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Chris POVWhen I opened my eyes to behold Joanna sleeping like a child in my arms it seemed too good to be true that this beauty was mine. The night I met with her at the hotel remains unforgettable to me, right from the moment I set my eyes on her and we ended up making out for the first time, I was unable to let go of her till this very minute. I've been tangled with her and can no longer look at other women or lust after any young woman apart from her. At times when I get confused about how she managed to keep me hooked even though it is a fact that she did not want anything to do with me except to accept me as her sex partner after much persuasion.We had no special relationship together and the future of our union was uncertain, still, somehow I feel the urge to be committed to her and give my all to her. I don't want to treat her like a sex partner anymore because of this burning feeling within me that is pushing me to make her eternally mine, right now I'm desiring more from
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Axen's POVIt was evening already, yet, Chris did not worry about calling to check up on me at least to confirm if I'm alive or not. After waiting patiently, I could no longer resist the urge to call him...I've been so fade up with his actions these days... I picked up my phone and dialed his line." Line busy?!" I wailed. " This dude is a slick... Why would he busy my calls?"I have often challenged the possibility of Chris enduring a meaningful relationship and these had led me to believe that he would never settle down with any girl. Until the day he told me about Joanna. He have never been serious about a girl all my life with him, but the way he talked about this particular girl made me admit that he had transformed a lot and was inclined to lower his guard and let her into his heart. The last time I took him to a club, hoping he would party with others and flirt with girls like in the past... He didn't.Someone once asked him how ready he was to be in a devoted relationship un
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Joanna's POVI rushed to get my phone to call Yolanda over, I was feeling all excited to tell her about Chris and his powers. None of us knew about it, but finally, after giving it many thoughts, he opened up to me about who he is. It could be because I threatened him, however as a human, I did not suspect anything weird about him. I only did that for him to tell me if he was a Greek, but he misunderstood the question and revealed his identity as an immortal instead.Now, I'm so happy today to get to know another hidden fact about him. It seems like today is a kick-filled day for me.Immediately I was done with exchanging pleasantries, I called Yolanda to come over to Chris's house, but she promised to set it to the next day. I know that she is with Jay, her boyfriend and would not be pleased to leave him already.The dude had travelled overseas on a business meeting and returned to Greece today so Yolanda was over the moon and I did not want to be an inconsiderate friend and force h
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Joanna's POVLove can make a person foolish and crazy, I thought and kept smiling to myself as I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. I bumped into his maid, she was setting food on the dining table as I walked in. " Hello, Miss." She greeted." Hello," I said and waved to her. I don't know how to address her because she looked more like an elderly woman. I've seen her twice with a young cute high school boy, she called her son. I sat on the couch and started watching my favourite drama waiting for her to announce when she is done with setting the meal on the table. " Miss, you look happy today, and I'm glad that you are." She said smiling broadly at me.I nodded shyly and smiled back, I don't know why I was shy but I was. " I'm happy for you that amongst all the girls in my master's life, you are the only girl to keep him stuck. You are very lucky as well." She said." Of course, I'm lucky because he chased me and I gave him a serious time before accepting him," I repli
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Chris POVI stood at the park for about an hour trying to understand what I had just heard from Joanna's best friend, still, the more I tried to think the more clustered it became. Not being able to think straight because my mind went blank and all I could do was gaze into space. The thought of it scared me, and I can not believe that what I heard about my girlfriend Joanna was true. I felt stabbed in the chest, this is the first time in my life that I felt my heart shattered because of a human, more a girl.Those words made me realize that I was the only serious person in our relationship and that means I was being played on but even if I meant nothing to her how could she keep such a trivial matter from me and she didn't even bat an eye when she saw me.Currently, I do not doubt it this has been her plan from the onset, it's just that I feel so betrayed right now. I will not return home because the more I will get to see her the more complicated things will be for me. I took a slow
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Axen's POV Countless times have gone by, and still, I was unable to get Chris in my arms or around me, I missed those moments when we would cuddle each other with no feelings attached, he gave me warmth and comfort. He was ready to do anything for me as his best friend, but then I developed feelings for him and hoped for us to be something more than just best friends.I looked up to see his lips moving and wished that he would place those soft and sexy lips on mine so we could kiss away the pain I'm feeling right now while thinking about how I had lost him to another girl. " What did you say?" I asked to be sure I heard him right.I knew that something was not right about him though he hasn't told me about what he is going through, however, I felt that it had something to do with Joanna, his girlfriend that stole all the affection he had for me.That girl is so strange and I suspect her to be dangerous, I have attempted to read her mind twice or thrice but failed and until now I can
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Chapter 27: PAIN AND ANGER
Chris POVI sat silently on the dining chair staring at my food on the table, I stabbed at it violently with a fork and deep down I wished that I could kill Joanna and dump her body in the sea, but it will not change the fact that she hurt me so bitterly hiding such information from me. My sad sigh drew Axen's attention..." You've sighed like fifty times already while sitting here. Still not talking about it?"" Yeah... Let's eat." "I'm done with mine... So, tell me why are you not eating your food? I prepared your favourite, try it. I'm sure you'll like it." She said, but my mind had wandered far with bitterness.She became more bothered and dropped her cutlery to face me, " Till now, you've chosen not to tell me what's going on with you that has left you so helpless." She said.Still, as stubborn as I tend to be, I refused to reply to her questions making her more curious... Axen became pissed off and yelled at me." Chris! " I turned to look at her blinking my eyes blankly." Wha
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Chapter 28: THE RITUAL
Joanna's POVWith my fingers locked between my best friend's fingers, we took a walk to the hospital reception... Initially, I pleaded with her to join me on the rooftop but she refused and took me to the reception hall to keep an eye on me.I wanted a calm space to relax and think about something different and more interesting than my life... It's been quite a hurdle for twenty-seven years, so I want to take a break.While we were having a conversation, tears were flowing freely down Yolanda's cheeks, at first, I attempted to stop her from creating such a show and causing embarrassment in the reception hall as people would overthink it. She was drawing curiosity from patients and the health workers... I'm popular, so people were interested in knowing why I was in the hospital."Cut the crap, short paragraph," I said, my face flushed in embarrassment. " Joanna!"I swerved in the direction of the voice when I heard someone call my name, puzzled and curious to see who it was that knew
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Chris POVSeconds weaved into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks... Of these continual changes, Joanna was still in a coma.The doctors and nurses in charge had confirmed her vitals and made sure everything was okay with her that day before we proceeded with the ritual.Now, we dare not tell the doctors about what we did, even when the test results detected nothing unusual in her they could only pronounce her to be in a coma.Yolanda will look me in the eye and say nasty things about me, occasionally she would accuse me of deceiving her best friend. What she failed to see was the genuine love I have for her friend.My best friend, Axen did not come around to visit Joanna after the ritual and she even travelled out of the country a day after. I started to doubt her good intentions in trying to help me out with the ritual of impunity and giving it her all to save my girlfriend which Joanna would never have attempted to do if it was Axen that had been in that p
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Axen's POVAfter the call with Chris, I squeezed my eyelids shut, fuming with anger as my thoughts kept reverberating the words of Chris." How is that even possible?" I asked myself, the portrait of one of my favourite scholars hung on the wall stared back at me in an amusing manner.I took it down from where it was and stormed out of the living room to the balcony. "She was not supposed to wake up... I'm sure I did it right. How did that annoying bitch survive it?" I kept on asking.Prancing about, my whole being was restless... Since the call from Chris. " I need to go see for myself." But that would mean returning from LA to Greece.I arrived in Greece late the next day, my driver was at the airport waiting for me. "Take me to the hospital.""Is it not too late?""I'm fine with it.""Okay."I know that Chris would be displeased to see me late at night, yet he will be delighted that I cared to come around and visit Joanna immediately after I arrived in Greece.I walked into the ho
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