All Chapters of His Lost Luna - (Book 2 -Azure Moon Series): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
70 Chapters
Chapter 41
Lottie’s POV Maddox gives me an enormous hug when I walk outside. “Ready?” he asks. “Physically yes, emotionally no.” I tell him honestly while looking at my mom through the window. “She will be okay, we can visit.” he says, reassuring me. “Ember, how does this gift work?” I asked her. “I am not telling you unless you promise I will get to meet Xavier later,” she responds. I obviously annoyed her, seeing that I am not letting her meet up with Xavier again for their official mating. “That’s blackmail.” “No, that’s negotiation.” I looked at Maddox and told him what Ember was saying. “Please let them meet. Xavier is going crazy. He is saying I am torturing him and that you are holding his mate against her will.” “Fine,” I tell Ember and Maddox at the same time, “Tonight I am not missing out on time with my mom or dad.” Ember howls with joy. Speaking of dad, I went and found him, for some time alone. We took the box of pictures to my mom’s grave. We laugh,
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Chapter 42
Millie’s POV I have left Lottie some clothes outside for when she returns. Which she had better get back soon. It’s the last night with my girls for a while and I want to enjoy some time with them. That wolf of hers sounds like a handful. It matches her personality, I suppose. I finished preparing some food when Lottie and Maddox walked in, smiling. “I take it you have some happy wolves now?” Lottie giggles. “She blocked out, but Ember has told me she is satisfied.” I know Lottie is the same age I was when I met Aidan, but she seems more innocent than I was. Maybe it was my upbringing. Witches were expected to take part in rituals once they gained their powers. But only witches and warlocks over 18 had sex during rituals. The rest of us were expected to watch and learn. As we sit around the table, I see lots of people linked to my little girl and I feel the love in the room. She deserves to be happy, they both do. They have a 7am start in the morning, and I want so
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Chapter 43
Lottie’s POV “You will be okay.” Maddox says as we pull out of the driveway. The tears streamed down my face as we left them there on the porch, leaving her. My mommy. I call Caren on the phone to check how she is doing. She is sobbing too. At least I am not the only emotional one. It’s a good 6 hours of solid driving to get Silver Mountain Pack, which is why we had to set off so early. We all agreed we should visit, as we have no information about our elemental gifts, or how dangerous they can be. I must have dozed off, as when I woke up, we were pulling into a roadside diner. It makes me smile because the diner chain is the one mom worked for. I really like the burgers when they cook them right. We got out and I feel a little less emotional than I was earlier in the day. I felt thirsty, though. I guess all that crying has made me dehydrated. We walk in and there is a huge birthday celebration going ahead. I don’t even know the boy and I already know that it’s Tho
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Chapter 44
Parker’s POV I don’t want to leave the diner. Dani is there. She’s so pretty. I'm experiencing a fluttery feeling inside my stomach. Watching her is a delight and she smells like a freshly made cake. I am certain she is my mate. I am under no illusion of that. I am guessing she doesn’t have her wolf yet, otherwise she would know I was her mate, too. I just want to look at her over and over again. Saxon appreciates the view just as much as I do and I am having a hard time controlling him, but he knows Dani is wolf less right now, so he keeps howling in my mind. Like he has lost something, but really, his mate has not yet appeared. Meaning she is not lost, she is just not here yet. I don’t understand the note from the girl in blue, nor do I understand why I dreamed about her last night. Maddox doesn’t want to go to the Mountain Creek Pack. He wants to get home as fast as he can. But he has to visit the Silver Mountain Pack along the way, for Lottie’s benefit. I hope he has al
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Chapter 45
Parker’s POV Nix jumps into a car and drives off. A dozen wolves followed the car. I assume the Alpha of the pack is leading the hunting party and Nix is leading the search party. It makes sense, but what makes little sense is that he didn’t shift with the other wolves and an older man in the car with him. I say older, I mean in his forties. Maddox tells us to drive as well. We are strangers in this pack and we don’t want any wolves thinking we are the rogues they are hunting! We followed Nix’s car for a while and when he stopped, we climbed out. We are at the bottom of a cliff where there is a wild river running along it. Maddox is acting really anxious and saying something to Lottie. I looked around. Nix was running towards something on the ground, at the edge of the river. But I can’t see anything from where we are. We all walked over to see what it was they were looking at. Wolves are sniffing at what looks like a smashed up wheelchair. I guess it has fallen from th
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Chapter 46
Lottie’s POV I can’t believe I left my mom and dad this morning. Now I have to leave my sister. I know it’s only for a few days, but still. But she is adamant that she needs to stay. I have never seen her more certain. I know Maddox needs to get home to Spring Valley Pack, but he is doing nothing but rush me to Silver Mountain Pack along the way. I am sure I will appreciate it in the long run, but it doesn’t feel that way right now. “I could do with a distraction. If you have time on the way out,” Caren asks me as we are leaving Mountain Creek Pack. I can organize that easily. While Maddox is driving, I see a few hay bales, “Perfect, pull over.” I told him. Other than that, fatal first time, I have never really used my gift on purpose. Ember is not happy when I use a memory that makes me mad to spark my gift. But I have not yet got the grasp on how to manifest the fire at will. Overall, it does the desired job and as the hay bales go up in flames, we drive off. Madd
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Chapter 47
Maddox’s POV When we arrived at the territory border, I could feel my body relaxing. Lottie needs to know how to manage her gifts. Our children’s lives could depend on it. But after the altercation at the territory entrance, both me and Xavier were on guard. I have no idea what to expect from this visit. Thinking about it now, there are only a few people that know where we are. I know people may covet Lottie because of her gift. Someone even referred to her as a deity, a goddess. All I know is she has an elemental gift. I am guessing there is more to it than we know. I just hope they share that information with us before we leave. We drove behind Alpha Dalton’s car into the territory. The wolves followed our car from the border. We drive through the town center, people line the street. Pointing at my SUV, it feels like we are on show for everyone to see. It’s unsettling. We get to the pack house and Alpha Dalton gets out of his car. We do the same. He came towards us. “
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Chapter 48
Lottie’s POV I don’t like that Council Member. The way he is looking at me makes me feel like he is undressing me with his eyes. I shudder at the disgusting thought. He has a face I would love to smack. But my mother taught me to be civil if I can’t be polite. But even that would be tough right now. I am glad Caren isn’t with us though. She probably would have smacked his smarmy face. She may have revealed her elemental gift. I can’t imagine what they would have done! I kept an eye on the man from the Wolf Council and his companions. I can't help but question what the Wolf Council is or what they do. I will have to ask Maddox when we leave. He questioned Alpha Dalton if I had been tested, and I began to worry. But Ember reassures me I will pass with flying colors. Me and Ember have now After I relieve myself, they guide us outside, towards the wood. But before the woods is an altar. Maddox stays behind with Alpha Dalton, but I know his eyes are on me. There are loads of
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Chapter 49
Council Member Edward’s POV My driver pulled up to the front of the Council building. I should have had him take me directly to the training field. But I am expected to submit my reports, which I finished on the drive back to the Council. I have other matters that need to be addressed and I require some answers. Dropped off my report, I quickly left. I have to track down the fool I have depended on for so long. He needs to give me the information I need. He told me she was dead! I made my way quickly to the training field. I always have to appear composed. I am, after all, a respected senior member of the Wolf Council after all. But in all honesty, I wanted to run as fast as my legs would take me to get to him. I get to the training field and there he stands, barking orders at the men training in front of him, “Mike, can I have a word?” “Sure thing, Council Member Edward, let me just finish up here.” He gestured for me to stand by his side. “Mike, I need a word
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Chapter 50
Maddox’s POV I woke up staring into the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. “Have you been up long?” I asked her. “Long enough to know you snore,” she says, laughing. “Well, I stayed up long enough last night to know that you talk in your sleep. You won’t be keeping any secrets from me in the future.” that shuts her up and I laugh. We roll around the bed for a while, kissing and cuddling for a while. I can’t wait to get her home and into our bed, especially for some privacy. I know we have mated and marked one another. But our relationship has felt rushed. I want to savor every part of her body. I want to discover what makes her giggle, what causes her to squeal, what causes her delight and, most essentially, how I can make my little mate content when it’s just us. I'm eager to learn all I can. But that is later. I need to get her home for me to learn any of that. We had a friendly and pleasant breakfast with Alpha Dalton and her grandma. They don’t seem li
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