All Chapters of Divorce Has Never Felt So Good: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
76 Chapters
For a long time, Nikolai was frozen and kept staring at the shelf before him. Every other thing around him didn't matter, just the shelf before him.Emotion swelled within his chest, catching in his throat and leaving him breathless. He actually had a hint that Adira had been secretly buying clothes for him, but he had no idea they were thisHe extended his hands and grazed his fingers over the soft fabrics. So much quality, so much beauty. They were definitely going to look good on him. He couldn't believe she had been buying so many clothes for him but never had the courage to give them to him. And he wouldn't even blame her. He had been scaring her enough.He imagined how hurt she must be knowing she couldn't see him in those dresses. He blamed himself for trapping her in a loveless marriage, but it was for the best.Taking a deep breath, he stepped away from the shelf and looked around for what he was looking for. He soon found the shelf containing her casual dresses and picked ou
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Nikolai made up his mind to go back to the room and see what was going on. He was about to leave the car when he spotted Jared coming out. Finally.He had a smile on his face—a kind of smile that screamed victorious—and that rankled Nikolai. Why would he be looking that way after leaving Adira? She was his wife. No other man should have such a look on his face after leaving her.His eyes followed him as he headed for his car and rode out of the building."Abel," he called out to his guard at the front seat."Sir.""Tell our spy to keep a close eye on Jared from now on. If he's seen meeting with Adira at any time,I need to know.""Yes, sir."****†****†****†****†"Why don't you take his calls?" Mrs. Rowena asked as she decanted some coffee into two mugs.A little of it spilled on the table by the time she was done, and she reached for a napkin to wipe it off."I want to, mom," Jardine said, shaking her head. "But I can't get over the betrayal. You don't know how much it hurts to know La
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It's been almost a week. Adira was finally well and ready to be discharged. That morning, she sat on the bed while Bonnie packed up her things. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she thought of all that had happened during her stay in the hospital. Two days ago, Lancelot's mother actually sent her a text. In her words: "I was so worried about you, dear. I hope you're strong and better now. A shameless woman she was. Adira couldn't believe it didn't matter to her that she had caused an issue between Lancelot and Jardine. Of course, she should be aware, but typical Winslet would never care. She was too money-minded and didn't care if the other was hurting. And she must be stupid to think Adira will ever forget all she went through in her hands. It was only the beginning. She was bound to destroy her family. "I'm done, ma'am," Bonnie announced to her, standing with the bags beside her. Adira nodded and was about to leave the bed when a nurse walked in. "Good morning, ma'am. There are a
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Vesper perched on a stool at the sleek bar counter, the dim light casting a shadow over his brooding figure. With a half-empty bottle in hand, he took another long sip, loving how the liquid ignited a simmering warmth within him.Although, he wasn't drunk, his once bright orbs now held a reddish tinge. And the lines of his face etched deeper, tracing a map of untold stories and hidden pain.That was all he could do at the moment - drink and drink. The bar had become his sanctuary."Always drinking alone, huh?" He suddenly heard a strange voice and cocked his head to see a lady taking the seat beside him.She was a young pretty lady with the prettiest smile he's seen in a while. But she didn't look familiar in any way.It was Kalina. She's been following him for some days now and decided to show herself to him that evening."Always?" Vesper arched his brows. "How do you know it's always?"She chuckled. "Well, I've seen you a couple of times at this bar. Let's just say... you've been th
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Adira's eyes gently fluttered open, the soft rays of the morning sun embracing her. For a long time, she remained still in bed, trying to comprehend the heaviness that settled upon her mind. Why was she having some confusing visions?She shut her eyes tight, trying to piece together the fragments of her memories from the previous night. She knew she had been very drunk. Yes, her mother's news had weakened her and made her turn to drinking, but why did she feel something else had happened? Something... strange?'What is wrong with you?' She gasped when she heard that voice in her head. That was Nikolai!She sat up immediately, trying to clearly see the images and how he had joined her at the bar counter. Yes, she could remember. Nikolai sat next to her!Her fingers went into her messy hair, itching it as she tried to remember more. Although the images were unclear, slowly she began to recall a few of the things that had happened. She couldn't remember much, but she remembered when Niko
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Adira moved away from the door immediately as she turned to see Nikolai. Did he know her?   "Nikolai!" The lady's eyes crinkled in a smile as she made her way into the house, her shoulder brushing pass Adira. Excitement was all over her.   "My goodness! Look at you. You're even more handsome than the last time we met." She rubbed her palms together.   Adira could tell she wanted badly to hug him, but it was obvious she was aware of his hatred for touch. So, who was she to him? A friend? Why's she with a luggage?   Surprise etched the lines of Nikolai's face. "What're you doing here? We didn't talk about this."   "Uh! I know," she tucked some strands of hair behind her ear. "I actually wanted it to be a surprise. How're you doing?"   But Nikolai didn't look satisfied. Adira noticed he was trying so hard not to look at her. Has he become irritated by her?
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Adira spent the rest of the day in her room - just watching movies and trying to clear her head.At intervals, the thought of her family flashed into her head, making her restless. Was she to forgive them - she thought countless times. But thinking of how mean they had been to her gave her doubtful conclusions. Those people had treated her like slaves and never loved her - not once. What reason does she have to help them?By evening, she had cravings for noodles and decided to make some herself. Evans had already made dinner and left for the day, but she didn't feel like eating the meal he prepared just yet.She got downstairs, into the kitchen and began chopping her vegetables. She's always loved cooking, but working at the company takes too much of her time and prevents her from doing the thing she loves. It was for the best, anyway. It was preferable to be rich and busy, than to be poor and lazy around.'Have you though of what your life would look like after the divorce?' a voice
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Done with her noodles, Adira stepped out of the threshold to get some air. She had a glass of wine with her which she sipped at intervals while losing herself in a vacant state. The atmosphere seemed so peaceful.It didn't take long before she heard the door opening behind her and guessed it to be Na-ri. That lady has been moving around the house like she owns it. Was she done from Nikolai's room already?She turned to give her a glance and nearly choked on the wine she had in her mouth when she discovered it was Nikolai. It wasn't Na-ri, but Nikolai.She felt the fingers of nervousness crawling into her heart again as she locked eyes with him. Since the previous night, her anxiety had gotten worst around him.He was dressed in black shorts and a T-shirt and looked really handsome - as always. And tho z his eyes looked tired,a subtle glimmer of warmth sparked into them the moment they found Adira.For a few seconds, the air around them freezed as they just gave unexpected stares at ea
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TWO WEEKS LATERAs Adira and Nikolai left the car simultaneously, maids ran out of the house to meet them."Welcome, ma'am.""Welcome, sir." They all chorused, their heads bowed.Adira and Nikolai walked pass them into the house, while the maids got their bags from the boot, along with Yvonne who assisted.The mansion was like one Adira had never seen. It was super huge and painted in a neat shade of white. That was the family house of Nikolai's grandparents, and they were there to spend a few weeks with Mr. Thatcher who was close to his demise.Mr Thatcher was Nikolai's grandfather and the founder of Yonder Dynamics. Unfortunately, he was suffering from cancer and wanted to spend the last of his days on earth with his family.Getting into the expansive sitting room, Adira was welcomed by the intoxicating aroma of fine leather and polished wood. The walls were adorned with exquisite artworks, ornate chandeliers dangled from the high ceilings, casting a soft glow over the richness of t
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Adira was in awe as she stared at the lady. How was she Mr. Thatcher's wife?! How was she from an influential family? Wasn't that the Lyra she knew?The family paid homage to Mr. Thatcher, flashing pleasant smiles at him - except Nikolai, of course. Man wouldn't smile to save his life."We've all been waiting for you, father. It's a good thing you're here to join us," Mrs Bellamy said, joining to assist him to sit at the head of the table.The whole time, Adira's eyes were on the young lady. She looked prettier and richer. Her hair was smoothly brushed into a fine ponytail, and her face held very light makeup. She had a very short gown on which revealed most of her thighs."Lyra?" She finally voiced out, attracting eyes to her direction.That was the first time the young lady also saw her, and for a second, shock flashed right through her eyes."Yes?" She replaced the shock with a smile, so swiftly like she was an expert. "Do you um...need something from me?"The room was tensed, beca
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