All Chapters of Xavier's Surrogate: Chapter 141 - Chapter 148
148 Chapters
Halle awoke with a gasp, her heart already racing. Today was the day – the day she would finally attempt her escape from this nightmare. She lay still for a moment, focusing on slowing her breathing and gathering her courage. The gloom shrouded the cramped room, but Halle’s eyes discerned the packed bag hidden beneath her cot containing the supplies she had managed to secretly squirrel away over the past week. The last week had been utter torment, forcing herself to endure her mother’s assaults and the groping hands of repulsive men trying to lay claim to her while pretending total resignation. More than once she had nearly faltered, the will to fight slowly being crushed out of her. But she would gently caress the swell of her belly. She could not – would not – let this place and its monsters claim another child if there was any hope of escape.Moving slowly to avoid any sounds of creaking, Halle eased herself up to sit on the edge of the mattress. Her heavy, cumbersome belly m
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Halle’s heart hammered violently in her chest as the first contraction seized her swollen belly. There was no denying it now – the terror and physical exertion of her escape attempt had triggered full blown labor. Her child was coming, ready or not, even as Martha’s henchmen battered viciously to break in.“Shit!” Halle cursed under her breath as she held her belly, the pain hitting her unexpectedly and making her whole body sway and her legs shake. Leaning heavily on the dusty desk, Halle fought to stay upright and quiet through the painful tightening. But despite clenching her jaw, a low moan still escaped through her gritted teeth. The dampness soaking her dress kept spreading. “Why are you so impatient…” Halle cursed through gritted teeth, trying her best to stay up right so as to prevent any complications. From down the cellar corridor came another resounding crack – the stubborn old door’s hinges were splintering rapidly under the men’s force. In mere minutes they would be
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Too spent to argue, Halle permitted him to gently help her ease down onto the padded nest now warming her chilled legs. Though hardly ideal accommodations, at least she was off the frigid concrete floor. Monty seemed satisfied with his efforts.“I must inform the Don that you have been found before he burns the brothel down,” he announced. Before Halle could wrap her mind around the significance of his deliberate phrasing, Monty had disappeared back down the cellar corridor with a final instruction tossed over his shoulder – “Try to focus your energies, I will be back as fast as I can.”Xavier…was here, for her. Halle couldn’t hold back her relieve tears but of course that feeling was short lived. Then Halle was alone again with her body’s urgent demands. She closed her eyes, trying futilely to center her wild thoughts through the intensifying contractions. But it was impossible to find any inner calm or fortitude. Not with her heart pounding anew wondering how much longer until
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A FEW HOURS EARLIER… The scorching sun beat down as Xavier surveyed the sprawling, dusty streets from the backseat of the nondescript sedan. It had taken tremendous resources and calling in more favors than he could count to get boots on the ground in this remote country so quickly. But nothing could deter him from his mission – finding Martha and making her pay for taking Halle.Taking the woman he loved and then sending him papers to sign while at it. Xavier gritted his testy as he thought about the phone call he had gotten from his aunt, she’d sent papers to his mail…asking him to sign over everything to her, that was her endgame. If she couldn’t get it from Damien as she’d originally intended, she’d get it directly from the man himself. Xavier had agreed to her deal but…he wasn’t really going to sign those paper. Stone was his legacy and he’ll be damned if he let’s and overly ambitious bitch take over and ruin everything he’s built. His mind wandered inevitably to images of h
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Halle drifted slowly up towards consciousness, clinging to the last visages of a dream where she was enveloped in tender warmth and comforting strength. Even semi-conscious, she instinctively recognized the sensations cocooning her now were real, not imagined. But after endless days and nights of torment, believing rescue could only manifest as a fantasy, Halle desperately avoided opening her eyes fully. What if this beautiful illusion shattered the instant she woke up? The possibility made her heart seize with renewed panic.No - the arms cradling her were solid, the scent of juniper and fresh rain surrounding her unmistakably Xavier’s. This precious peace was real, it had to be. Halle focused on steadying her breaths, mentally grasping for fragments of memory through the haze still clouding her thoughts. Flashes filtered back now – the frantic escape attempt, searing contractions hitting, Xavier appearing through her delirium of pain like a saving vision…the sweet sound of her chi
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Xavier paused in the open doorway, gazing at the scene before him – Halle curled protectively around their three week old son as he nursed, her expression tired but content, Damien was at the edge of the bed, curiously watching and asking questions, his wide eyes innocent and childlike, just like it ought to be. Xavier’s heart swelled at the simple domestic sight, still scarcely able to believe he had nearly lost them forever.Halle had begged for Damien to be close, so the second they left Halle’s birth country in Africa, he had Monty bring the young boy out from hiding and back with them, where he belonged. After Halle had been safely recovered and gave birth, Xavier wasted no time whisking her away to a secluded estate where they could focus solely on healing without fear of Martha’s lingering reach. And healing was no small feat after the trauma Halle had endured. Though her physical wounds were minimal, the psychological toll left lasting scars.She was plagued regularly by v
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When Halle awoke late one night from another vivid episode of panic, Xavier recognized a shift had finally occurred. He gathered her quaking frame close while she wept, exhausted and heart sore. “Shh I have you, just breathe,” he soothed until the tension slowly left her muscles. Halle clung to him like an anchor amidst stormy waters even once fully awake. “I’m scared, Xavier,” she admitted in a small voice once sufficiently calmed. “Scared she’ll find us again.” Xavier steeled himself before answering gently. “Then it’s time I put real end to this. For your peace of mind, and our son’s future.” Halle’s arms tightened around him briefly at the implication. But she simply nodded bravely when she pulled back. “Just promise me you’ll come back safely. I can’t lose you.” Her palm cupped his bearded cheek with profound tenderness. Turning his head, Xavier pressed a kiss into her open palm. “I will always come back to you Halle,” he avowed passionately. His piercing gaze bore into hers,
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“Do I really need to be blindfolded for this?” Halle asked with a warm chuckle. Xavier just grinned mysteriously in response, guiding her by the shoulders through what sounded like a set of heavy doors given the echo. “Patience, Flower. I promise, it’s worth the surprise,” he assured her, amusement and excitement dancing in his tone. Halle smiled and cooperated as he led her slowly ahead a few more steps. Her heart swelled, trusting Xavier so completely even when she couldn’t see. After everything they had endured, Halle knew without doubt he would never lead her anywhere dangerous again. “Just a little further,” Xavier coached. “Watch your step.” His sturdy hands on her waist aided Halle in navigating what felt like a small staircase. A few more shuffling paces forward and they finally halted. Halle quivered in anticipation. “Can I look now?” “One moment…” She heard the smile in Xavier’s voice just before he moved behind her and untied the blindfold at last. “Now you can open your
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