, well it's understandable giving that I spent the entire night making love with my mate, I didn't have dinner last night and I used all my energy on this bed last night, I looked out the window and I saw that it's almost mid day, I can't believe that I slept all afternoon, how could I have done that? I thought.I wonder how I'm going to leave this room, I looked at myself in the mirror and I'm a complete mess, my hair is all muffled and scattered, it's all over me, the smell of Jax and his seed, I thought for a while, I would have to take my bath in this room and also get dressed, I also remembered that today is the feast that Em
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