All Chapters of Alpha Nate's Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
151 Chapters
chapter 30
…Nate's pov…I slammed my hands on the table as I stood up, my anger boiling over. Robert frowned too, and I could feel the weight of my aunt's gaze as she sensed my anger. But it was Mr. Kimball who held my attention. I stared hard at him, my eyes burning with fury. “Go on, do it,” he said, his voice mocking and condescending. His words only fueled the fire within me. My aunt suddenly stood up, her actions speaking louder than words. “You know what, let's call it off today and rearrange,” she declared, signaling for me to follow her outside. I stood there, unmoving, unfazed by their attempts to defuse the situation. My eyes continued to blaze with anger, my entire been radiating an alpha aura that seemed to oppress everyone in the room. A bead of sweat rolled down Mr. Kimball's face, a visible sign of his discomfort.With a subtle movement of her eyes, Aunt Mae gestured to Robert, who understood her silent command. He stood up while she took hold of my hand, tugging me towards the
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chapter 31
… Nate's pov…It was the doctor. I turned to my aunt, my mind racing as I answered the phone and paced around a little. “Hello, sir? His voice sounded from the other end.What's the problem now?” I cut straight to the chase, feeling a sense of urgency. “She woke up a few minutes ago,” the doctor replied. My heart skipped a beat. “Oh, really? Yes, she did, but…" I tensed, waiting for the doctor to continue. “But she was hesitant about being treated here. She said she wanted to be taken to the general ward. She doesn't trust us,” the doctor explained. My brows furrowed in concern. “We had to put her to sleep before treating her,” He said, and I sighed. “The wound, how long would it take to heal?” I asked.“I must say, if she cooperates, she would be able to pretend all is alright with a little pain a day before the occasion and the day of the occasion,” the doctor responded. “That's two days of pretending,” I said, my voice heavy with worry. The doctor sighed, “The blood has stopped
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chapter 32
… Nate's pov…I woke up with a heavy feeling in my eyes, as if I had been sleeping for an eternity. The absence of Julie, who had left while I was away yesterday, only added to the disoriented state of my mind. I ran my hands through my hair and rubbed my forehead, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Reality quickly settled in as I realized that I needed to go to the hospital. A deep sigh escaped my lips, knowing that there were important matters to attend to. I glanced at the clock, my heart skipping a beat. “Oh my, it's already 9 am,” I muttered to myself in disbelief. Without wasting another moment, I hurriedly entered the bathroom, the sound of running water filling the air. A quick, hurried bath refreshed my senses, awakening me fully. Stepping out, I swiftly dressed in a long-sleeve shirt and black pencil trousers, paying attention to every detail. The memory of Aunt Mae's disapproval from the previous day echoed in my mind, reminding me not to dress shabbily. I couldn
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chapter 33
… Eva's pov…I watched with a mix of frustration and anger as Aunt Mae left the room, her presence only fueling the turmoil within me. My frown deepened, and my mouth twitched. At the door, Aunt Mae's disapproving look, scrunching her nose as she turned to shut the door, only added to my irritation.I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as the tension in the room grew. I expected to see the doctor enter, ready to face the consequences of his actions, but to my surprise, it was Nate who appeared at the doorpost. My breath caught in my throat as I laid eyes on him.Nate stood there, his tall frame leaning slightly against the door frame. His messy brown hair fell casually across his forehead, contrasting with his piercing blue eyes. The once familiar warmth in his gaze was replaced with a mix of remorse and longing. His chiseled jawline, usually so inviting, now seemed hardened, reflecting the weight of our strained relationship.My heart wavered as memories of our shared moments f
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chapter 34
…Nate's pov…I looked at Eva, her face turned away from me. Her eyebrows were slanted, as if she was determined about something. I couldn't quite tell what was going on in her mind. A sigh escaped my lips as I reluctantly stood up from the bedside. I quietly walked towards the door, stealing one last glance at Eva lying on the bed. With a heavy heart, I pushed the door open and stepped out into the corridor. I made my way down the hallway, I noticed the doctor pacing back and forth. His worried expression mirrored my feelings. I approached him, and without a word exchanged, we fell into step together. Walking side by side, the hospital corridors seemed endless, filled with uncertainty and apprehension.My mind was racing with thoughts, trying to make sense of the situation. What was happening to Eva? Why did she turn away from me? The silence between the doctor and me felt heavy, weighed down by unspoken worries. We continued down the halls, the sound of our footsteps echoing, a so
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chapter 35
…Nate's pov…I dangled the cup in My hands, My gaze meeting Aunt Mae's understanding eyes. “Today…" My voice trailed off, unable to find the right words to express the jumble of emotions swirling within him. I let out a sigh, realizing that dwelling on My thoughts wouldn't change the current circumstances. “Let's roll,” I said, cocking My head towards the door. “We can have a toast later.”Aunt Mae nodded in agreement, her presence a reassuring presence amidst the flurry of activity. With gentle hands, she helped him adjust My tie, the familiar gesture reminding him of her unwavering support. “Thank you,” I muttered, appreciating her assistance. I gulped down the remainder of My drink, the liquid burning slightly as it slid down My throat, and made My way towards the door.The cool breeze caressed My face as I stepped out onto the garage. I pressed the key, and the familiar click of the car unlocking echoed through the air. I hopped into the driver's seat, eager to take control of th
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chapter 36
… Elder ken pov…I leaned back in my chair, a sense of amusement evident in my dry laugh. It seemed that Nate had finally made up his mind on how to handle the situation. I rubbed my chin thoughtfully, observing him closely as he sipped his drink. There was a determined look in his eyes, and I knew he was ready to act.Leaning forward, I locked my gaze with Nate's, conveying my seriousness. “Then bring her a day before the wedding,” I stated firmly, my voice carrying a tone of authority. Nate nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face. As Nate put his hands in his pockets, I could sense his fondness for the topic of opera. Curiosity sparked within me, and I leaned forward, eager to hear more. “So, why do you like opera?” I inquired, genuinely interested in his perspective. A smile graced Nate's face as he began to share his thoughts. “Dad loved opera,” he said, his voice carrying a touch of nostalgia. “Growing up, he would often play recordings of famous opera arias and
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chapter 37
… Eva's pov…I sat on the edge of the bed, my body aching, and my mind filled with a mix of pain and anticipation. The doctor had informed me that I would be discharged today, but the discomfort lingered within me. Tomorrow was meant to be my wedding day, yet here I was, grappling with physical pain and an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.Rubbing my tired eyes, I tried to gather my thoughts, to find solace amidst the chaos. The door creaked open, and the doctor entered the room, his presence signaling the beginning of my departure. “Miss,” he said gently, offering me a reassuring smile. I mustered a weak response and rose from the bed, following his lead. My hospital gown had been replaced with a simple t-shirt and a skirt, an attempt to provide some semblance of normalcy amidst the whirlwind of emotions.Silently, I trailed behind the doctor as we made our way through the corridors. Nate awaited us outside, his face a mask of concern. We exchanged glances, but no words were spoken
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chapter 38
… Eva's pov…I woke up, my gaze instinctively drawn towards the windows. To my surprise, I noticed that they had been changed and reinforced overnight. My heart sank as the realization hit me—my escape plan had been thwarted. The hope that had fueled my dreams last night evaporated instantly.Sitting up on the bed, I rubbed my tired eyes, trying to shake off the disappointment that threatened to consume me. The weight of my circumstances settled heavily upon my shoulders, reminding me of the challenges that lay ahead.With a sigh, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, my body protesting as I put weight on my injured side. The bandage wrapped around the wound reminded me of the pain I had endured, both physically and emotionally. I limped slightly as I made my way towards the bathroom, determination pushing me forward despite the discomfort.Taking slow, deliberate steps, I began to remove my clothes' bit by bit, careful not to aggravate the wound. The fabric clung to my skin, as i
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chapter 39
…Eva's pov…I let out a sigh as I picked a body lotion from the drawer. my hands moved hurriedly, applying it to my skin with quick, almost mechanical motions. I knew I had to dress swiftly, hoping to avoid another unexpected intrusion. Slipping into a pair of comfortable yoga pants and a loose-fitting top, I plopped down onto my bed, feeling a mix of exhaustion and frustration.As I settled onto the bed, my mind still reeling from the earlier intrusion, a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "Coming," I grunted, my voice tinged with irritation. I walked over to the door, bracing herself for another encounter, and opened it.Nate stood before her, holding a tray with covered plates. The sight of the food momentarily distracted me from my annoyance. He closed the door behind him and placed the tray on the table, the aroma of warm food wafting through the air.I couldn't deny that my stomach growled in response, hunger gnawing at her. Despite my reservations about Nate's earlier i
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