All Chapters of Working for the Twin Mafia Dons: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
115 Chapters
Jenny's POVI look at the clock, waiting for time to pass as I feel better and just want to get home to my family. Jordan is by my side and I hear his phone go off with a text message. I look over at him and grin. "Anything I can help with?"He looks distractedly at the phone as he shakes his head from side to side. "Nah, just another text from Jas. We have a lot to work out while they keep you here. I still can't believe they need to keep you here for a whole week."I look at him and shrug. "They said I had to stay here, not that I couldn't have fun while we are here." I look at the door which is firmly closed and is one of the few with an actual privacy lock from the inside. "We could lock the door and..."Jord cuts me off as he sets down his phone. "Jenny, you have no idea just how serious this could have been. You could have been killed. They still don't know exactly what was used to poison you. It was a trace of something in your blood and it knocked
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A Great Idea
Unknown POVThose idiots are never going to see this coming. I should have fired the idiot I had leading the whole mafia, while I was out. He was useless and motivated only by his penis. My son, young as he is, will get this all sorted. Until then I have some management to do. There is no way we should let them get away with this.Those boys have gotten away with more than their dad ever did. I had to go away, so that my older son's could ruin the whole operation. I need to set it back up from the ground. This way, when my new prodegy takes over, I will be known as the man who brought it back up from nothing.Now, I just need to play along with this crazy woman for a few... when I'm done with her, she will be just as gone as her boys."And that's how we get them, Jerry. Don't you think that's a great idea?"I just nod and let my mind continue wandering. The woman is annoying as fuck and I may just take her out before she has a chance to really see any of her work take root. "Yeah, yea
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The Monster
"Mom's" POVThis fucker thinks he knows who he's messing with. He seems to think that I am one of those submissive bitches he can control with the whack of a hand or the swing of his cock. This fucker has a surprise coming. He's been lost in his head all week with this plan. He has no idea that I have fucked half his men into my plan.That's right. I may be an old grandma, but I can still fuck the hat off a man. As him and his son head out the door, I look at myself in the mirror. Fucker busted my lip, and may have even chiped one of my false teeth. No matter, I will get him back later. Every smack he deals me, earns him three more, from my fucking wrecking ball. I wipe the blood up and make myself look good. I got into his graces by fucking him. He broke me out the prison, and he has gotten me this far. That ends soon. I may be telling him bullshit plans to see if he's even listening. The man is a lunatic and his son is even more fucked up than he is. What he doesn't know, is that
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Wait a Minute...
Annie's POVBoth Jenny and I are pregnant. I can't believe that we are both going to have a baby, at the same time. And, when she gets home, tomorrow, we will be getting married to the loves of our lives... Who cares that we share them. Isn't that what good twins do? Share what is theirs?As I think about it, Jas comes into the room, smiling like the cheshire cat. "So, the kids are down and I am ready, if you are, Annie."I toss the blankets down to the end of the bed as I show him just how ready I am. I decided to put on a sexy outfit tonight. With it being just the two of us around here most of the time lately, I have taken it upon myself to brighten up each night. I've never been one to take sex and make it fun. It used to be more of an obligation, or something I was forced to do. Now though, I can choose when I have sex and whom I have it with. This realization has had me on a high, despite the real and present danger of their mom being out there, somewhere. From what I hear, she
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Jordan's POVToday we finally get to go home. Jenny doesn't know what's waiting for her at home, and I am more than excited to get her home and make her ours. Jenny is still asleep and the doctors are waiting for her to wake up to give us our take home instructions. I sit with her on the bed, letting her sleep one more good rest before we head home. The way this is going, something is going to go really wrong at the house when we get home. I am trying to kick that out of my mind, but as though reading my thoughts, Jenny wakes up in a panic."Jord?"I look at her and pull her up into my lap as I look down into her eyes. "Yeah, Jen?"This earns a giggle out of her. We never call her any shortened versions of her name. On her birth certificate it says Jenny. That's what we call her. "Hey, why are you trying to make me laugh. I am very concerned about going home. What if it gives the crazy one an opening to attack us from?"I rub her arm a
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What More Can We Say?
Jas' POVI thought he was already six feet under... The fucking Monster is still alive. I don't know why they are outside our house, but this is bad news. We have the house locked down, but he is reaching for our guards walkie. I look on in terror as he says, "Hey boys... I hear you took out my entire crew." The walkie crackles as though he's giving us a chance to respond. "You got anything to say for yourselves?"I swallow hard, staring at the walkie in my hands. I am frozen to the spot and I just can't bring myself to say anything. Jord, always having my back, grabs the walkie from me and looks out the window straight into the monster's eyes."Yeah, we fucking took out a line of fucking pedophiles, ya dick. What do you want us to say?"The monster looks back at Jord, a grin on his face. "Well, thanks for weeding the chaf for me. That whole line was a thorn in my side. Now for the better news. We aren't here to kill you, or your wives. We ar
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The Dreams
Lilly's POVMy dads are here to let us out of the panic room. I know all about panic rooms. My old momma had one at the other house. When we are in here, it means we are in danger. Well, at least the men out there are. I was worried the whole time they were out there, crying and cuddling with my brother and my moms. I am so happy to see them that I jump into the first arms that catch me, latch on and don't let go. Yes, I know I have a room, but I need to be with them. It seems they agree when all my parents, my brother and I wind up in the same bed, ready to collapse.I am happy they are safe, but I can't help but wonder what happened. Dads didn't say anything about it when they came for us. I relax into my parents' arms and try to let go of the lingering feeling that something is going to happen. I just can't figure out what it could be.As I am lost in thought I start to lose my fight to stay awake. My eyes close as I drift into a dream filled sle
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How Do You Know?
Jenny's POVI watch as Jordan leaves the room. "Why the hell would he need you in on these talks, little Lilly?"She shrugs, then sighs. "I don't know, but I really hope the nightmares stop."I look at her and just lay back down, cuddling her as I hear Jordan walking down the hallway. They have a lot of explaining to do. In the mean time, I am just going to cuddle my family. I smile as I realize we all fell asleep with our wedding atire on.Lilly looks up at me as she lays in my arms. "Why are you smiling, mommy?"I look down at her and gesture to the two sleeping adults and myself. "We fell asleep in our wedding stuff. It's silly, isn't it?"This gets a smile to show on her face. I really want to know what the hell this little girl is dreaming about that has her screaming herself awake. Anything could have happened to her, I just don't know if she will tell us everything that happened to her. I cuddle her as Annie and Jas start
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I Won't Let You Down
Jas' POV The house is clear and Chef's woman is nowhere to be seen. The guards don't remember seeing her leave and they have been all over the grounds. This is crazy. I make my way back to the room, knocking three times and telling the girls to take the kids to the kitchen to eat.  When I get Jordan downstairs to look over the fotage, we are surprised by what we see. After the gaurds took out our mother's body, the cameras go dark for about fifteen minutes. I knew he had to have someone on the inside to get an unwelcome gift through the doors. I hate to tell this to Chef, but his woman is a mole.  We only know this, cause at the tail end, when the video cuts out, we see her face in the camera for a second, the one at the front door. When it comes back on, there is a view of her running out the gate on her own. No one was there holding her hostage.  Damn. I really don't want to tell Chef this... I tap Jordan on the shoulder as I look tow
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A Day of Rest
Jordan's POVI have no idea how long it's going to take them to get back, so in the meantime, I need to entertain our whole family. The best way I can think of to do this, while protecting them all, is to pick out a disney movie and watch it. One usually leads us to the next. This way, when the threat passes us by, all the kiddo will think about is the fact that she got to watch cartoons for a good few hours. As Chef and Jas leave, I grab the remote and head off to the only room in the house that has a tv in it. I flip to the Disney plus chanel and smile as I look between Lilly and my women. "So, I think we can sit and watch some TV. What do you all say?"Lilly looks at me as she plops down on the couch. "I say let's watch. I could go for some inside out, right now."I look at her and raise my eyebrow. "They turn people inside out on the Disney plus chanel?"She giggles, holding her hands to her belly as she just keeps laughing.
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