All Chapters of The Billionaire's secret baby : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
63 Chapters
Chapter 41
Celine and Alexander finished dinner and said goodnight to Mrs. Jenkins. They went upstairs with their baby, who was already asleep. Alexander put the baby down in her crib and then turned to Celine."I have something to discuss with you," he said.Celine looked at him curiously. "What is it?" she asked."I want to marry you," Alexander said.Celine was taken aback. She hadn't expected this. "Marry you?" she repeated."Yes," Alexander said. "I love you, Celine. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."Celine didn't know what to say. She was happy that Alexander loved her, but she was also scared. She had been hurt before, and she didn't want to be hurt again."I need some time to think about it," she said finally.Alexander nodded. "Of course," he said. "Take all the time you need."He kissed her on the forehead and then left the room. Celine sat down on the bed and stared at the wall. She didn't know what to do. She loved Alexander, but she was afraid.She thought about her ex-
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Chapter 42
Alexander got up from the bed and went to take his morning shower. Celine also got up from the bed and went to check on her baby, who was sleeping soundly in the nursery. She smiled as she looked at her little one, who was so peaceful and perfect. She couldn't believe that she was a mother. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. She kissed her baby on the forehead and then went back to the bedroom. Alexander was getting out of the shower, and he smiled when he saw her."Good morning," he said."Good morning," she said. "I just checked on the baby, and she's sleeping soundly.""That's good," he said. "I need to get ready for work."He went into the bathroom to get dressed, and Celine went to the kitchen to make breakfast. She was making pancakes when Alexander came out of the bathroom."Do you want some pancakes?" she asked."Sure," he said.She finished making the pancakes and put them on a plate. She then poured Alexander a cup of coffee."Here you go," she said."Thanks
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Chapter 43
Alexander and Adam were sitting at the bar, enjoying their drinks. Alexander was still feeling elated from his engagement to Celine, and he wanted to share his happiness with his best friend."So," Alexander said, "what's going on with you and Rachel?"Adam took a sip of his beer and looked at Alexander. "We're good," he said. "We're still seeing each other.""That's great," Alexander said. "I'm really happy for you.""Thanks," Adam said. "I'm happy too."They both took a sip of their drinks and were silent for a moment. Then, Alexander spoke up again."So," he said, "what's the deal with you two? I mean, you've been seeing each other for a while now. Are you going to get married someday?"Adam laughed. "I don't know," he said. "We haven't really talked about it.""Well, you should," Alexander said. "You know, I've been thinking about it, and I think marriage is the best thing that ever happened to me. I mean, I love Celine so much, and I can't imagine my life without her. And I know
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Chapter 44
Celine stood up and turned off the light. She walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her. Celine sighed and went to check on their baby, who was sleeping soundly in his crib. She smiled as she looked at him, her heart filled with love. She was so grateful to have him in her life.After a few minutes, Celine went to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea. She sat down at the table and took a sip of her tea, thinking about all the things that she had to do the next day.She was just about to finish her tea when she heard a noise coming from the bedroom. She got up and went to investigate. Alexander was sitting up in bed, his eyes wide with fear."What's wrong?" Celine asked."I had a nightmare," Alexander said. "I dreamed that I lost you and the baby."Celine sat down on the edge of the bed and put her arm around Alexander. "It was just a dream," she said.Alexander nodded and leaned his head against Celine's shoulder. She stroked his hair and kissed his forehead."I lo
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Chapter 45
Three years later, Bryan was now three years old. He was enrolled in an expensive school that his father, Alexander, was one of the investors. On his first day, his mother, Celine, went to the school with him.****Celine: Are you excited for your first day of school, Bryan?Bryan: Yes, I am! I can't wait to meet my new teacher and make new friends.Celine: I'm so proud of you, Bryan. You're going to do great.Bryan: Thanks, Mom.Bryan was nervous about his first day of school. He had never been away from his parents for so long before. But he was also excited to learn new things and make new friends.As they walked into the school, Bryan looked around with wide eyes. It was a big, unfamiliar place, and he started to feel a little bit nervous.Celine saw the look on his face and put her arm around him.Celine: It's okay to be nervous, Bryan. Everyone feels that way on their first day of school.Bryan: But what if I don't make any friends?Celine: You'll make friends, I'm sure. Just be
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Chapter 46
After Bryan's nanny, Miss Esther, took him to his bedroom, Alexander and Celine went to their bedroom to sleep. They were both tired from a long day of work and taking care of Bryan, but they were also happy. They had a wonderful family and they were grateful for each other.Alexander and Celine went into their bedroom and changed into their pajamas. Then, they got into bed and turned off the light. Alexander and Celine were lying in bed, getting ready to fall asleep. Alexander was already drifting off, but Celine was still awake. She had something on her mind that she wanted to talk to Alexander about."Honey," she said.Alexander stirred and opened his eyes. "Hmm?" he said."There's something I want to talk to you about," Celine said."What is it?" Alexander asked."It's about work," Celine said.Alexander sat up in bed. "What about it?" he asked."I'm ready to go back," Celine said."Go back to work?" Alexander asked."Yes," Celine said. "I've been thinking about it for a while, a
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Chapter 47
Celine took one of Alexander's car keys and opened the door. She put Bryan in the back seat and put his seatbelt on."Are you buckled in?" she asked.Bryan nodded. "Yes, Mommy," he said.Celine got in the front seat and started the car. She backed out of the driveway and headed to Rachel's house.The drive was short, and soon they arrived at Rachel's house. Celine parked the car and got out. She opened the back door and helped Bryan out."Here we are," she said.Bryan looked up at the house. "It's so big!" he said."It is," Celine said. "Rachel has a lot of room for us to play."Celine and Bryan went to the front door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opened and Rachel was standing there. She smiled when she saw them."Bryan!" she said. "It's so good to see you!"Bryan ran into Rachel's arms. He hugged her tightly."I'm so glad you're here," Rachel said. "I've missed you."Celine and Rachel went inside to chat while Bryan played with Rachel's dog, Buster. They had a
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Chapter 48
It was in the middle of the night, and Bryan was having a bad dream. He woke up in a cold sweat, and he was scared. He didn't know where he was, and he didn't know what to do.He got out of bed and walked out of his room. He wandered down the hall, and he eventually found himself in Alexander and Celine's bedroom. The door was open, and he could see them sleeping in bed.Bryan walked over to the bed and climbed in. He snuggled up next to Alexander and Celine, and he immediately felt safe. He closed his eyes and fell back asleep.Celine woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. She got out of bed and walked over to the light switch, flipping it on. As she turned around, she saw that her son, Bryan, was lying in bed with her and her husband. She smiled and walked over to him, gently touching his head.Bryan was only three years old, and he had a habit of crawling into his parents' bed at night. Celine and Alexander didn't mind, though. They loved having their son close to
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Chapter 49
After lunch, Celine and Alexander went back to Alexander's office. Celine helped Alexander with some work, and they talked about their plans for the future.As they were driving home, Alexander turned to Celine and said, "I know we haven't talked about it much, but I've been thinking about getting married."Celine smiled. "I've been thinking about it too," she said."I think we're ready," Alexander said. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."Celine leaned over and kissed him. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you too," she said.They pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. They walked hand-in-hand to the front door.Alexander opened the door, and they stepped inside. They turned to each other and smiled."I love you," Alexander said."I love you too," Celine said.They kissed again, and then they went inside their house, where Bryan was waiting for them.When Alexander and Celine came back from Alexander's office, they were welcomed by Mrs. Jenkins, their ho
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Chapter 50
Alexander, Bryan his son, and Adam his best man were driven to the castle chapel in Alexander's expensive car for his wedding. Alexander was nervous, but he was also excited to marry the love of his life. Bryan was excited for his father, and he couldn't wait to see him walk down the aisle. Adam was happy to be Alexander's best man, and he was looking forward to celebrating with his friend on his big day. Bryan was a perfect ring bearer.**Bryan:** Daddy, are we almost there?**Alexander:** Almost, buddy. Just a few more minutes.**Bryan:** I'm excited!**Alexander:** Me too. I'm so happy to be marrying your mother.**Bryan:** I'm happy too. **Bryan:** This is going to be the best day ever!**Alexander:** I think it is too.**Bryan:** I love you, Daddy.**Alexander:** I love you too, buddy.They drove in silence for a few minutes, and then Bryan said, "Daddy, can I ask you a question?""Sure, buddy," his father said."Why are you getting married?" Bryan asked.His father smiled. "Beca
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