All Chapters of In Her Shoes: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
123 Chapters
Chapter Ninety-One: Welcome To Palmridge University!
Angel is currently at the Freshman Orientation party at Palmridge University. She feels awkward and alone while looking at her fellow Freshies who are having a good time with their new group of friends. She feels like an outsider. Many students looked like they just came out from a popular music video because they look so fashionable and trendy. They look so cool, and she's the total opposite. She's wearing a black shirt, tattered jeans and a second-hand pair of sneakers. She thought that what she looks like and what kind of clothes she wear isn't that important when you go to the big city because what's really aiming for was to finish her education to build a better future for herself... She came from the countryside to the the big city to make her dreams come true. However, she can't help but to feel small while looking at the other students. She can feel the huge gap between her and those people. "Okay, I'm out of here..." she finally decided. She'll just spend her time rea
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Chapter Ninety-Two: A College Drama-Rama
Few weeks have passed. Angel is currently at the Cafeteria, and she's waiting for Gale. Gale wanted to celebrate his acceptance at Waldorf University's basketball team, so he promised that he will treat her. Gale will just dropped by his dorm to take a quick shower and change his clothes. "Look, isn't that the girl who was talking with Gale Hilton at the gymnasium?" she heard someone talking about her at the nearby table. "Oh,yes, that's her! What's her relationship with Gale? Is she his girlfriend?" she heard another woman's voice. "What the heck are you talking about? That's impossible! I mean just look at her! She's not fashionable, her face is below average and it's obvious that she doesn't have class! There's nothing special about her!" one of the girls stated. Angel closed her eyes, while counting one to ten to calm herself down. There's no point arguing with these snobby girls. She doesn't want to waste her time and energy just to go on a catfight with them... "Hi, Ang
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Chapter Ninety-Three: Angel's Guardian Angel
Gale was about to answer the question when the Manager of Le Coup de Foudre Coffee Shop suddenly appeared infront of them. "What's going on here, Angel? What's the commotion all about?" Mr. Burton tries to grill them. "Just a little misunderstanding, Sir. Everything's under control." Angel tries to cover everything up. "No, sir. Everything's not okay! As a customer, I have complaints!" Chelsea suddenly said, while looking like a victim. "Is there something wrong?" the manager asks. "You're employee here started saying bad things about me and my friends! She told us that we don't belong here!" Chelsea started weaving lies. "That's true, Sir. We were just enjoying our coffee here and she started saying bad words to us." Jessica lied, without blinking. "She called us "bitch!" Jenny added to the lie. "They're all lying---!" Gale tries to defend Angel, but he wasn't able to do so because the Manager spoke again. "Enough! The customers are coming now, and I don't have time to furthe
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Chapter Ninety-Four: Summer Job At The Ascott
"Well, you just woke up at a perfect time. I just finished processing your release papers and the doctor gave us the go signal to go home. We'll just have to wait for the nurse to pull out your dextrose." responded Gale. After a few minutes, a nurse came to her bed and helped her pulled out the needle from her hand that was connected to the dextrose. Afterwards, Angel saw her clothes folded neatly at the side table. "I'll just do a quick change to the bathroom." she informed Angel. She got her clothes, and she made her way to the nearest bathroom. After a few moments, Angel went back to where she left Gale. She saw him waiting for her patiently... "Thanks for helping me. So, how much do I owe you?" she asked him. Gale curiously frowned at her. "What are you talking about?" "Let's not waste our time here, Gale Hilton. How much did you pay for my hospital bill?" Angel asked again, as she was getting more impatient. "Look, you don't have to worry about it, Angel." Gale stated.
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Chapter Ninety-Five: The Young Master at Ascott Mansion
"It's an honor and pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Caitlin Ascott. I am Angel, and I'm going to be one of your househelper for a month." she politely introduces herself. Mrs. Ascott tenderly smiled at her. "You don't have to be nervous, dear. Anyway, let me inform you that there are almost no strict rules in my manor. As long as you are doing your job, shows respect and good manners to the other people in this house, and as long as you don't do any bad or dangerous things inside the mansion, then we won't have any problems." the lady of the house informed her. "So, that's it? There are no strict rules like what she usually watches on a television soap? There's no female villains who will make the heroine's life miserable?" Angel wondered to herself. "---You must be wondering why I didn't set up any strict rules here at the Ascott Mansion. Well, I choose to trust all the people that I work with in my house, and that includes ALL of my househelpers, chauffers, and gardeners." Mrs. Ascott
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Chapter Ninety-Six: Saved By The Master
"Angel? What are you doing here?" the man asked back in utter shock. "Oh, my goodness! I'm working for your family!" Angel gasped in horror. "Are you okay? You don't look so good." Gale was about to approach her but she steps back. "I'm going to be fine, I guess. Let me just get out of here and I need to think before I go completely crazy!" Angel blurted out. She didn't wait for Gale to answer. She quickly left his room, and after that she immediately returned to maids' quarters and locked herself there. She paces back and forth into the room while she was biting her fingernails. Of all places, why did she become Gale Hilton's household help? This is a total mess, and it's making her crazy! ================================ Few days have passed. Angel is currently watering the plants at the very huge garden. Their gardener called in sick, so Mrs. Prescott asked her to water the plants since it's summertime, and it's hot and humid... She feels like she is inside a novel of "T
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Chapter Ninety-Seven: Old Plain Jane
"Alright, then. I'll just go outside and get you something to eat so that you can eat something before you drink some medicine. Now, be a good boy Master Gale and I'll leave the door open. I'll be back soon..." Mrs. Prescott announced, while looking amused. "I promise, I'll be good, Mrs. Prescott. I don't want you to spank me just like what you used to do when I was a kid." Gale jokingly teases the old butler. "Very well. Ill be back soon." the old woman nodded in return, then afterwards,she left the room while leaving the door open... Once Mrs. Prescott left, Gale started talking again. "Why didn't you tell us that you're not feeling good? We should have done something at an earlier time." he gently asked Angel. "I thought that it was just a simple cold and flu. I never got sick like this before. So, I was just thinking that it will pass, and I can recover fast..." Angel tries to explain her side. "But you were sadly mistaken. It's a good thing that You just need to drink some m
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Chapter Ninety-Eight: Oh! What A Pretty Woman!
Hey, Angel!" Angel wanted to hide at the nearest rock because of embarrassment when she heard Gale's voice calling her name across the University's grounds. All of the students at the campus looked at her direction. "Can't you tone it down? You're voice is so loud, and it looks like you're in the middle of a jungle!" Angel hissed at him, as he sat beside her at the bench. "So... Would you like to come with me to shop for my clothes for the Homecoming Party? I should accompany you too since we're going to be partners..." Gale continues blabbing on. She can hear some collective gasps from the girls once they heard Gale's statement. Some of the guys also started whispering at each other, and they're all surprised to know that she and Gale will be partners for the homecoming dance. "Can't you shut your big mouth? Why do you have to announce it like it's something really important?!" she angrily muttered at Gale. "Why, what's wrong about being your partner at the dance? We're not do
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Chapter Ninety-Nine: Not Homecoming Queen Material
The night of the Homecoming Dance finally came... Angel is quietly watching the people dancing at the dancefloor, as she's sipping a glass of lemonade. Gale excused himself for the meantime because one of their Professors wanted to talk to him about something, so she was left all alone. She doesn't mind,though… However, this party's boring her to death, eventhough the other kids are enjoying the part. She'd rather stay at her dorm and read until the break of dawn, but because of her deal with Gale, she doesn't have the choice but to attend the party. Anyway, she told Gale that she's just going to stay at the party for 20 minutes or half an hour tops, then after that, she's going back home... After a few minutes, she needed to go at the Women's Comfort Room. She walks her way towards the comfort room... And once she reached the comfort room, she almost steps back when she saw Chelsea and her two friends inside, while retouching their make ups... She was about to step back but Chels
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Chapter One Hundred: The Heart Want The Heart Wants
Gale is now escorting Angel back to her dormitory. He is wondering why she's been silent ever since they left the party, and she looks so exhausted. He's also wondering on how she got herself locked out from the Women's Comfort Room. There's definetely something wrong. Something happened, but she doesn't want to talk about it. Gale doesn't want to force Angel to talk. He will just wait for her to talk about what happened, whenever she's ready... "Thanks for driving and walking me back home, Gale." Angel suddenly spoke. "Angel, I'm not going to ask you what happened tonight, but I just want to say I'm really sorry for leaving you alone. And it's a pity that I haven't got a chance to dance with you... I hope it's not too late for me to ask you, but--- may I have this dance?" Gale suddenly requested, as he extended his hand towards Angel, inviting her for a dance. "You mean, here?" Angel unbelievably asked him, while looking around. They are alone the University Campus, and the only
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