All Chapters of Valene: Daughter of the Shadow Rogues: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
140 Chapters
Chapter 90: She'll Not Stay Pt. 2
She brushed past me without another word, and I fought with every ounce of my being not to yank her up by the arm and force her into seclusion so that we could hash it out. Something told me, however, that if I did, I’d only succeed in making things worse.I turned and watched her saunter away from me, my arms crossed in aggravation. “We’re not done here, little one.” She paused, turned only slightly, and looked at me. “Yes, we are, old man.” without another word, she did something that I had never seen before of an inhuman. Her body seemed to burst into a flight of shadow-like bats, and suddenly, she disappeared into the sky.“She is going to be a problem.” Bain seemed to realize this as he witnessed what I did.“A challenge she will be,” I agreed with my beastly counterpart.“Yes….why do I feel like you welcome the challenge?” When he said this, a grin played across my lips and gradually became wider. I was amused and a tad bit excited about the idea of forcing the little spitfire
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Chapter 91: She Says There's Nothing to Tell...Is There?
Vale: I sat on the kitchen island, eating a bowl of Moose Track ice cream drenched in fudge. My sweet tooth had kicked into exceptionally high gear today, and I knew why. I hadn’t eaten a meal- a real meal for almost a day and a half. Trying to be a good girl was definitely not agreeing with me. With a small sigh, I dug into my bowl and took a large bite of my fudgy ice cream. Eyes closed, I savored the rich fudge when I started to get a splitting headache. “You alright in here?” I heard the resoundingly deep voice of my father ask me as I sat on the island counter trying to enjoy my sweet treat. “Brain freeze,” I murmured as I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as if that would help alleviate the pain that I was feeling. I took a deep breath after the pain subsided and just looked at my father, giving him a small smile before I returned to my steadily melting treat. “Those can suck.” “Yeah,” I replied to him. “They certainly can. In fact, I am almost certain that they always do.”
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Chapter 92: Simmering Tensions Pt. 1
Alastair:I should have known that she would be late. Even the elusive vampire elder, Lucious Madris, had made an early appearance. His son, however, was, not so eager to make his presence known.“Alastair Wade!” Lucius Madris approached with the same charm and subtle deviousness that he’d carried through his eight and a half centuries of life. “It is always a pleasure.”“I’d say the same, but it usually depends on what kind of mood you’re in, Lucius.” To my reply, he found no offense and simply responded with a grin. He knew that I was right. “Right, you are, alpha," he confirmed and continued with further amusement. "I guess I can be hard to swallow at times. However, since Shadow Veil is the priority, I promise to be on my best behavior tonight. Or at least, I'll try.” “Hm,” I took his word with a grain of salt and a raised brow. I’d always have to make a mental note to keep an eye on him. “Your son,” I shifted the subject. “I take it, he will not be gracing us with his presence
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Chapter 93: Simmering Tensions Pt. 2
Harylyn's eyes were bloodshot and narrow. She could hardly put proper words together as she stumbled through her response. “As…as the blo...ody…v-vampire said. Well, e...except I can…I can hold my alcoh-my alcohol,” she slurred.“Apparently, you can’t," I hissed under my breath. So irritated by Harlyn's reckless behavior. Already, things were turning out to be a mess, and the meeting hadn’t even started yet. I simply could not afford to have two children acting out erratically.Toran’s son, Talon approached with impatience. “If it’s alright with you, alpha, I’ll take her upstairs so she can sleep it off.”“Thank you, Talon.” I knew it was as frustrating for him to see her that way as it was for me. When I handed her off, I noticed the flush in her cheeks. She seemed to be ashamed of her actions now when she noticed that Talon was standing before her. Harlyn suddenly became silent and docile. It was all of a sudden that Harlyn was seemingly more aware and apologetic of her actions.
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Chapter 94: A Bitterness She Can't Place
Vale:After I left the house, I stood there and just looked at the large home for a moment. Not for sentimentality, though.They were about to talk, and it was bound to turn into an argument if I knew my mother and father. And I did. Then again, I did jump the gun in even assuming that my mother would stay long enough to talk. She was more the flighty type. Especially, where hard conversations were concerned.Hmm, mother and father. The idea of them being in the same vicinity… was off-putting. However, it seemed that this whole time, they were never too far away from each other. The amused expression that I had quickly turned into a frown as I thought about it. This whole time, one big-no huge secret that they both shared. My father, I couldn’t hold too much fault with since he didn’t even know that I existed. Or well... in the fleshly sense, at least.That woman, however. A completely. Different. Story.I walked away from the house, suddenly irritated. I wanted to feed. Bad.That’s
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Chapter 95: The Lycan King's View of Things
Ares:When I saw her standing there, staring at the house, her eyes wandering along the length of the Wade estate, I stood there and simply watched. I liked watching her. Something was on her mind, and I had no idea what it was. What is she thinking? I asked to myself as I stood there in the distance, desperate to know what was on her mind.I didn’t make myself known just yet as I shamelessly took that time to admire how beautiful she was. And the sweet scent that seemed to change into something ever sweeter whenever she was near.The black distressed pants she wore hugged at her thick thighs and a plump backside. She had on a leather jacket that covered the mid-drift shirt t
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Chapter 96: A Normal Night For Vale
Vale: “Put her in the car!”.......... The voice was muffled and almost demonic in tone…or maybe that was how I envisioned it as I heard a cold whip against my ear….”Finally, I’ll be rid of you for good.”I was paralyzed by the words….by the distorted memory of my death. I could not recall much but the physicality of it all. Or the lack thereof.I couldn’t move. I could hardly feel or even mutter a word.  “I cannot wai…..ore for you, gopher
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Chapter 97: Under Her Gruff Exterior Pt. 1
ALASTAIR:Weeks had come and gone since Val and her mother returned home. Though my eldest little girl and I were not necessarily on bad terms, my situation with Merari and even Harlyn was a little rocky. Well, a little more than rocky.Harlyn still hadn’t completely accepted the fact that Valene was home, and she seemed quite cross with me for having as good a relationship with her as I did despite everything that had been going on. It didn’t make sense to me but the best that I could figure was that maybe she was resentful of the fact that Val became the one thing that she never thought she should be.I could not begin to understand the complexities of my baby girl’s mind, and at this time of my life, I felt it a waste to even try. I knew enough to love her unconditionally, and for me, that was enough.This was all besides the fact that things had been too shaky around Shadow Veil to be concerned with such trivial matters.Was I still concerned? Of course, I was. What kind of fath
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Chapter 98: Under Her Gruff Exterior Pt. 2
ARES:My heart dropped to my knees when I saw her legs give out from beneath her. Before I could think, I was in human form again and she was in my arms. I wasted no time in trying to reassure Alastair that I had no ill intent. The most important thing to me now was getting my mate to someone who could heal her wounds. As I raced through the forest, I couldn’t help but replay the words in my mind that I heard Harlyn whispering worriedly to herself as she saw Valene being attacked.“Why didn’t you listen? Why didn’t you listen, Valene?!” The words were like a broken record in my mind. It was hard to ignore Harlyn’s fear for Valene’s safety-even through my own concerns.The girl’s thoughts and emotions were constantly warring with one another concerning her sister. Too bad she was too prideful to confess this. When we arrived at medical, I burst through the doors with full determination as she began to run cold in my arms, the black veins that once enraptured my body, seeking to sti
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Chapter 99: Harlyn and the Sweet Treats
VALE:It had been nearly a week, and still, I was forced to stay at this hospital. Apparently, the poison was significantly stronger than I had expected it to be. Than anyone had. It didn’t make sense to me that their poisonous bites had gotten stronger since Ares’ injury. Then again, two years had passed, and I shouldn’t have been surprised. But I was. Mutations like this never happened so fast.Bearing this in mind, I couldn’t help but feel that maybe I was weaker than I had originally thought I was. I mean, what other reason could there be for me to have succumbed to the bite so quickly?Honestly, I preferred the idea of being weaker than I thought than these beasts mutating so quickly over the last two years. It was off-putting. Fortunately, I was at least permitted to sit up and walk around. Leaving, however, was a big bloody no-no for me. Rolling my eyes at the thought, I look outside the window, watching as the autumn sun began to set. I wanted to be out there so bad. I wa
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