All Chapters of The Italian Bride of the Bratva King: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
152 Chapters
Aleksandr let out another irritating breath, six hours. It's been six hours since the surgery started and it was still going on. For the first time in his life He got to know that He has a heart and it could beat for someone and that too wildly. For the first time in his life He got to know that He has emotions, emotions like Love. For a second, He thought his life without his Tigritsa and his whole life sounded meaningless. Fucking hell! He was feeling like a small kid in a candy store today. He was in love with his tigritsa. The woman He wanted to claim as his own since He saw her for the first time. In a bookshop of all places. Aleksandr chuckeld at the memory. It was still as fresh as if it happened yesterday. He sighed and realised that it had been years since He saw her there. Just then another thing came to his mind, Was Aleksandr Fedorov fell in love at first sight? He shook his head. How was that possible, when He never believed in that fucking word? The thoughts were tw
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"We have removed the bullet. She is out of danger now but still unconscious. You can see her once she is shifted to the ICU. But it will take some time for her to get conscious. A few days might be possible." Dr Gill informed Aleksandr and the Knight family. He looked agitated while speaking as Aleksandr's threat still rang in his ear. Only he knew what his condition was while performing the surgery. "You may leave, doctor," Aleksandr ordered him and the doctor left with a nod."Bella, I think you should head home. You need rest." Aaron said to his wife who looked pale and distraught with continuous crying. He was also worried about his daughter but he was not so open about showing his emotions. His wife was a completely different question. She wears her emotions on her sleeves. "No. I am not going anywhere. My daughter needs me and I am staying here with her until she gets fit and fine. I don't trust anyone with her," she threw the words looking at Aleksandr who arched his brows and
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"Now, Run and save your merciless monster if you can Aria. Because I am about to shoot him again and this time he can't be saved!".."Aleksandr!" Aria snapped her eyes open shrieking her husband's name but her voice came out small and trembling even though she screamed with all her strength. Everything around her was blurry. Her mouth felt as if it was stuffed with cotton and there was an ache in her chest. A sharp ache. And then she heard it. The sound of beeps. Aria blinked her eyelids a few times as she roamed her tired eyes around the place. The first thing she noticed were multiple machines and wires and something on her nose. An oxygen mask. I am in a hospital? She thought and let out a breath and again a sharp pain inflicted in her chest. She wanted to know what happened to her, the last thing she remembered was pushing Aleksandr away from the window. Was He alright? She needed to know. She tried to move her hand to remove her oxygen mask but she felt too weak to do it.
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"Do I have to tell you what to do in a situation like this, Mikhail? Call that bloody senator and ask him to control his commissioner or he can say goodbye to my money in his next election." Aleksandr snapped at Mikhail who nodded in understanding. "And as for Tetushka. Make sure she received the best treatment in every way. I can't leave from here but you go and check if everything is fine there or not." Mikhail raised his eyes and swallowed in fear before speaking. "Pakhan. Igor is there. I have already sent security to the hospital."Aleksandr sharpened his eyes as He listened to Mikhail. "I want to stay here with you. After the attack, I don't find it right to leave you alone."Aleksandr chuckled and then burst out in full-blown laughter. "Are you worrying about me, Mikahil?"Mikhail felt conscious. He knew Aleksandr didn't like the emotional talk but he couldn't stop himself from reacting in this manner. It was not the first time he noticed a shootout like this, it was not the
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"Have you lost your bloody mind?" Leonus snapped at Leigh. "Why would I try to poison her?" He burst out as his eyes hardened in brutal rage. "You tell me why, Leonus. Do you think I didn't notice the way you look at her? Dinara is ignorant of these things, not me. I understand everything," Leigh snapped back. Leonus gritted his jaws and took a step forward, Leigh's words made him want to snap her into two. But before he could do anything, Dinara spoke up. "Leigh. What are you talking about? I am not ignorant. I know Leonus could never do something like this deliberately. I agree he is an arrogant man and didn't want the baby initially but now things have changed between us. He cares about our daughter and me.”Leigh thinned her lips and gave her a sharp look. "If that's the case then why did he bring these nutty chocolates for you. I hope you remember how dangerous your allergy is, Dia?" Dinara bit her lip from inside and glanced at Leonus. Her eyes were filled with thousands of u
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"What kind of joke is this?" Aria snapped at him. "I don't love you or anyone else." She said, snatching her hand from him.Aleksandr shook his head. "Talk about me, not anyone else. When you say love your next word should always be my name, I Love Aleksandr. See how good it sounds. Now don't be shy and say these words to me, Tigritsa."Aria gave him a blank look, doubting his conscience for a second. Then she scowled at him. "In your dreams, Aleksandr Fedorov. I don't believe in this word. Obsession. That's what I have for you. That's it!"Aleksandr chuckled and got closer to his wife who for the first time looked flustered. "Aria…," He clicked his tongue inside his mouth while staring at her for a long minute. "Why are you running away from your feelings, Aria? There is no one else here except for us. You don't have to hide your feelings for your husband. I need to know. C'mon darling, say that you love me.”Aria gave him a hard and fed up look. "Shut up! Just shut up. I don't love
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"Do you want me to back down from my throne? Is that what you are asking? Do you want me to give you my title, my position as Bratva Pakhan?" Aleksandr asked after a moment of silence. Aria shook her head. "No. I don't want you to back down from your throne. I want you to share it with me. As I said, Aleksandr, I want you to give me an equal footing in Bratva. Equal power to order Soldiers, equal power to make decisions. I want to be with you when you make high-end decisions," Aria moved closer to him and rested her palm on his chest. "I want half of everything you own, Aleksandr. Be it your soul, your heart, your money, your power or Your Bratva.”Aleksandr had a choice. A choice to make this woman his for the rest of his life if He gives up the most precious thing of his life. His pride and Power. The woman is after everything He owns, she would have it anyway because she now rules his heart. “Aleksandr, this love is going to be your death!” His inner monster whispered while sta
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Aria eyed the blonde nurse who was stealing glances at Aleksandr while checking her blood pressure. The previous nurse was an old lady but due to some family emergency she was on leave. Now, her duty was handed over to this blondie who had been ogling her husband since she came to the room. Aria eyed her husband, He was busy talking to someone over the phone in the corner. Only his left profile was visible but He looked like one dashing hot piece of cake. Aria was glad that He was not staring back at the nurse. Because if He had turned his ocean blue eyes on the nurse in that way, she would have plucked his eyes out of their sockets. Yes, Aria was possessive and territorial. "How is it?" She asked the nurse in a sharp tone. The blonde woman finally averted her gaze to Aria and raised her brows in askance. "I am sorry I didn't hear your question, Madam. Can you repeat it?”"You will if you stop gawking at my husband and focus on your work!" She snarled, making the girl startled by t
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“Hello Aria, I never thought I would hear from you this soon." Diego said in a friendly tone as if they were some long-lost friends. Aria closed her eyes and let out a small sigh. "Hello Diego. It's been a while since we last talked. How are you doing?” She asked, opening her eyes and setting them on the door to make sure no one was on the other side of the door or listening to her as she spoke. "A month precisely, right. How are you feeling? I hope I didn't hurt you too badly."Aria chuckled. "Those people whom I consider important to me can hurt me badly Diego. And you, my dear friend, don't cross that list." "You hurt me, Aria. I thought we were on the same track. You, your brother and I…""Shut up you son of a bitch!" Aria interrupted her before he could finish the sentence. "And listen to me. If you don't stop this nonsense, I will snatch your life out of your body. Do you hear me? Stop hurting Aleksandr. I am silent because of my brother. His involvement with you is the onl
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"I was thinking about my family. Mom must be worried about me," Aria said, holding his hand and taking it away from her chin politely. Aleksandr eyed the gesture silently and pulled his hand back.His brows pulled together. "You mom," He sighed and nodded. “... Yes. She is really worried about you. Fine, let's go to your home first. You will meet your mother and I will meet my Dinara. She was tense for me when you were shot."Aria frowned. "Worried about you when I was shot? Are you not mistaking your sentence? I was the injured party here, Aleksandr."He smiled. "But I was the one dying in pain, Aria." He said with all the sincerity in his eyes that Aria's breathing hitched for a moment. Aleksandr was looking at her so unpretentiously that she even forgot to blink her eyes. Aleksandr chuckeld when she kept staring at him, "what are you staring at? Say something." "Who are you, Aleksandr? And what have you done to the man who was my sworn enemy?" She couldn't help but ask him, sti
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