Semua Bab To live or to love: Bab 21 - Bab 30
96 Bab
Masai, an old woman who had watched Aurora grow up as a child, sat at a table near the front of the room, surrounded by other elders from Aurora's hometown. Despite her age, Masai was still sharp-witted and full of energy, and she was a beloved figure in the community.Masai bowed deeply to Aurora, causing everyone to pause and turn their attention to her. "My dear Aurora," she said, "I am honored to be in your presence once again." Aurora stood up from her seat and approached the old woman, embracing her warmly. ""Please, Masai, you don't have to bow," Aurora said, standing up from her seat. "Please sit down."Masai smiled warmly at Aurora and shook her head. "I must show respect to my lady," she said. "But forgive me, my leg has been giving me trouble lately."“Oh my, your leg! Does it still hurt so much? I remember you used to complain of aches. Should I have it checked with the royal physicians? At keast before you return home.”Masai waved her hand dismissively. "No, no, my d
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Aurora stormed into her room in shock, her heart racing with adrenaline. She quickly shut the door behind her and locked it, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Her hands were shaking as she reached up to remove the metal wheel that she had used to veil her face. The wheel had been a desperate measure, but it had worked, allowing her to blend in with the other maids and sneak into the Queen's Chambers undetected.As she pulled off the wheel, her long golden hair tumbled down around her shoulders. She quickly shed the maid's clothing she had been wearing, tossing them into a corner of the room. She needed to rid herself of any evidence that might lead back to her.Aurora sat on her bed, her mind racing as she tried to process everything she had just seen. The image of the queen and princess locked in cages was burned into her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling of shock and horror that filled her. She had always known that something was off about the Royal Arena, but she ha
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Hand-in-hand, they walked…The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the sandstone walls and arches. Aurora suddenly stopped in her tracks and gasped. Derek looked at her curiously, wondering what had caught her attention. He followed her gaze to her index finger, where she had just made a beautiful yellow butterfly sit kn her index finger.It was a delicate and vibrant creature, with wings that were a bright, lemony yellow hue. Its wings were adorned with intricate patterns of black lines and dots, creating a stunning contrast against the yellow background.As the butterfly rested on Aurora's finger, she could see that its wings were thin and almost translucent, allowing the sunlight to filter through and create a soft, warm glow around the insect. The butterfly's body was small and slender, with black antenna protruding from its head, twitching slightly as it sensed its surroundings.The butterfly's wings were slightly tattered, suggesting that it had lived a full life and had
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The time finally came wgen Aurora and Derek had to visit Aurora's hometown in her pack per the customs— she had to visit her hometown with her mate and they had to spend a few days with her family, meaning she'd not be returning as a spinster. They journeyed with a few companions with them, who were there to ensure their safety and provide any necessary assistance during the journey. The journey from the Royal Arena to the Blood Moon Pack was long and would take a few days to complete. As they began their journey, they travelled on horseback, riding their trusted steeds through the winding paths and scenic routes of the land. Aurora rode on a magnificent white mare, while Derek rode on a strong black stallion. They rode side by side, their horses' hooves clattering on the dirt road. The scenery around them was breathtaking. Rolling hills and vast meadows stretched out as far as the eye could see, dotted with the occasional farmhouse or small village.Their companions travelled in c
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As they arrived at Magnus's grand domain, Aurora couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with nostalgia. It was the same place she grew up and had always called home before being sent to the Scorpion Zeal pack in matrimony. She had been gone for so long and now she was back, this time with her mate by her side.The feast was in full swing, the aroma of delicious food and the sound of drums and music filling the air. The guests were all seated on mats laid out in a large clearing in the middle of the domain. The alpha Magnus was seated at the head of the table, with his wife by his side. Aurora and Derek were seated next to them, with the other guests arranged around the table.As they ate and drank, Aurora caught the admiring glances of the guests around them. It was clear that they were impressed with her mate, Derek, who was a dashing and handsome man. She smiled to herself, happy that her people had accepted her mate despite the long-standing enmity between their packs.Suddenly, the dr
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The morning air was crisp and cool, with a slight breeze blowing through the trees. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, casting long shadows across the grassy plains they rode through. The sound of hooves hitting the ground echoed through the stillness, punctuated by the occasional chirp of a bird or rustle of leaves.Magnus and Derek rode on their horses, flanked by two of Magnus' men. The air was crisp and cool, and the only sounds were the clopping of the horses' hooves and the rustle of the wind in the trees. Derek felt tense and uneasy, knowing that Magnus was not only his potential future father-in-law but also his enemy's enemy.They rode in silence for what seemed like an eternity, neither man willing to break the ice. Derek could feel Magnus' eyes on him, scrutinizing him. He shifted uncomfortably in his saddle, trying to shake off the feeling of being watched.Finally, Magnus spoke up. "So, Derek, how long have you known my daughter?"Derek cleared his throat
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The children had gathered in a dusty open field. The group consisted of about ten children, ranging in age from six to eleven. They were all dressed in rich hide clothing and wore big smiles on their faces. The children were shouting and laughing as they ran around the field looking for the perfect hiding spot.The game began when one of the children volunteered to be the seeker. She counted to ten as the other children scattered to find their hiding places. Once the seeker had finished counting, she began her search. The other children had dispersed and were hiding in various locations around the field. Some had hidden behind the tall grass, while others were tucked away behind the shrubs.As the seeker searched for her friends, she would call out their names, trying to locate them. The hiders remained silent, holding their breath in anticipation of being discovered. One of the hiders was clever enough to climb up a nearby tree, which allowed them to stay hidden for quite some time.
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Derek walked quickly and carefully through the woods, his footsteps silent on the soft earth. The moon was high in the sky, casting a dim light through the trees. He had a veil over his face, concealing his features and making him harder to recognize if anyone saw him. He had to be careful, he knew that if he was caught, he could be in serious trouble. But he had a mission to accomplish, and he was determined to see it through.As he moved through the woods, Derek kept his eyes and ears open for any sign of danger. He had been in the woods before, and he knew that there were all sorts of creatures lurking in the shadows. But he had no time to be afraid. He had to focus on his mission, and that meant keeping his wits about him.Finally, he reached a clearing, and he could see the buildings in the distance. He quickened his pace, knowing that time was of the essence. He had to find what he was looking for quickly, before anyone noticed that he was there.As he approached the buildings,
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Derek placed the bottle back on the shelf and continued to walk around the room. He came across a large wooden table placed in the center of the room, which had several books and scrolls scattered across it. He walked closer to the table and examined the titles of the books. He picked up a thick leather-bound book titled "The compendium of medicinal herbs and their uses." He opened the book and began to flip through the pages, reading about the different herbs and their medicinal properties. He heard footsteps.Derek quickly looked around the room and saw a small cupboard by the corner. He stealthily made his way towards it and squeezed himself in, making sure not to make any noise. He held his breath as he heard the footsteps getting louder and closer. The footsteps stopped, then continued away, fading in the distance.Derek let out a sigh of relief and waited for a few more minutes before he emerged from the cupboard. He cautiously made his way back to the table and continued sear
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Osei's home was a modest single-story structure made of mud and straw, with a thatched roof that sloped steeply to the ground. The exterior walls of the building were covered in a thick layer of mud and had a somewhat lumpy texture, indicating that it was an old and well-used structure. The front of the building faced the road, and there was a small garden patch that stretched out from the front door, filled with medicinal herbs and plants.There were a few windows on the outside of the building, but they were small and did not let in much light, making the interior of the home dark and shadowy. There was a single wooden door at the front of the building, which was sturdy and had an iron handle, giving the impression of strength and security.The roof of the building was supported by sturdy wooden beams, which were visible from the outside. They gave the impression that the building was well-constructed and could withstand the harsh weather conditions of the area.There were also a fe
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