All Chapters of The Dark Angel Of Merciless Deaths: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
126 Chapters
Chapter 51
"Wait, what?" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in disbelief, almost popping out of their sockets. My lips fell open in shock, and a gust of air escaped directly from my mouth.I stared at the man once again, and Antonio's earlier suspicions proved to be true. Yet, it all seemed so perplexing. The last time we encountered him, Antonio suspected him of spying on us, but he claimed to have come for a routine check-up with his pregnant wife."I don't understand. Why is he here?" I inquired, turning to Antonio. He remained silent, his teeth gritted, while his hand maintained a firm grip on the Asian man's hair.He turned towards me, his gaze devoid of any emotion. My eyes locked with his, and I continued to be filled with a sense of astonishment."We'll find out soon," he responded calmly, flicking his cigarette to the ground."Wake him up," Antonio commanded, taking a step back. I followed suit, positioning myself beside Nello, who observed the scene in silence. Nello's men sprang into actio
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Chapter 52
"Yes, I vividly remember encountering you at the hospital," the Asian man stammered, his breath hitching and his chest rising and falling rapidly. Even after enduring the immense stress of torture, he still managed to summon the courage within himself. I couldn't help but wonder why he initially resisted and subjected himself to such suffering."Good," Antonio sneered, abruptly rising to his feet. He gripped the Asian man's jaw firmly, locking eyes with him, before returning the same disdainful spat he had received earlier."Should you ever dare to spit at me again, I shall forcibly remove your tongue," Antonio threatened, punctuating his words with a resounding slap across the Asian man's face.Meanwhile, Nello, on the other hand, approached Antonio, closing in on his position. He lingered behind him for a moment before gently tapping Antonio and whispering something into his ear. Uncertain of what was exchanged between them, I found myself fixating on Nello, whose eyes briefly met m
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Chapter 53
The haunting words of Chen echoed relentlessly in my mind, refusing to relinquish their grip even long after the incident had occurred. I had borne witness to a gruesome death, an image that had become etched into the depths of my consciousness. Prior to the fateful event, I should have heeded Antonio's advice and listened attentively when he urged me to leave. Regrettably, my stubbornness prevailed, and I remained steadfast in my refusal to depart.The day it all unfolded, I found myself plagued by relentless nightmares that plagued my sleep. It happened to be the day of the Conseligie's grand wedding, and I stood in my room, attempting to attire myself appropriately. Donning the very dress we had purchased on that ill-fated day at the mall, a strange sensation permeated my being, dissuading me from attending the event. The knowledge that the primary intent was to assassinate both Antonio and me during the car ride instilled a profound fear within me. I couldn't help but ponder why I
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Chapter 54
"What surprise?" I demanded, my voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and exasperation, as I fixed my gaze upon Antonio. The intensity of my stare aimed to penetrate his defenses, seeking an honest answer to the elusive surprise he had mentioned. However, his silence persisted, an impenetrable barrier refusing to yield any insight. Oblivious to my inquiries, he continued to navigate the road ahead, his eyes fixed firmly ahead, denying me even a fleeting glance."What surprise are you talking about?" I erupted, my words laden with a sense of urgency. Yet, it seemed as though my voice vanished into the abyss, swallowed by the void of his indifference. The revelation of his secret had stirred within me a torrent of curiosity, prompting me to contort my face in a mixture of frustration and determination. I pressed the gears of my mind into motion, spinning the wheels of imagination to conjure a myriad of possibilities. From the simplest gestures to the grandest acts of affection, my mind t
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Chapter 55
As I laid eyes on Bianca, an overwhelming wave of joy surged through me, causing my heart to skip a beat. I simply couldn't contain my elation. It was as if every ounce of happiness I had ever experienced had culminated in that very moment. The anticipation had been nonexistent, especially since I had no inkling that my parents or Bianca would be present in Italy, let alone at a wedding I had been reluctant to attend from the start."Bianca," I whispered softly, barely able to contain my enthusiasm, and in an instant, I found myself darting towards her with an irrepressible smile illuminating my face. Her eyes gleamed with a brilliance that matched my own, as though we shared an unspoken connection. I had yearned for her presence, and her radiant blonde hair seemed to shimmer under the gentle glow of the hall's lights, casting a captivating aura around her."Bianca!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my joy, and I wrapped my arms around her tightly, my hands instinctively finding their p
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Chapter 56
As if caught in a sudden gust, I was swiftly whisked away from Nello's fading grip, finding myself abruptly entangled within the grasp of Papa. His penetrating gaze fixated on me, a hint of amusement lingering in his eyes as a dry smile crept across his lips."Papa," I whispered, my voice carrying an unexpected calmness, betraying the shock that ran deep within me. The edges of my brows curved slightly, accentuating the furrowed lines etched on my forehead. A faint tremor quivered through my hand as I summoned a shaky smile, desperately attempting to mask my true feelings. I yearned to project an air of normalcy, fearing that any inkling of my aversion to his proximity would not go unnoticed."How are you, and how is Antonio treating you? Speak truthfully," he demanded, his voice tinged with a furrowed brow. I couldn't help but question the gravity of his inquiry and the need for me to reaffirm what I had already answered moments ago."I'm fine, Papa," I replied, the words flowing alm
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Chapter 57
As I lifted my head, uncertainty mingled with anticipation. My eyes met Bianca's, and a rush of emotions flooded through me. A smile slowly etched its way across my face, unbidden but irresistible. Her presence was unexpected, yet it brought an immediate sense of comfort and joy. Reacting swiftly, I rose to my feet and hurried towards her, my eagerness culminating in a warm, embracing hug. As my arms encircled her, I tenderly clasped my hands behind her back, nestling my head upon her shoulder."Bianca!" I called out, my voice filled with delight, while simultaneously tightening my hold around her."Orgy," she replied, using the endearing nickname that had become a rarity. The sound of it elicited a chuckle from deep within me, a gentle reminder of the familiarity we shared.Reluctantly, we released each other from the embrace, and I found myself gazing into her eyes, captivated by their beauty. Bianca looked resplendent, her makeup flawlessly applied, accentuating her already stunnin
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Chapter 58
Antonio's grip on my hand tightened, sending a surge of unease through me. My heart skipped a beat, its rhythm momentarily disrupted by the anticipation of what he wanted to discuss. I instinctively took a step back, my eyes fixated on his with a mix of curiosity and fear, searching for any clue in his gaze."What is it?!" I managed to muster, my voice trembling with nervous energy. He remained silent, his piercing stare unyielding. In that moment, his once calm countenance gradually transformed into an unrecognizable scowl, a flicker of anger dancing across his features. The intensity of his emotions ignited a flurry of anxiety within me as I anxiously awaited his words.With his hand still tightly clasping mine, he took a deliberate step forward, his presence imposing and intimidating. My heart continued its rapid thumping, echoing the internal turmoil I was experiencing. I tried to steady my breathing, but inwardly, I was panting with apprehension."What did Nello whisper into your
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Chapter 59
Antonio locked his gaze with mine, his eyes piercing and stern, as if trying to convey a message beyond words. The intensity of his stare sent a shiver down my spine, making my heart pound heavily in my chest. It was a moment of anticipation, as I anxiously awaited his response, hoping that my numerous pleas had finally reached his understanding. The grip of his hand around me tightened, holding me in suspense.Then, as if the weight of the world had suddenly been lifted, his grip loosened, and I felt a surge of triumph rush through me. A sense of achievement washed over my being, filling me with elation and gratitude."Okay," he finally uttered, his voice carrying the weight of deliberation. Those simple words sent a jolt of joy through every fiber of my being. I couldn't believe what I had just heard - Antonio had granted me permission to play the piano, an opportunity I had longed for.A radiant smile etched itself upon my lips, and my eyes lit up with sheer delight. "Thank you," I
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Chapter 60
The wedding had come to a close, and the time had come for us to bid farewell and return home. A mix of emotions swirled within me as I contemplated the events of the day. Amidst the joy of spending time with Bianca, my mind remained preoccupied with the mysterious conversation Gianna sought to have with me. Even as my hand remained entwined with Antonio's, my gaze wandered aimlessly, lost in a sea of thoughts, desperately seeking any rational explanation as to why someone unfamiliar to me would feel the need to share something significant. Perhaps it pertained to Antonio himself? The question echoed within me, but alas, no answer presented itself.Suddenly, Antonio's voice snapped me out of my reverie, jolting me back to the present. Startled, I turned to face him, and in that instant, my mind flooded with memories of our lips meeting in a tender embrace just moments ago. The sheer intensity of that memory ignited a blush on my cheeks, and a wave of shyness washed over me."Olga," An
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