All Chapters of Tuberose: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
195 Chapters
21. I want to be her smile
Abigail’s pov – Our performance is done. We are counting the collection by sitting on the bench on the spot. “It’s only $25.8 cents. You get only this after playing for so long.” He is surprised. “No, it’s so high as per my daily earning.” He is shocked. “Are you serious?” He is counting the coins again. “Hahaha… Yes, I am serious. If you count multiple times then it won’t increase.” I take my guitar and intend to play it again. “Are you going to play again?” I nod and start playing. I look at him and he is closing his eyes. A few people contributed to my collection in the hat. In a few minutes, my hand is aching badly. So, I stop abruptly. Everyone leaves just in a blink. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He is so worried. “Maybe I need time to use my hand properly. Yet, the hand is not so good. I can’t play the guitar anymore.” I am shaking my hand and he holds. “Let’s go to the doctor. He will give us some solutions or anything else.” He is massaging my wrist to fingers. “It’
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22. Embracing Simplicity
Abigail's pov - I am really happy with him. He gives me a smile effortlessly. "Make me wear this one." He extends his left hand and I put the chain on his hand. Needed another spiral to adjust and it's looking so nice on this wrist. "It's beautiful." I chuckle and he comes to me. He gently puts the chain on my neck and moves my hair from the nape. His touch is giving me a thrill. I never liked this ever. "Done. It's really looking nice after putting it on your neck." He takes his seat whilst looking at my neck. For the first time, I am blushing for any man. "Thank you." And our coffee is here. We enjoy our coffee and keep talking about random things. "So, what is your next plan? Your graduation is almost done." Mick puts a severe line between our random conversations. "Now, I will check on jobs. Otherwise, anything I get first." I am thinking about what to do for real. "Why don't you join for an internship before trying for a real job?" I nod at his suggestion. "I can try that
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23. The Enigma of Love
Ema's pov - As I sit in my room, my heart racing with anticipation, I can't help but think about Michael. It's been a month since that fateful day in the hospital, the day I first laid eyes on him. Since then, he has become a constant presence in my thoughts, my dreams, and even my social media feeds. I grab my phone and open my favorite news app, searching for any updates about him. My fingers tremble with excitement as I scroll through the headlines, hoping to catch a glimpse of his name or picture. It may sound obsessive, but I can't help myself. Michael has become an addiction—a captivating enigma that I can't resist. And then there are his pictures on social media. I find myself scrolling through his profile, studying each photo with an intensity that borders on obsession. His physique is nothing short of extraordinary—strong, chiseled features, a mesmerizing smile that can light up a room. I can't help but drool over him, my heart skipping a beat every time I see his posts. B
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24. Fragile Hearts and Unwavering Love
Michael's pov - I sit anxiously next to Abigail in the doctor's cabin, my fingers tapping nervously against my thigh. The sterile scent of the room only adds to my growing unease. I've been dreading this day, the day we receive Abigail's after-recovery report. I can't help but worry about the implications it might hold. The doctor enters the room, a serious expression etched across his face. His presence commands attention, and my heart skips a beat as he begins to speak. "Abigail, I've carefully reviewed your test results and examined your progress. While you've made significant strides in your recovery, I must emphasize the importance of caution moving forward." Abigail nods, her expression serious as she listens intently. I can see the flicker of concern in her eyes, mirroring my own. The doctor continues, "The head injury you sustained was quite severe, and it's crucial that you avoid any further trauma to that area. Any subsequent injury to the same spot could potentially resul
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25. Shattered Reputation
Michael's pov - I wake up like any other morning, the familiar routine providing a semblance of normalcy. As the warm water cascades over me in the shower, I let the thoughts of the day ahead settle in my mind. But little did I know that this day would be like no other, that it would unravel my world in ways I never anticipated. After dressing up, I make my way to the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee. As I sip the steaming liquid, I absentmindedly pick up my phone and open the news app. And there, in bold letters, I see a headline that sends shockwaves through my entire being. "Julie Files Molestation Case Against Michael: Sudden Success Blinds Businessman." My heart pounds in my chest, the words on the screen blurring before my eyes. Reporters are shown on the news, discussing my alleged misconduct, insinuating that my recent business success has corrupted me. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of accusations and disbelief. The phone slips from my trembling hand as I struggle to c
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26. Amidst the storm
Michael's pov - We are 15 minutes away from the office and its traffic signal. Suddenly, a crowd of reporters is in front of my car. The police order us to get in the way as others won't need to face trouble for me. I nod and park my car at the side. I came out with Jack from the car. "Please, don't utter anything which can cause any trouble. Please, I request." I nod and look at the reporters. The chaotic scene unfolds before me as I stand surrounded by reporters, their relentless questions and insults echoing in my ears. I had intended to make my way to the office, to salvage what remains of my crumbling reputation, but the swarm of media prevented any forward movement. Their vulturous presence engulfs me, leaving me feeling trapped and exposed. And then, like a twisted plot twist, Julie enters the fray, commanding the attention of the crowd. They flock to her, hungry for the next scoop, the next sensational headline. She steps out of her car, feigning a pitiful expression, clutch
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27. The Calculated Takedown
William's pov - I sit comfortably in my cabin, a sly grin tugging at the corners of my lips as I watch the live news coverage of Michael's downfall. Oh, the sweet taste of victory! It's a sight that brings immense satisfaction to my heart. Michael, once a rising star, now stands helplessly in the face of scandal and public scrutiny. "You can't get on top, Michael," I mutter to myself, relishing the moment. "I will pull you down, always." As the news continues, I revel in the chaos and turmoil that engulfs Michael's life. It's a carefully crafted plan, orchestrated with precision to expose his true colors to the world. Julie, my ally in this game of deception, plays her role flawlessly, ensuring that Michael's reputation crumbles under the weight of the allegations. But this is just the beginning. I am not content with his mere downfall. No, I want to see him suffer, to witness the destruction of everything he holds dear. Hatred courses through my veins as I recall our bitter rivalr
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28. William's Burning Wrath
William's pov - I am eagerly watching the live news coverage of Michael's downfall. The satisfaction that had filled me earlier now transforms into seething anger as I witness an unexpected turn of events. Abigail, that conniving woman, has entered the scene, taking charge and leading Michael away from the clutches of the media. A surge of rage courses through my veins as I witness Abigail's audacity to interfere, to stand by Michael's side and shield him from the storm I carefully orchestrated. How dare she inserts herself into our game? How dare she take control and manipulate the situation to her advantage? I clench my fists, my knuckles turning white with the intensity of my fury. This was not part of the plan. Abigail was not meant to play a role in Michael's redemption. It was supposed to be me, the architect of his downfall, who would revel in his demise. But no, Abigail has stolen the spotlight, becoming the unexpected savior in this wretched tale. I watch in helpless frust
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29. The Trap Unveiled
Abigail's pov - I can feel the weight of the situation pressing down on us as we gather in Michael's cabin. The walls seem to close in, mirroring the mounting tension in the room. We know that time is not on our side. Less than a month remains, and the impending impact on the business looms over us like a dark cloud. But the presence of Julie, a pawn in William's game, threatens to unravel all our plans. Jack, his face etched with frustration, paces back and forth. "Damn it, Michael! How did we let this happen? Julie is nothing but a tool for William, and now she's causing havoc in our lives." I can sense the frustration building within Jack, and I share his sentiments. This turn of events has put our entire strategy in jeopardy. It's clear that William sees Michael as his rival, and Julie is just a means to an end. I gather my thoughts, trying to come up with a solution. "Jack, we need to think strategically. We can't let Julie's actions dictate our course of action. We have to tu
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30. Unveiling Deception
Abigail's pov - Our preparations with the tech team are finally complete. We've arranged for three different hotels as backup options, just in case Julie denies the first one. We can't afford any slip-ups in our plan. The tension hangs in the air as we approach the crucial moment. It's time to make the call to Julie. I turn to Michael, my voice filled with a mix of anxiety and determination. "Put the call on the loudspeaker, Michael. We need to ensure that everything is recorded." Michael nods, his fingers poised over the phone. He dials Julie's number, and as the line connects, my heart skips a beat. A seductive voice greets us on the other end, calling out Michael's name. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy and disgust, but I push those emotions aside. This is all part of the plan. Michael takes a deep breath as the call connects, his voice filled with a confident charm. "Julie, it's been too long. I can't resist the urge to see you tonight. How about meeting me at the Carlt
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