All Chapters of My Alpha's Vengeance: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
91 Chapters
Chapter 61: Finally Found
He has been waiting for me? What does he mean by that?My brows furrowed as I stared at the man. His eyes were filled with longing as he stared down at me. And before I could say anything, he had pulled me into his arms. My face hit his chiseled chest and I gasped. I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t speak. Does this stranger know me? After five weeks, did finally someone from my life before the tragedy came to find me?The dimly lit café seemed to hold its breath as our eyes locked in a moment of uncertainty. His arms still encircled me, the warmth of his touch contrasting with the confusion etched on his face. My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of fear and anticipation intertwining within me."You don't know how long I have been searching for you, Elisa," he whispered, his voice filled with a longing that resonated deep within me. The mention of my name sent a shiver down my spine, a flicker of recognition stirring in the depths of my memoryBut his words only deepened the mystery. Did I
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Chapter 62: I am Your Husband
The forest around us was shrouded in an ethereal mist as Lucian and I stood facing each other, our breaths forming faint clouds in the chilly air. My heart pounded in my chest as I gazed at the man before me, his eyes filled with a mixture of love, concern, and a touch of desperation. "Elisa," he said softly, his voice gentle but filled with conviction, "I know this is difficult to believe, but I am your husband. We belong to the same pack, the same family. You are not alone." I couldn't tear my gaze away from his face, the features that felt both foreign and oddly familiar. His words hung in the air, the weight of their meaning sinking in. I had no memory of this man, no recollection of the life he spoke of. All I had were the fragments of my own shattered memory, like pieces of a puzzle that refused to fit together. "I... I can't remember," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I don't remember anything, Lucian. I don't even know who I am." Lucian's eyes softened with sympathy as he
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Chapter 63: Come Home With Me
Husband. The word reverberated through my mind, foreign and unfamiliar. It seemed to hang in the air between us, heavy with implications and emotions I couldn't quite grasp. I stared at the man before me, his features etched with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, and struggled to reconcile the word with the fragments of memory that danced just beyond my reach.As Lucian's words settled in, I found myself grappling with a growing sense of disorientation. My memories were elusive, an intricate puzzle missing crucial pieces. All that existed in my mind was a tangle of images, emotions, and a life that felt like a distant dream. But this man, this Lucian, claimed to be my husband—a claim that sent shockwaves through the fragile equilibrium I had managed to establish.The room we stood in was comfortable, yet foreign. Soft sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting warm hues across the furnishings. But my attention was solely on Lucian, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that mad
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Chapter 64: Truth of the Past
"This is your home, Elisa," said Lucian.As we approached the pack's base, a mixture of emotions swirled within me. I found myself surrounded by a multitude of people, each bearing expressions as varied as the stars in the night sky. Some gazed at me with wide eyes, disbelief etched on their faces, while others seemed to have tears glistening at the corners of their eyes, as if they were witnessing a long-lost miracle unfold before them. It was as if the threads of fate had woven an intricate tapestry, casting me into a role that I couldn't quite fathom yet.Amidst the throng of pack members, I felt both a connection and an estrangement. These faces, so full of hope and curiosity, were like fragments of a puzzle that I desperately wanted to assemble. They held pieces of my past that I yearned to reclaim, even as they represented an unfamiliar world that I had stumbled into.“Luna Elisa!” a voice cried out jubilantly, cutting through the hushed whispers like a clarion call. "She's aliv
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Chapter 65: Glimmer of Hope
I couldn't believe it. The weight of the truth pressed down on me, threatening to suffocate the air from my lungs. The realization that I had a child, a son, and that he was no longer with us because of my recklessness was a heavy burden to bear. The guilt wrapped around my heart, squeezing it tight, as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the loss."You shouldn't blame yourself," Lucian's voice reached me, his words a lifeline in the sea of despair. But how could I not? How could I not bear the weight of responsibility for the life that was lost, for the shattered dreams and broken promises?He should be mad at me, furious with my decision to not listen to him. I expected him to unleash his anger, to take his revenge upon me, to push me away from his pack and his life. But instead, he stood there, his voice laced with a mixture of pain and understanding."You believed it was the best thing to do at the moment. You wanted to help our people, and there's nothing wrong with that,"
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Chapter 66: Beauty of the Present
The night was bathed in the silvery light of the full moon, casting a luminous glow over the clearing where Lucian and I stood. The world seemed hushed, as if nature itself held its breath, as we shared a moment of vulnerability under the celestial canopy. We had returned to our pack after much struggle and effort, and despite my lack of memory, I had started to rebuild my life with Lucian by my side. But there was a shadow that lingered, a secret that had haunted him, and I could see the pain in his eyes as he began to speak. "Elisa," he began softly, his voice carrying the weight of years of silence, "there's something I need to tell you. Something I should have told you sooner." I looked into his eyes, sensing the gravity of his words, and nodded for him to continue. "Years ago, when our son was just a newborn," Lucian began, his voice trembling with emotion, "our pack was attacked by a group of rebels. I was away, fighting alongside the council to protect our territory." My he
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Chapter 67: Wedding ring
I strolled through the corridors of the mansion, the morning sunlight filtering through the windows, casting warm patterns on the polished wooden floors. The mansion held a sense of elegance and history, yet its walls held secrets I could not remember. My footsteps echoed softly as I wandered, lost in thought. As I turned a corner, I spotted Rafi, my young nephew, standing there with a bright smile on his face. In his small hand, he held a delicate wildflower, its petals a vibrant shade of blue. He extended the flower towards me, his eyes filled with affection. "Good morning, Aunt Elisa," Rafi greeted me. "I picked this flower for you. You're still as lovely as before." It was already three o'clock and everyone was expecting the wedding to start but with the groom's absence in the hall, the ceremony couldn't proceed as planned. In the face of embarrassment, the King sent some men to the Everston manor to check where the lord was. Standing at the shadowed part of the balcony upstair
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Chapter 68: Fragments of Memory
I accepted the flower with a grateful smile, touched by his thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Rafi. That's very sweet of you." Rafi's expression then turned wistful as he spoke softly, "I wish you remembered me, Aunt Elisa. We used to spend a lot of time together." I looked down at him, my heart aching with a sense of longing. "I'm sorry, Rafi. I wish I could remember too. But please tell me more about our time together. I'd love to hear." He nodded eagerly, his eyes lighting up as he began to reminisce. "Before you married Uncle Lucian, you were a slave in our pack. But you were always kind to everyone, even though you had so little. You used to sneak me extra food and tell me stories at night. You were like a guardian angel to me." As Rafi spoke, his words painted a picture of a past I couldn't recall but felt deeply connected to. The kindness he described seemed like a part of my very soul, a part that had endured through time and hardship. I knelt down to be at his eye level, a sens
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Chapter 69: Different Taste
Rafi's eyes lit up with excitement as he continued sharing memories of our time together. "Aunt Elisa, we used to play tennis in the courtyard. I remember you teaching me how to hold the racket properly." I chuckled at the thought, trying to picture myself as a tennis coach. "Did I? I must have been a terrible teacher because I can't remember a thing about tennis." Rafi laughed, the sound of his youthful joy filling the corridor. "Well, Aunt Elisa, I have to admit, I used to win every single time. You said it was because you were letting me win, but I think I was just that good!" "Would you like some tea after your bath, Your Highness?" the butler asked Lauren after the servants prepared her bath and night clothes. "No, I'm fine." Oswin nodded and took his leave, leaving Lauren alone in Alec's spacious yet cold and dimly lit room. Stepping into the huge tub filled with warm scented water, Lauren felt her cold body relax. She didn't have the energy to confront Alec about his sudde
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Chapter 70: Only Mine
"I admit I was rather dismayed, Alec. You didn't even send us an invitation to your wedding," said Mr. Hendricks while the four of them sat in the tearoom.Outside, the rain that started as the drizzle had turned into a downpour. The maid who served them tea was very careful with her moves knowing that a single mistake would cost her life."My apologies, uncle. Apart from the wedding preparations, I have been busy with work. I'm sure you heard about another lord's death and a massacre that took place in a village recently.""Yes, I heard about the massacre. The black mages did it?"Although he believed it wasn't the black mages, Alec didn't like providing unnecessary information to the people who were not directly involved in the case."It is what we are suspecting but nothing is sure yet.""You just arrived, Alec. Does that mean you spent the night working?" Samantha asked meaningfully. It occurred to her that if his cousin didn't even bother to be with his wife on their wedding nigh
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