All Chapters of Forgotten Alpha: Reclaiming the Lycan Queen: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
154 Chapters
Chapter 21
Arya“It’s my honor,” I tell Arthur in a low voice, but butterflies are fluttering inside my chest. I look into his eyes and it was as though a spell is cast on me.I can’t look away.He leans forward and I find myself hoping that he’ll just go all the way and kiss me. The memory of that kiss is still very much fresh and I want it to happen again. I put my hand on his chest, hoping that’s enough of a sign to make him do it. . . .But then he pulls away and whispers, “We can’t.”And that’s what makes me snap back to my senses. “You’re right.” I shake my head to get rid of the daze. “We’re still out and people might see us.”“I know.” He sighs and I feel his frustration. “Your parents . . . they’re not from here, are they?”“No,” I say after a beat. I almost told him that my parents were the King and the Queen, and I don’t know what kind of trouble that would get me in. “They’re from another place . . . another Lycan kingdom. They sent me here to study and train because . . . well, it’s
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Chapter 22
LeviMy alarm rings but my eyes are already open. I press the snooze button and close my eyes again, but I can no longer sleep.One month has passed. I still haven’t found my second-chance mate, and I’ve been all over the different packs with Daniel trying to find that special connection that Theo experienced. I talked to probably a hundred girls, wanting to see us click, but I don’t get any of that.All I feel is this sinking emptiness knowing that Arya was the one and I blew it.I get up and get ready for the morning, showering and taking a quick breakfast before heading to the office.And Daniel was already there, staring into sheets of paper in front of him.“Good morning,” I greet him, but he barely looks up. “Are you alright?”Only then does he look up at me and nod. He rubs his eyes and looks around like he doesn’t realize where he is. “Oh. Um, yeah. Good morning. I’m okay, thank you for asking.”I sit on my desk and I stare at what he was looking at. I manage to get a glimpse
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Chapter 23
Arya“What?” I ask urgently. I stand up and stare into her eyes as she looks up at me. “What do you mean by that? Is something bad going to happen?”“I don’t know yet, Arya,” Nancy says, her voice low and a little shaky. “I can’t really see anything clearly. All I have are vague flashes and ideas and I don’t really know how to make sense of them.”“Can you try?” I say.I know that sounds off. I know that’s too much to ask from someone I don’t really know well and it’s very demanding of me, but the way she said it . . . it just feels ominous. Like something bigger and more threatening is going to come and ruin everything, not just my relationship with Elliot.My heart is hammering inside my chest now, so fast that I have to take pauses to catch my breath.Nancy must have noticed that I’m basically hyperventilating, because she stands up and puts her hands on my shoulders. Her eyes are wide with concern but I can’t bring myself to stare back at them.“Hey, calm down, Arya,” she whispers
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Chapter 24
Arthur“What?” is the only I can ask.Duke Richmond and my dad exchange glances like they can’t believe I have the audacity to ask them a question, but I don’t care. My heart is racing from what I heard and I can’t believe they would suggest something like that to me. I can’t believe what I just heard and I refuse to hear any more until I get my piece out.“I’m not marrying someone I don’t know,” I declare, looking at my dad and the duke and even the King and the Queen. “I refuse to do that.”All the adults are exchanging glances now. My dad pulls me by the arm towards a corner and whispers in my ear, “Don’t you dare embarrass me, boy.”“Then don’t dare make me marry a stranger,” I say back, staring into his eyes even though he looks like he’s about to murder me.King Samuel must have heard of our little exchange, because he comes right in between us and says to me, “You don’t have to decide now, but I’m telling you, the Richmond heir is a beautiful young woman with lots of talents an
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Chapter 25
Arya“You will be marrying my daughter.”The words from Duke Richmond are playing over and over in my head and I have no way to make them stop.When Arthur walked out, the little gathering immediately ended and I get taken home by my parents, who are talking about the whole ordeal on the way home.“I wonder why Arthur refused,” King Samuel says. “I met the duke’s daughter, and she is quite a lovely person.”“Perhaps they just need to meet and get the ball rolling,” Queen Helena points out.My heart hurts. I can actually feel it with every beat, screaming at me to end the conversation by screaming that Arthur is mine and we have been together and in love for quite some time now.But how will they react? Will they get mad at me for getting into a relationship behind their back? Arthur is of noble birth and they should be happy, right? But what if they don’t want me to be with anyone because they already set their sights on someone else for me to marry too?The thought makes me sick. Lik
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Chapter 26
Arya"Oh, my god," I mumble under my breath.Is this true? Is this really happening? Or this is just a hallucination because I was sick and distressed last night and this is just an aftermath of the emotional suffering I have experienced before?I shake my head and blink rapidly, my hand still wrapped around the doorknob. The voice doesn't speak again, which gives me the idea that hey, maybe it is just an illusion.With a sigh, I open my bedroom door and go inside, confident now that I probably just need some sleep.But then, the yelling in my head starts."Really?" the female voice asks incredulously, like she doesn't grasp how I have the audacity to behave like this, or even the audacity to exist. "Are you really just going to ignore me like that? What an ungrateful human you are."I slam the door in fright at the sudden reappearance of the voice."Arya?" Queen Helena calls from downstairs as she hears the slam. "Is everything okay?"I don't answer. I just run to my bed and push my
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Chapter 27
AryaArthur and I jump apart from each other, still dazed and feeling the heat from the kiss, only to find the King and Queen standing by the doorway with their mouths wide open.In my head, Ivory is wincing. She even has the nerve to say, “Uh-oh.”I want to tell her to shut up and be quiet, but all I can do is stare at my parents. My face is hot and it feels like my whole body is getting numb, but I still force myself to look them in the eye. Maybe that can help, right? Maybe that can make them think that this isn’t as scandalous as they probably think.But the horrified look in Queen Helena’s eyes tells me otherwise.“What. . . .” she trails off. “What is happening here?”“Your Majesty.” Arthur tries to bow but I can tell that he’s scared too. And who wouldn’t be? King Samuel is glaring at him like he couldn’t wait to get his hands on his neck and strangle him. “I . . . I promise, it’s not what you think. I just thought that I would see her personally since I don’t think I will be a
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Chapter 28
ArthurI’m losing my mind. Arya’s words are still ringing in my head and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to get it out of my mind.“I am not the King and Queen’s niece. I’m their long lost daughter, and I’m the princess of this kingdom.”I can’t get it out of my head. Her face, her voice, the way she called my name when I left. . . .I know it was probably not wise to leave the King and Queen like that. They might view it as a grave disrespect to their daughter since I outright walked away from her, but how can I stay after that? How can I just sit there and pretend that that was okay?I was lied to. All throughout our relationship, I was lied to. I was led to believe that she was someone else, that I was forming a relationship with someone else, someone who is not destined to take the throne someday.Because that is my fear. Someday taking over and ending up like my father. Power hungry and uncaring, not even giving a single damn about his son. I don’t want to rule anyone. I just w
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Chapter 29
Arya“Arthur.” I swallow hard. “I’m so sorry.”Arthur just stares at me, combing his hand through his wet hair. There are wet patches on his shirt and I can’t stop thinking about how the fabric clings on his skin. I want nothing more but to get in and touch him, but the serious look in his eyes stops me in my tracks.“What are you doing here?” he asks in a low voice. “How did you get in?”“The maids let me in,” I tell him sincerely. “I promise, I didn’t sneak in.”“Hmm,” is the only thing he says, and he just watches me expectantly as though he’s waiting for me to say something. Something specific. Something that will maybe fix everything.“I’m sorry,” I say, and I have to say that I hate the way my voice cracked. I came here determined to explain everything rationally and without asking for sympathy or an emotional response. But here I am, about to break down. “I really am. I know I should have told you. I should have asked my parents if I can tell you. I just came here to say that .
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Chapter 30
Arya "Marry . . . me?" I ask. Don't get me wrong. I don't feel bad about that. How can I, when it's Arthur who's asking that from me? I love him and I will do anything for him, and being together for the rest of our lives would mean the world to me. But I still can't believe that I managed to find someone like him. Someone so good and so genuine. Someone that's not like Levi at all. I freeze. Levi? Did I just think that? I try to take back the thread of memories in my head, but it slips away pretty quickly, leaving me with the conclusion that Levi might be the boy in my memories who said some bad stuff to me. It’s all just faraway now. All the feelings seem to be gone. "Yes," Arthur tells me with no hesitation. "I liked you since I first saw you, and my love for you now only grew when I got to know you. I'm sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Tears start to brim around my eyes, and it feels good that this time, it's not because of pain. It's because of the
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