All Chapters of Mated to a Witch, a Wolf and a Human: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
150 Chapters
Blair is buried. The dangerous ritual have started.
He knew he had gotten the right blood, but he still have his fears, about the outcome of the ritual. They needed him to be himself, so that they could a great Wolf standing as guard for Demini, but he really wants to loose all that power, given to him by the gods, just for a woman?"Now that the bloods are here, from all 21 lands, what do I do next?"We cannot do anything tonight, we will continue tomorrow, and that is when you will loose all your powers". He said that to remind him again, Incase he wants to change his mind about going ahead with what is happening."Yes I know I will loose all my powers, I can already feel them leaving me, so when can we start the next phase of the ritual, you said she will be buried, and stay in the tomb for three nights, before she will be dug up again, we don't have time to waste, we need to start". Sodom is shocked as to how prepared he is, so he just had to accept, and since he remembers everything he said, he would have to go on with the plan."
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The terrible nightmare
Jayden stayed back, though he was very tired, he could still spare a few minutes more, just to listen to what they have got to say, since they don't know he is there, they might be very free to open up to each other."Oh look at you poor Tangy,. behind iron bars". She says, with a sarcastic tone, which only infuriated Tangy, but she really couldn't get too close to the proof else, it would hurt her.You should be grateful to your father, because if everything were to happen as I want, you will be dead by now, but there is no rush, Jayden will still sleet your throat, and I will be happy to serve your head on a platter to the disappointed, hungry and angry wolves outside the land". She added, but Tangy chose not to speak to her, she was really furious, but with the way Astra was smiling, she thought of making her angry too, maybe that will make her just as angry as she is."You know? Even if I am going to die, for giving Blair the poison you provided, Jayden is still going to find out
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A heinous wolf with two heads.
When he got there, he was shocked to find a naked body on the floor backing him, he couldn't be mistaken, her hair, the way her back looked, her neck like, her backside, it could only be Blair, but then she turned to him and she had a fierce golden eye, but she also smiled at him, then she fainted, Jayden rushed back, after trying to transport to Sodom without luck, he shape change and in his wolf form, he could run faster, when he got to Sodom, he was sitting outside with his legs crossed, and his hands raised to the skies, he seemed to be communicating with the other world."Please Jayden, there is a problem, I don't think we should go on with the plan, she is going to be even more dangerous than we could ever imagine?Jayden wanted to hear more, he is already too close to changing his mind."I saw her, she smiled at me, she looked the same to me, but then she fainted, and I had to come here to get you, so we could transfer the powers to her"."That is what I am saying, we cannot, s
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The war have begun
It felt like the entire kingdom was up, they could all hear the sound of the heinous being roaming the area, not even Jayden had such step. Jayden was still going after it, when he heard someone call from behind him, he turned back to find his mother."Mother, what are you doing here? He asked, turning to face her, but then Blair seem to have been given the order to actually attack him, so she raced back to him and is about to pounce on him when Mogana held him by the shoulder and disappeared with him. She did t take him to the palace, she took him to her kingdom."How dare you do this? You are going to destroy us all with this single act of yours, you are going to kill us all". She sounded too scared."She wasn't going to hurt me, she didn't hurt me the first time, I was alone with her, I guess she was coming for you?"She was coming for you, she was not ordered to do that at first, but after a while, the voice in her head ordered her to kill you, for you are the only one that coul
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The attack on Jayden
Blair was smiling at how scared Jayden looks, he was sweating profusely, and he kept trying to get a contact with her."Should I kill him already? She asked the evil sorcerer."No dear, you will kill him in due time, but first, I have a mission for you, kill the one that allowed them kill you. Kill king Arthur first"."But I want to kill Tangy and Astra, they were the ones that poisoned me". She cries even though she doesn't remember why they killed her, but she just knows that it has to do with something they wanted to take from her, Jayden could see it too, she doesn't remember him, she sees him as a total stranger, and that was truely shocking to him."You will kill them both, but you cannot have a strong victory, if you don't end the king, you have to kill him, then capture his beloved Queen and bring her to me, or, I have a better idea, something that would hurt him the more, bring the both of them here, so that he can watch me use his Queen, before kill him, then she won't have
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"I will bring Jayden to you, Dead!
"I need Sodom, where is Sodom? Jayden cries in pain as soon as she had disappeared."I am here, I warned you not to do this, now she is hurt your father greatly, she is going to hurt you too, for she doesn't know about you"."Yes, she doesn't know about me, and that is the only thing we need to find, to stop her from hurting any other person, the only people she knows about who hurt her, but every other person is a stranger to her, I need to find her memories back, but there is something else, she tries to hurt me, but she felt pain instead, what was that?"She is not the one stopping herself from hurting you, the baby in her womb is stopping her". And that when the king and the Queen knew she was pregnant before she died."Blair is pregnant? They asked rhetorically."Yes, and as long as she didn't decay, the baby also didn't, she is stopped by the baby"."Sodom, this is not the time to apportion blame, this is the time to being her back, she doesn't know herself, she thinks she is a
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I need to know the truth
Blair tried finding him, using her wizard powers, but she couldn't, it almost felt like something else was covering him, she decided to search for him in the palace.That has to be where he is, they will want to protect their alpha, but she was unstoppable, she will destroy them all.She didn't bother transporting to the palace, she just walked through, ensuring that she is seen by all, and since she have no order to kill any other person other than Jayden, she neglected them, and continued walking, until she got to the palace.The moment she was at the palace, she noticed that even the guards went into hiding, while the brave ones that have shape change already, didn't want to attack, unless she attacks first. "I am not here for any of you, I only want Jayden, I wouldn't want to change my mind by killing more innocent persons, bring me Jayden, that is all I ask". Her voice was so loud, it carried so much weight, that it felt like the ground shook.Arthur in his weak situation heard
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Please don't kill Jayden
Queen Marinara was so furious, she rushed to the prison walls for the first time to vent on Tangy. She have also been hoping that she doesn't come to her, but the way the Queen was looking, Tangy could tell that she was toast."I hope you are happy now that the dead is back to life? She asked looking all angry."I am not happy that I am the reason for what is happening now, if only I have left things to play out on their own, all this wouldn't be happening. Please forgive me". She says, since already, there was no point trying to give herself or anyone else reasons for the things she did.The Queen also didn't know how else to attack her again, but she was still angry."Saying sorry isn't enough, you are going to have to leave this walls and go after her, she is the only vicious wolf out there, maybe if you are gone, she will be happy, and then she will leave my family alone". Tangy wasn't expecting that from the Queen, and she squint her eyes at the sound of that."But my Queen, I do
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I don't want to hurt anyone, all I want is Jayden
"Common Blair, if this is one of your Jokes, can you just snap out of it already, I am no longer comfortable with it. You are acting like you do t remember me, it is me, Brittany". Still Blair kept looking like she have just seen a ghost, when she didn't get any response, she brought her phone out, and scanned through her gallery, showing her their last trip, it was her wedding and Jayden was there, she got married to Jayden. Still after seeing all that, she still felt like they were playing a kind game at her.Now this have gone on far too long, this is no Stunt, you are acting Weird, I am going to have to call Frederick". She added as she started dialing his number, but Blair freaked out, got up from her seat, and without looking back, she dashed out of the inn.Brittany went after her, but couldn't catch up with her, she moved too fast.What is wrong with her? She asked rhetorically, and then she yelled at her phone.Frederick will you just pick up already?It took the call another
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Blair stabbed Jayden with a knife
Though he didn't have his powers with him, he could still smell her, she was everywhere around him, she has a special smell that reminds him of lavender, and even in death, she still had that special smell."I know you are here Blair, and I know you know, that I am not the one you are supposed to kill, but if killing me will make you feel happy, I will be more than willing to let you". It sounded funny that she chukkled, but she still focused on what was important, killing him."You are not letting me kill you young man, you cannot escape your destiny, you are to die, and I am the one that is supposed to kill you"."Alright then, but please, why not save your mother, the one you just shot with the bow, she might die"."I am not a doctor silly". "But you have a special blood in you and a power that no one else has, the power fr my gene, I gave you that power, and that is why you are alive"."You didn't do anything, Shadon did it all"."Shadon isn't even as powerful as you, and he know
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