All Chapters of Mallory - The revenge huntress : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
A broken doll
Time stood still.Not that he was bad looking actually, he was incredibly attractive! He had dirty blond hair and looked like he ruffled his hand through a couple of times too much. Sweaty, sun-warmed skin that seemed a little dirty at first glance. His beard was light brown, and from the looks of it, he let it grow freely for weeks.. A sharp jawline, nose, and dark brows framed his godly blue eyes. It seemed like they were shining, like magic, mana shifting between deep blue and bright blue. I swear the color in them swirled around each other like water trying to blend, and I had to snap out of it to stop staring.However, no matter how he looked, how tempting that beasty sound was, it changed nothing. I don’t have a mate!“No.”Silence covered the room like a thick blanket before he lifted his nose in the air and took some deep breaths. A low rumble spread from his body to the floor and disappeared to the walls, and took a step closer.I raised my chin and held my ground.His eyes s
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He beamed, a dazzling smile plastered all over his face.“You got to be fucking with me!” I slammed two bags on the table.“And Hondorus really thought that was a brilliant idea? “ Even I felt the venom in my voice as I practically threw the words at him, but nothing seemed to put a damper on this guy´s mood.“ Not yet, but I will, later! “ He winked at me, and it took me a couple of seconds to get it.“In your dreams. let’s just get this over with! Just your eyes on me make me want to scrub myself in a boiling hot shower!”“Yes, in my dreams too! You see, we are a pretty good match! And ill scrub..”Not wanting to hear the rest of that sentence, I threw one of the empty bags at him and walked straight out, just grabbing my jacket as I passed by.The glue guy is named Marcus, and he must be the biggest flirt since Casanova himself. I don’t think he even looked in my direction ones without blinking, and to be honest, it is difficult not to laugh at him. His persistence, that’s for su
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Nobody really acknowledged my presence when I arrived; I’m guessing Diva Girl already spread the `she’s a homewrecker` rumors around. So nobody greets me, some look over in my direction, and most of them ignore me, all except one girl. Tall, blond, blue-eyed, and drop-dead gorgeous!She is the spitting image of the girls I wanted to be in my previous life and the exact same girls I avoided in this life, but she seemed somehow different. I can’t really put my finger on it. But I already know I like this girl! She walked straight up to me, shacked my hand, and introduced herself as Jenny. Up close, I could clearly see two significant scars on her neck and upper shoulder. There’s nothing wrong with that, but as a shifter, the fault isn’t that common, and she’s a werewolf by her smell. Werewolves rarely get scars.“We are nearly everyone here, but as you see, no one is here to train today. Just to get a look at you.” She smiled apologetically at me before she continued.“let’s say half
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Now I had my own little house, my kitchen, bath, bedroom, and even a little porch where I could look out on the lake.«I can’t cook even if my life depended on it, sorry! But I shit you not; I’m a devil at cleaning the dishes!»Jenny laughed, she continued to surprise me, and I scolded myself for judging her by her looks. I take myself in doing this over and over again. We were now slumped down on my tiny couch with a cold beer each, waiting for my gourmet lunch to finish.Suddenly I jumped out of the couch and sprinted into the kitchen; crap crap! Jenny came right behind me and leaned back on the wall laughing. At the same time, I attached the microheater just in time! Jerking the door open, I sigh and see the red number that shows 0.01! I hate that microwave-biping!So our gourmet lunch is premade lasagna, heated in the micro! What a luxury!But the lasagna smelled and tasted like a little piece of heaven and with another ice-cold beer.There we sat, out on the porch, sipping on c
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Girls night
After this endless night, I felt beaten. Breathing felt hard, and my mind was in a dark place. I needed to see her, needed to talk to her. I needed to understand! We waited for her for so long, searched for her after she disappeared, mourned her; now she was here, and Damian and I needed her.Walking hastily over to her little house, I felt my heart pounding in my chest, and Damian stirred impatiently. I knew very well she might still be mad for some reason, but that didn’t stop the smile on my lips. No matter what, we would see her soon and be close to her again.Knocking on her door, I felt like a little kid. Sweaty in my palms, my heart was working overdrive, and a huge creepy smile on my face that, no matter how hard I tried, I could not hide.But the smile fell on its own after a while because nobody opened the door. I knocked and pounded on the door and nothing. No sound or movement inside. Her smell still lingered, and Jenny´s. Of course, she was here yesterday. Did she stay ov
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Burning up!
The third and fourth, however, are more my cup of tea. Erik, a typical manly man, a little quiet, always smiled when I looked in his direction with deep brown eyes. He didn’t play cards but was an eager Dart player; he managed to seem confident and a bit shy at the same time. And like the other two, he was far from immune to Jenny´s advances. His eyes raked over her from time to time, and he kept the drinks coming. The silent type, I snickered to myself. Oh, the silent types are often the most fun!Then there was Johan; he reminded me of Bear in many ways. Just not as dark skin as he had, his hair a little longer, full lips, and a little beard that was last shaved a good week ago, but the best part was his green eyes. They seem to sparkle when the light hits them the right way nearly. Compared to Erik, he was more outspoken, smiled, and he had a booming laughter that vibrated down in my chest. But something didn’t feel right. He was intense, charming, and open, at least trying to give
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I want my mates!
FlashbackIt broke my heart; it broke my already shattered soul. He was no longer my mate! I didn’t know this wicked person; hell, he wasn’t even a person anymore! Nobody was that evil!I covered my mouth with both hands, shaking, holding back my uneven breath and uncontrollable sobs. And for the first time in a very long time, tears streamed down my face like a burning liqueur of betrayal.The voices slowly got further away; the two men walked away from my room. My mate, no, my former mate and someone else. I recognized his voice, but I could not put a face to it.He didn’t save me, he didn’t change his mind, and there were no mistakes made. My suffering did not concern him the slightest; my life didn’t concern him. In his eyes, I was nothing., I didn’t exist anymore. The memories of the life we spent together were mere annoyances for him. A buzzing mosquito that lingered and needed to be put out of its misery.I felt sick. Not that I had anything in my stomach I could throw up; it d
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Cat in heat
Gee, I got the wolf with a black belt in weird slogans and insults; whom the hell says that kind of shit! “Hold your fucking horses! Mates?? As in several? Are you high?” “I’m the one that should be asking that! Our honey-glazed, delicious muscle hunks have been thrown at us, and you dodge them like it’s a burning crap pile and sit down in a bar, get drunk, get drugged, and fantasize about sleazy meat bags with a dick! And what for?  Just to scratch an itch between your legs!? ” For once, I actually felt embarrassed and a little slutty. Because she was not wrong. But I could not really get past the “Mates” part. Why would I have several mates? I didn’t even want one, did I? And what the heck did she mean about them being thrown at us? Then why haven’t I met them? Why didn’t I sense them? It's not like a subtitle hint when you meet your fated mate.&nbs
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Sorry kitten
“Yes! Who else could it have possibly been? See, I even come bearing gifts! “Marcus came beaming in, carrying a plate with what smelled like scrambled eggs and a coffee mug.Bumping down on the bed, so nearly everything spilled out, my eyes were glued to the coffee mug.“Hey! Careful, don’t spill my precious life elixir! ““Yeah, you look like shit! You differently need some of this!”I squinted my eyes at him and grabbed the mug; I very vel know how I look, but why does he have to be one of those who don’t just know that you don’t say those things out loud?“You should be more careful, too; you know that the other night was right out dangerous!”All of a sudden, he dropped his beaming smile, and the tone became more serious; what did I become a rebellious teenager when I was out or what? He didn’t even give me time to defend myself before continuing his lecture.“What would you have done if I didn’t find you? Huh? What if one of those scumbags or regulars at that bar found you fir
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Lurking evil
He grabbed his dick and adjusted it a little through his jeans before walking out. So what? His plan didn’t go as he planned this time, and yes, it did bug him a little that he could not watch, but this was just the start. It was a good start! He would make sure she didn’t become too cocky, break her down a little, and keep her vulnerable and in need of help, but at the same time, have her think she has someone she can trust and that this is a place where she can be safe and lower her guards.He opened the door in his little shed; it was perfectly placed at the far end of his backyard, right in the forest line, so half of it was hidden by the shadows from the massive threes.Closing the door behind him, he locked it before opening the hidden door leading down.He worked his ass off for over two years to make this hidden room under the ground, but it was well worth it. Walking down a short and steep set of stairs, he flicked the light on.It was not a massive area, but bigger and bette
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