All Chapters of A teen again : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Chapter 61
Vanessa stood and watched them the whole time. The book she held fell off her hands. She used her finger to wedge off tears from her eyes. She never thought Peter would love anyone else but her. So sad how he has moved on and forgotten completely about her.Vanessa was not ready to take this, something needed to be done. She must appear in Peter's life again regardless of what. The fact that her father had to plot to take over the company and was caught does not make it her fault that she would have to bear the pain alongside.“I must get her lover back at all cost” Vanessa determined to herself.***Joe had completely lost his attention to the children's presentation. Bella and Eric were no longer around the area. His mind thought of her all through the present children's presentation.He suspected that Eric was only using Bella based on her weakness, but what he cannot seem to figure out was what Eric's plan was?“Well, whatever Eric's plan was? It sure wasn't a good one” Joe th
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Chapter 62
“Bella Chase” he called her name and waited for a reply."Yes, manager" she replied as he intended.“You are fired!” The former said to her.“Fired?” Bella repeated.“Yes. That is right” he replied to her.“What have I done, sir?” Bella questioned as her mood changed to that of a sad, innocent girl.“I am sorry Bella, but it was not my will but that of the owner of the restaurant says he does not want you working here any longer” the manager spoke.“What is his complaint?” Bella questioned with her feet stamping the floor. She was in tears and did not know what to do?“He did not give a specific complaint, he just kept grumbling, mentioning your name.“That to trickster. I knew he would never change”“By the way, how do know the boss?” The manager asked with great concern.Bella ignored the question and left the restaurant. She was boiling with rage. She could not wait to hear the actual reason why Peter had made up his mind to terminate her employment.Bella got into a taxi and heade
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Chapter 63
“Truth?” Joe asked with great concern written on his face.Eric laughed out loud and stamped his hands on Joe's table. “You think you are playing the game, but you are the one fooled. It would have been better you gave up when you had the chance” Eric mentioned before leaving the room.“Hey!” Joe yelled and ran after him.Workers had their eyes on Joe. Why was he in chase of Eric? Was the question on their minds.Joe was on high speed to catch Eric, who had gone far. He happened to slide and fell off his chair. It was quite hard for him to get up from the floor because he hadn't added weight and besides, the wheelchair was not in a position to assist him. Workers had to assist him on his chair. It was then that Emily sighted him from afar and ran to his aid.“What happened?” Emily asked him.He gave her a frown and did not reply to her.“Where did Eric go?” He managed to question after a moment of silence.“He just left sir” Holland replied.“Left to where?” “As in left the office
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Chapter 64
Joe waited for Emily in the waiting room. She had been given a first aid treatment before taken to the hospital, for The doctor came out shortly with Emily. He posed that her injury was just a mere pain and that she would recover shortly, precisely a few days later.Joe was pleased to hear the information. He did not know what he would do if he heard his sister had lost an arm.Now that he knew who the attackers were, he might just know how to tackle them.***“You said that freak was coming?” Lucy reminded Eric of his statement.“Yeah! I saw him behind me. It seems w boy has escaped once more," Eric commented.“I hate you to hear that. Why must we wait for him? Can't we just strike first?” Lucy suggested.“No! To strike first would only stir up investigations. “We have to make a sneaky move about attacking” Eric replied.“So we wait?” Lucy asked.“No, we plan” he answered. “How about grandma?” He changed the topic.“I have given her the pills” “Good, we should be hoping for a funer
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Chapter 65
It was already the appointed time for the party. Workers of Joe's company were already gathered in the backyard of Mr. Julius' house. He had chosen that the party be done in his house to ease the stress of him moving too far.Joe was ready to do anything to gain Mr. Julius' trust, and this was what, workers could not give a reason why?Mr. Julius's friends and workers were also present at the party. The arena was beautifully decorated with flowers, lights, and balloons.It was as though the decorations were made for a baby.Varieties of foods and drinks were displaced on the buffet while people drew near to take food.Entertainments were being displayed freely and music filled the air.Mr. Julius was happy to see that Peter fulfilled his desires. He made him sit beside him during the party.They discussed work, since that was all they ever talked about.Mr. Julius made sure to introduce his wife and child to Joe. It was a good start to friendship, being familiar with one another's en
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Chapter 66
When they reached the venue where she believed Eric would be, he was no longer there. Definitely thing he would have moved, since humans were not static beings.“Where is he?” Joe asked.“He was right here” Vanessa replied while she was looking out for Eric.She sighted him from afar, bowing his head in the midsts of people to avoid being seen. Perhaps by Vanessa and Joe specifically. His hood was a good covering to hide his face as it was large.“Over there!” Vanessa pointed out his location.They both ran to their suspect's standing position. Joe did not hesitate to unveil the hood that covered his face.Gun sounds were heard after that, giving them fright. Everyone was still at first and listened calmly for further alert. As the gun sound was from the neighboring building.“What is going on?” Mr. Julius questioned with fear.“What is that freak planning this time?” Joe said openly.“You know who is doing this?” Mr. Julius asked.“I might know,” Joe replied.“What! You mean, you
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Chapter 67
Peter kept staring at the one who confessed her feelings.He did not know what to do at that point. Should he just ignore her as he always did, or should he tell her that he was not ready for a reunion?She was definitely using the advantage of saving his life to get to him, and he did not want this.“Uhh um” he cleared his throat before making a word. “Vanessa” he called her name. “I hope you can understand that I have moved on? And I think you should do the same too” he advised.“What are you saying? So it was that easy for you to move on without me?” She broke out in tears.“Vanessa, the truth is, I was never in love with you” Joe confessed while she increased her wails.“Stop the car!” She yelled and attempted to open the door while the car was still moving.Joe held her back and ordered for the car to be stopped. He then left her slowly to open the door.“She slammed the door like an angry woman would do. “Vanessa, wait!” Joe called her, but she did not bother turning to look at
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Chapter 68
Joe had totally forgotten to button up his shirt properly. He was in such a rush that he failed to realize it.Luckily for him, he was in a seating position, so his dressing was not noticed as the clothes looked folded against each other.For the first time in a long time, Joe assisted himself to his office.“Is she here yet?” he asked Georgia on his way in.“Who Vanessa? She is not here yet” she replied.“Who said anything about Vanessa? I was talking about my visitor Bella” Joe confessed.“Oh! Sorry, sir. She has not yet arrived sir” Georgia replied.“That's okay” Joe said and left for his office.Joe sat idle for hours, waiting for Bella's arrival. He took snacks into his mouth and watched a movie on his phone while he waited patiently.A knock came on his door later on when he had slept off.Bella walked into the office without waiting for a reply.Joe's eyes were just getting open. Her hair was well-dressed in a ponytail. She wore a short dress that did not cover her body properl
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Chapter 69
“So that fool believed every word you told him?" Eric questioned with content.“Of course! He is obsessed with me, he has no choice but to believe my tears” Bella replied.“Oh, my love, you are good at acting. I bet he could not differentiate the fake tears from a real one” Eric mocked.“He has given me a job at the company. He says he wants me close to him so that we can plan on taking you down” Bella exposed.“Of course! Just what we need to take him down” Eric mentioned. L“But if I am that close to him, how do we get to communicate? Or even see each other?” Bella asked."Do not worry, leave that to me" Eric assured her that he will handle their communication."So, what did you tell him?" Eric wanted to know."It was creepy how I explained it… She said, as she recalled. "I walked straight to his room since he was not around the main building" she the same thing. "They laid a naked lady on his bed waiting to make love to him""Ooh, that is too disgusting" Eric said while exhibiting
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Chapter 70
“His grandma's funeral was hosted yesterday, yet he did not show up” a woman exposed to her colleagues. “Something seems fishy about his character lately. He often misses work days and feels free to leave us in charge… “That is so unlike himself” a tiny voice interrupted the man speaking. “What would one expect when in a relationship?” The earlier woman spoke.“So the boss is into a relationship?” The one with the tiny voice questioned, being unaware of the gist. “So, who did he choose this time? Emily or Vanessa?” She added the question.“Its none of those two my dear” the woman replied to her.“From what I heard… “Ugh umm” an insincere cough obstructed her speech.The one who coughed was only alerting the others that Vanessa had arrived. Everyone departed immediately to their area of duty.“Has the boss arrived yet?” Vanessa asked the receptionist, which gave her a negative reply.“What now?” She asked herself and decided to call Peter.The reply she did not get give her a reason t
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