Semua Bab In Her Shoes: Bab 51 - Bab 60
123 Bab
Chapter Fifty-One: Targeting The Politician's Son
"I'll do it, Sam!" Emma replied, as she was trying her best not to look to eager and excited.“You made the right decision, Emma. Here, it contains all the information you should know about your first assignment. And I suggest that you should take this job seriously." Samantha enunciated, while handing a folder towards Emma."A Politician's son's Daily Life as a High Schooler?" Emma read the title of the folder, as her brows met in a frown.“That’s right. You see, I heard our teachers talking about a student transferee in our school who is the son of a popular and straight senator. I've thought that we should write an article about him. We want to interview him, but the principal said that we're restricted. And now, it's your job to do an investigation on how does he live his everyday life being a big politician's son. I want you to find out everything about him." Samantha further explains."You mean, stalk them 24/7?" Emma unbelievably asked.Samantha gave Emma a meaningful smile. "
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Chapter Fifty-Two: Emma, The Chameleon
Four hours later.Back at Emma's house. Emma winced as she sat on her bed. The pain in her legs and feet became unbearable and she's just forcing herself to move.Samantha and Emma taught her how to do her make up, and walk in high heels. She's not comfortable with all the gunk on her face. She wants to soak her face in a lukewarm water to remove her make up, but she doesn't have the strength to move anymore.She let herself fall on her bed to take a little break. She then promised herself that she will wash her face and take a shower after five minutes, but she didn't realize that she had already fallen asleep because she was so dead tired...===============================The next day.Emma lazily groaned as she stirred on her bed. She heard her mobile phone ringing non-stop, so she decided to answer the call."Hmm... Hello?" she said in a raspy voice."Based on your voice, you're just about to wake up." Emma's eyes flew open when she heard Samantha's voice from the other line.
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Chapter Fifty-Three: Targeted and Locked
The day of Daisy's 18th Party finally arrives.Emma is at Samantha's house right now, as they are getting ready for the party. Samantha's sister, Sandra, who's a College student is helping them with their hair and make-up. "Okay, Emma. You can open your eyes now." Sandra advised her. Emma slowly opens her eyes. She lets out an audible gasp when she saw her own reflection at the mirror. "So, what do you think about your make-up? Do you like it?" Sandra asked, while looking proud of her work."Wow, is this really me?" Emma unbelievably asked."Of course! I'm sure Darren Haye's jaw will fall halfway to the floor once he sees you!" Samantha reassures her."We can't be sure of that, Sam." Emma said, while shrugging her shoulders."Just act natural. Talk to him in a casual manner and try to observe his character and personality. Just make a draft of your overall observation on him, alright?" Samantha gav
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Chapter Fifty-Four: Double Cross Deal
They decided to go to the parking lot to get some fresh air, and to get away from the noise and from the crowd...“So, tell me... Are you trying to get all of our attention by dressing up like that? ” Darren asked, out of the blue.Emma instantly got annoyed by Darren's question."Why, is it a crime to go to a party wearing a dress like this and have some fun? And why are you asking me this kind of question?" she bombarded him with questions. "Alright, you don't need to answer my question. I'm sorry if I offended you." Darren apologizes rightaway."Well, I'm not really comfortable with parties like this, anyway. I'm going back home." Emma stated in a matter-of-factly tone.“And who says I’ll let you go home?" Darren suddenly asks her."W-What do you mean?" Emma asked back, while anxiously looking at Darren. "I helped you awhile ago, remember? And now, I'm e
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Chapter Fifty-Five: The Cause and Effect
 "Well, I've got some time. We can talk at the school's cafeteria." Emma instantly agrees."Great. Then, after you, please." Darren smilingly said.After a few minutes, they are finally sitting face to face at the school cafeteria. Good thing that the cafeteria is almost empty. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Emma suddenly asked, after taking a sip from her soda can."We should go out on a date just for the show." suggested Darren."Oh, alright. What do you have in mind?" "Hmm, I'm actually thinking of going to the bowling alley where the kids from Palmridge High usually hangout. They should see us together so they'll believe that we're a couple." Darren relayed Emma his plan."That's cool for me. But how long are we going to pretend as a couple?" Emma suddenly inquired."I was thinking until the girls stops pestering me..." Darren enunciated."By the way, I hope you don't mind but can
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Chapter Fifty-Six: The Compromised Truth
The next day..."I'm done with the first draft! Finally!" Emma excitedly announced, after she presses the save button on her laptop.It took her five agonizing hous to finish her first draft, but it went well in the end.After printing the article, she quickly went to her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Afterwards, she changed from her pajamas to her everyday clothes.After she printed her article, she quickly brewed another fresh cup of coffee. As she's waiting for the coffee to boil, she hurriedly went to the bathroom to do a quick shower.With a light feeling and happy mood, Emma went towards the dining room to join her family for breakfast."Good morning, everyone!" she chirped at the people at the table."Good morning, dear sister! Looks like you're in a good mood today, huh?" Emilie smilingly greeted her."Yeah! Where's Dad and Mom?" Emma curiously asks, as she realized that her sisters Emilie and Emilia ar
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Chapter Fifty-Seven: Emma's Unmasking
Emma's heart went out for her, as she looks really regretful and apologetic. "I know that it was all an accident, and it was not your intention to put my article into printing. There's nothing we can do now, but I'll have to take full responsibility for this." she finally gave in."What happened, Emma? Would you like to talk about it?" Samantha inquired, while looking concerned."Samantha... I think I'm in love with Darren Hayes. The reason why I asked you not to print my article about him is because I want to tell him everything myself... I don't want to hurt and betray the person that I truly love."Emma finally confesses, as she starts to break down and cry."Oh, Emma... I really don't know what to say. But one thing's for sure... It's not a bad thing to fall inlove with someone. You must be thinking that you're such a bad person for leading him on, but if he also loves you, he will find forgiveness in his heart." Samamtha rela
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Chapter Fifty-Eight: Meeting Dorian Hays
Six months quickly passed by. Emma took a deep breath, while looking at the boxes full of her things inside the truck. She's going to move to another place for University. She's going to start her College life in another city, and she's opening a new chapter of her life.She decided to move somewhere else to forget what has happened to her in the recent months...She will miss her parents, her siblings, and everything about the Albreicht House! She will miss everything about this place. The people, the atmosphere, and well, she will miss everything and everyone here!She will also miss everyone at Palmridge High. She never told everyone about her plan to move to another place. She doesn't want to bother them, as she wants to start everything from the scratch."Goodbye to my old life... Goodbye, everyone... And goodbye, Darren Hayes..." Emma whispered to herself. ==============================After four years..
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Chapter Fifty-Nine: From Pretending To Being A Real Girlfriend
Emma sat on one of the sofas inside the hotel lobby. She looked at her wristwatch and she realized that she arrived ten minutes earlier than the expected time. She decided to wait patiently at the lobby.Five minutes have passed when she suddenly heard someone calling her name."Are you Miss Emma Albreicht?"Emma turns around, and she saw a man smiling at her."Y-Yes, I am." she responded."Hello, I'm Robert, and I'm Mr. Dorian Hay's secretary. He's ready to meet you in his room." the man politely announced."Hello, Sir. Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to interview Mr. Hays." Emma thanks him."Well, Mr. Hays specifically asked for your company to do an exclusive interview on him. And he's really looking forward on having this interview with you..." Robert responded."Wow, it's such an honor to be handpicked by him." Emma happily said."Please follow me, Miss Albreicht. Mr. Hays have been waiting for you
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Chapter Sixty: The Love Chronicles at Palmridge High
Elijah tightly holds the bow string as he tries to concentrate and focus his attention towards the mark. Once he's sure of his goal's distance, he finally lets go of his grip on the string, and the arrow started travelling straight towards the target.He did not take his eyes off from the target. His arrow landed on the inner yellow ring, which means that he got a perfect score of 10.He lets out a triumphant smile while looking at his Coach who is clapping non-stop.With his performance, he has a good chance of competing for the upcoming Olympics, and he can represent his country in the Archery competition."Wow, I think you're in good shape, Elijah. You're more than ready for the upcoming Olympics.  But don't be too confident, my boy. You still need to give your 101% best in our practice and training, is that clear?" Coach Liam Anderson relayed.Liam Anderson has been his Archery coach since he was ten years old. He was also a former Olympia
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