All Chapters of Tell Me I'm Yours : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
"So, you're not having a random party this time." Sarita said. "It's your birthday tomorrow. Why didn't you tell me?"Vikrant shrugged. "It didn't come up in our conversations.""You invited me to it but you didn't say it was your birthday." She said in an accusing tone. "I don't think I have the time to get you a present now.""Your presence at my party would be a better present." He said."Are you always this smooth, Mr Suryavanshi?" She teased.Vikrant laughed. "Is it working?""You'll have to be more convincing than that." Sarita grinned."You'll be at my party tomorrow." He told her."Overconfident?" She arched her brow."Not really." He said. "But it's something I know. Here we are." He stopped in front of room 202."Mrs Newton will be so mad." Sarita muttered as she peered into the class through the glass. "She hates tardy students.""I'll talk to her." He knocked on the door before Sarita could stop him and opened the door.Twenty something pairs of eyes turned to look at him
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Chapter Twelve
"Why didn't you tell me Vikrant Suryavanshi invited you to his party?" Jevan asked Sarita as they ate breakfast."Um... I'm not going." Sarita said. "It's movie night today.""You can go." Jevan sighed. He'd given his word and he couldn't back out now."Really?" Sarita was surprised. "Can I go?""Yes. But you must be back by 10pm." Jevan told her. "Not even five minutes after 10.""Okay! thank you papa." Sarita beamed. "How did you know?""Mr Suryavanshi almost begged me to let you attend the party. He probably didn't want his son to be sad on his birthday." Jevan shook his head. "I had to put him out of his misery.""Yes, I've heard that he'd do anything to make his son happy." Priya spoke up. "Is it true he broke his engagement with Priyanka Arora?""Yes. His son didn't like her for him so they broke up." Jevan replied.Vikrant Mayank Suryavanshi was, who you'd call daddy's boy or better yet a son after his father's heart. He'd grown up without his biological mother and had lived wi
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Chapter Thirteen
Sarita became nervous as Michael drove up the driveway to Vikrant's house. It was a gorgeous estate and she couldn't begin to say where it started or ended. Expensive cars lined up in front of them in a queue as their owners alighted from them, threw the keys to the valets and made their way up the stairs and into the house through the open doors.It was Michael's turn finally so he alighted, threw his keys to the valet and went to help Kaly out of the car while another opened the back door for Sarita. Samishka had decided to leave on her own because she wanted to pick up two of her friends but Sarita didn't know if she'd arrived.Sarita felt like a fraud dressed in her designer outfit and gorgeous boots. Kaly had done makeup for her even though she'd originally declined but after she saw herself in the mirror, she appreciated how she turned out. Her lips were painted blood red and instead of the purple off shoulder top, she'd donned a red one to match her lipstick."Don't fuss." Kal
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Chapter Fourteen
Vikrant laughed again because he couldn't help himself. While that sentence had created a certain image in his head, he couldn't help but wish it would come true."I swear, that's what it sounded like to me." He told her."I didn't mean it like that." She pouted."Fine." Vikrant gave up and bit the inside of his cheek. It wouldn't do any good to upset her by laughing at her. She huffed and folded her arms. "I'm glad I can entertain you, Mr Suryavanshi." She grumbled."Call me Mayank. Mr Suryavanshi is my father." He told her."I'm way too upset to call you that right now." She turned and marched out of the boathouse.Vikrant followed her but he was quick enough to step around her and block her path so she couldn't go any further. He tugged his earlobes and with a puppy dog look on his face, pleaded with her to forgive him."I'm sorry oppa. Forgive me?"Sarita laughed. "I'm not a guy, Mayank. Oppa is for a boy or man. That should be noona." She informed him and nodded. "Indeed it shou
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Chapter Fifteen
"Can I have this dance, Miss Madhav?" Vikrant held out his hand to her as a song he liked started playing."I don't dance." Sarita shook her head."Then, I guess it'll be one of the many things I have to teach you." He grinned. "Besides, it's kind of a crime to say no to the birthday boy."Sarita let out a shocked gasp. "You're going to use that card?""Yep." He nodded. "Is it working?""If I step on your toes and break them, don't complain." She warned him."I won't." He promised.Sarita sighed, placed her hand in his and let him lead her to the dance floor. She was very shy to be seen dancing with him so she hid her face in his shirt and it seemed that he didn't mind because he wrapped his arms around her and moved to the slow beat of the music."Happy birthday." She said."Thank you.""I didn't get you any present." She said."I told you that your presence here would be more than a birthday present and it is." He reminded her. "I'm happy that you could make it."They'd all wished h
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Chapter Sixteen
Vikrant leaned against the wall, one arm folded across his chest and one leg crossed over the other, nursing a drink. He'd gotten Sarita juice since he knew she couldn't drink punch mixed with alcohol which was making many of the students drunk or either tipsy.He wondered where Divya had taken Sarita because they were taking so long to get back. He still wanted one last dance with Sarita before she had to leave and also to persuade her to drop by tomorrow to see the horses he'd mentioned."Where did your girlfriend take Anu to?" Vikrant asked Raj when he sidled up to him."They're not back yet?" Raj looked surprised. "Isn't the restroom just down the hall?""Beats me." Vikrant grunted."It's probably filled up with people so they went somewhere else." Raj said.Vikrant checked his wristwatch and scowled when he saw that it was already 9:30. He wouldn't be able to dance with Sarita anymore now."So... You and Sarita, huh?" Raj arched a brow. "Didn't picture you settling down with some
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Chapter Seventeen
Vikrant found Sarita leaning against the wall in the staff quarters which was the west wing of the mansion and he frowned. He'd expected that even if the restroom in the hallway downstairs was filled up, Divya would have taken her to another one that wasn't so far away. "Anu? What are you doing in the staff quarters?" He asked when he got to her. "This is the west wing." Sarita's shoulders slumped. "Divya brought me here. I couldn't find my way back." She replied. "There are east and west wings?" Vikrant pointed in the opposite direction. "That's the East wing. Family members only." He said. "Friends of the family use the guest rooms downstairs." "Wow." Sarita said. "Nice." "Why did Divya bring you here?" His brows furrowed. "There are bathrooms downstairs." Sarita shrugged. She also didn't know why Divya Malhotra went to all the trouble bringing her here just to warn her to stay away from the boy who didn't belong to her or anyone else. It was funny because she didn't think Vik
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Chapter Eighteen
Vikrant groaned as the sunlight streamed into the dark room immediately the curtains were opened. He picked up a pillow and smashed it to his face to keep the light out and continued sleeping until he heard the butler's voice and groaned louder."Sir, it's noon." Nicholas didn't sound too pleased. "It's fucking Sunday, Nick." He growled. "Go away.""You missed a call from your father." Nick informed him. "And you need to open your gifts so the maids can dispose of the trash."Vikrant thrashed around on the bed grumbling under his breath before he sighed, sat up and glared at Nicholas. The man had been around long before he was born but it didn't mean that he couldn't relieve him of his duties."Can I fire you?" He asked Nick."I'm afraid not, sir." Nick replied without blinking."I bet if I tell my dad that you're the bane of my existence - he'll let you go." Vikrant said."I doubt it." Nick strode to the door. "You also have visitors.""My friends." Vikrant plopped back down on his
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Chapter Nineteen
Vikrant paced to and fro in front of his bed with his phone in his hand wondering whether to call Kalyani about Sarita or not. He was sure Kaly had not noticed the mark on her friend's face last night and Sarita probably didn't tell her about it either. He checked the time on his phone, saw it was 1am on Monday morning and decided that he'd like to disturb Kaly's peace anyway and he went through his contacts for her number, clicked on it and pressed the call button then put the phone to his ear. Kalyani stirred and sleepily reached for her phone as it rang on her bedside table wondering who was calling her so early. She glanced at her alarm clock, scowled when she saw it was 1am and groaned louder. She answered the call and put the phone to her ear. "Singh." She said. "I figured you'd be asleep by this time, Yaya." Vikrant drawled. "That's why I chose to call you at this time." "For the love of all that is holy, Vikrant! It's you?" She growled. "It's 1 freaking am in the morning!
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Chapter Twenty
"Good." Vikrant walked over to pick up the violin."Good? How can you say that?" She questioned."Are you scared of Divya?" He studied her face. There was a tiny bit of fear in her eyes and he almost suddenly regretted telling Kalyani about it. Almost, being the keyword here."No!" She sputtered. "I'm not scared of a girl like me, but I'd rather avoid any kind of confrontation, thank you very much." She wrapped her arms around her middle.Vikrant dropped the violin and went to meet her then he pried her arms loose and hugged her. She was a perfect fit. He tried not to inhale her citrus scent but couldn't help himself. If care wasn't taken, he could become addicted to her."It's okay. I won't let anything happen to you." He told her."I don't want a knight in shining armor." Her voice was muffled against his chest."Well... It's too bad that you're getting one anyway." He pulled back to grin at her but his smile faded when he realised she was biting her bottom lip. "Don't bite your lip
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