All Chapters of Help! The CEO Is Seducing Me: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
112 Chapters
Always mine
“Okay everyone. Relax.” Lisa held out her hands making everyone go silent. She then turned to look at Hazel in much hope. “Please explain to us from the beginning before we all have a heart attack and things get worse.” She literally begged Hazel and Hazel nodded her head. “S… so after Ethan proposed me, we were simply lying down together. He told me that he had spotted the cameraman go inside his office and plant forged papers which he had stolen from Raol’s office. Thanks to all the CCTV cameras directly showing everything in his bedroom he can know what all is happening in the entire island. When I suggested him that he should punish the camera person and use it against his mother…. he told me that he has decided to play a bigger game. He told me that I should file a case against him as his father will then help him to gather evidence against his mother. Since Ethan will be imprisoned, the lady will be relaxed and confident. She will definitely give out more clues and once that cl
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Mother in law
Everyone had spent a sleepless night while they constantly had turned on the news channel waiting for some new updates. Raol had called up the lawyer more than 10 times, but there was no new update from Victor. Raol had even called up father who had instantly cut his call and had texted him to not call him until he tells him to. All were sitting on the couch lazily hearing the news. The entire news constantly showing Ethan and Diana’s history and how they had always hated each other from past many years. They even revealed how Diana now had been imprisoned for several years for physically abusing Ethan. There were mixed reviews all around in the country while several people supported Ethan, several were already against him.His company shares had fallen tremendously while the shareholders wanted take back there stake as they know longer hand any faith in his company. All this while, Diana was having a perfect time with her new found love Drake and she had spent the entire night with
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The trial
“How the hell does she know about my engagement?” Hazel looked at her in much surprise who was not pretending to cry in front of the paparazzi. “Calm down… it must be that camera person who was involved with her. He must have witnessed everything. You need to really calm down Hazel.” Raol patted her shoulder when suddenly several media people flashed there mikes and cameras in front of Hazel. “Is it true miss.”“Did you file a complaint against your own fiancé?”“Is he your fiancé?”“Do you think you will win the trial today?”“Do you think your father will be out of jail?” Hazel was extremely moved by all the questions and was instantly covered by Raol and Lisa and they both quickly ushered her up the stairs towards the colossal white coloured building, where the city trials happened.The three of them quickly entered a. arched wooden door and heaved a sigh relief. Now the paparazzi could not enter the building. They spotted Diana along with Drake, climbing up the stairs talking t
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Don't take my name
“Yes, I remember this is the old verdict.” The judge nodded his head studying the documents very carefully. “Are you trying to say that these documents are forged? But I have seen the lab report of these documents that they were completely true!”“No, your owner. These documents turned out to be fraud and one of the lab employees were involved with Ethan. Here is the proof. The man had been given $20,000 to test the documents and then create an evidence to prove that these documents were indeed lab tested. Here’s the proof of all the transactions.” The lawyer handed over another document to the magistrate and the bald man was looking at it carefully. “Because of this, the man has been serving in jail from past one year when he has not done anything. Ethan is the one who is culprit because the company is under his name. Here are the company details your owner.”The lawyer handed over all the details of the company which clearly stated Ethan was the CEO and also the major shareholder o
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I object
“Miss Diana, Ethan’s adoptive mother. She told me to do it as she wanted to take revenge from him.” The camera person spoke up and then fearfully turned his gaze to look at Diana whose face had turned completely pale, despite the large amount of blush that she had applied on her cheeks. “Oh goodness! This man is a moron. What do I do now Drake?” She whispered in Drake’s ear as everyone had now turned to look at the lady.“Just say that you did not do it. He has no evidence to prove… also say that Ethan was trying to tarp you because he never liked you since childhood.”The lawyer then don’t go to look the magistrate. “If you grant permission your honour I would like to call the lady in the front for questioning.”“I object your honour. Her name has no where been written on the list of eye witnesses, so according to the court proceedings she cannot be called.” Hazel’s lawyer instantly spoke up and the magistrate looked at both the lawyers and then at the lady. “Objection overruled! Y
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Game twist
“Ohh yes… we saw the police report that you made a few days back. But then you thought that the police won’t take it seriously? The police tracked the phone on the island itself and due to the FIR lodged against you, we took over your phone from the police because it was the main evidence. The lawyer looked at his assistant who instantly handed over a transparent packet inside which an apple I - phone was placed.“Is this your phone?” The lawyer smirked dangling the packet in front of his eyes. The camera person was surprised to see his phone and he nervously nodded his head in approval. He turned to look at Diana, who was shooting arrows at him through her eyes. “Y… Y… Yes that is m… my phone.”“Very strange that before your phone was stolen, the entire system of the phone had been rebooted. As if you already knew your phone was going to be stolen.” The lawyer wore plastic gloves and then turn on the phone looking at it. “Hmmm… model S29A 195. He showed the model number to the magis
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The verdict
Diana frowned in confusion looking at Drake. She blinked several times as if trying to figure out what was happening around her. Suddenly everyone had turned against her and her only hope was Drake whom she had thought would support her. “You are the detective?” The lady questioned at him but Drake instead of answering stood next to Victor and turned to look at the magistrate. He instantly bowed and Diana was surprised looking at a very different side of him.His slight cunning smirk was gone. His casual actions had all faded away and he looked like a professional who was only doing his duty.“Sir my name is Charles and I am a detective. I used to earlier work in police but after a knee injury, I could no longer continue my services so I started my own detective company. This gentleman here hired me as a detective because he was really worried about his son Ethan. Otherwise, I usually do not get involved in matters like these.” The man held out his identification card and handed it ov
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Diana looked at Victor in much surprise. “Victor, are you saying that you would rather believe him than me? Despite our differences you had always supported me!”“… and that was my biggest mistake not believing my own son. For so many years I did not believe Ethan until one day he contacted me. That was the time when I actually started to spy on you and I realised that you were a pervert and fraud. You spoiled our entire family life and because of you all four of us literally live in different countries and do not even want to see each other’s faces. I wish, I had never married you Diana! I always thought that you had extra marital affairs because probably I was lacking something. I thought that probably I did not give you enough time. I took the entire blame on me and forgave you for everything…. but molesting a small child? Molesting your son!!? How could you do that? Would you have ever done that to Raol?!” He snapped.“What nonsense are you talking! Raol is our son!” Diana hissed
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End of journey
They both talked for a few minutes while Hazel was looking at the two men she loved the most in the entire world. Within just a few minutes Samuel was already impressed with Ethan and he turned to look at his daughter. “Hazel, you are very lucky to have him. He is a wonderful man.”“Yes dad. He is indeed amazing and bow he will blush.” She laughed and then turned to look at Ethan who seemed to be blushing a little. “That was really kind.” He simply nodded his head not knowing what to say. In the meanwhile Lisa and Raol also stepped out of the car and were now equally happened to meet Samuel. After another 5 minutes, they all were already heading to Hazel’s house while Hazel simply could not wait to see her mother’s reaction upon seeing her father. 20 minutes later….Hazel pressed the doorbell of her house and her mother instantly opened the door. “Sweetheart, what happened about the verdict? I’ve not even listen to the news out of anxiousness. How is Ethan and what happened to your
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Power of fogiveness
Inside a large auditorium, several people were now sitting on the chairs, around wooden tables while Raol was standing on the stage next to Diana’s body which was placed inside the coffin. He wiped away the tears from his face as it was his turn to speak next after Victor.“Ahem… as you all know that our family has not seen the most wonderful times. There has been several ups and downs and yes my mother has made several blunders. But, if I see beyond that, she loved me. I think, I was the only person that she truly loved and she dedicated her life to me. She taught me how to walk, how to eat and even how to laugh without drooling.” Raol chuckled a little turning to look at his mother. “I guess her journey ends here but then I want to request you all. Please just remember her as a lady who has seen several rough patches in her life which made her a little harsh. But she was also a good mother and a Good wife. I want you all to remember her as a lady who lived her life to the fullest. P
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