All Chapters of A Love So Dangerous: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
144 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One
Eric "Finished?" I asked Sienna as I walked down the steps and into the basement. My eyes landed on the woman whose life had just been taken by Sienna. She deserved it and fucking hell, Sienna was really bored. She let out all her frustrations on the woman who now was slumped in the chair she was tied to. "Yes." She smiled while wiping her bloody hands onto a white towel, staining it red. She was never afraid to get her hands dirty. And my, my, such dirty hands she did have. The woman on the chair looked bruised and beaten. Well, fuck, Sienna must have punched her more than once. But I did not care. "Sean is coming in ten minutes," I informed her while looking at the blood stained floor. "Fuck! I should better get changed," she said as she walked past me and up the stairs. Before she left, I glanced at her hands to see that her knuckles were free from bruises. I admired her handiwork for a while longer before instructing my guards to dispose of the body promptly. The girl
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two
Eric "Eric. I have only come to see the man my sister is so taken with." Hunter smirked. I tugged my head to the side ever so slightly and my guards put their guns away. I also put mine away, and Sean did the same while Sienna hesitated just before she put her knife down on the table. This man was someone I would not like to mess with. The result would be a bloodbath if I did. He stayed out of my way and I stayed out of his. He was tall, dark, and deeply sinister. He had his white shirt rolled up at his arms exposing his endless tattoos, and a few buttons were undone showcasing a thick necklace around his neck. "You must be Sean," he said as he held out a hand for him to shake. I could see that Sean was on edge, as his lips twitched slightly but he shook his hand firmly. "Looks like we will be seeing a lot of each other." Hunter chuckled. He looked at Sienna, and his gaze was low and hungry. It was a look I had seen many times. If the fucking bastard didn't take his eyes off her,
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three
Eric "What are you doing?" I heard Sienna ask. I didn't turn to face her, instead I turned the sizzling bacon over in the pan, the meaty smell wafting in the air. "Have a seat," I said as I grabbed two plates and piled them up with creamy scrambled eggs and toast. I placed a plate in front of Sienna who was now sitting at the kitchen island with a smile plastered on her face. I smiled back at her. "I made you breakfast," said. Then I sat down and looked at her. She wore a fitted skirt and a matching crop top. It was dangerously low cut, not that I minded, though. Fuck, Sienna was just so hot. Her red wavy hair cascaded down her shoulders and her face was beautifully bare, showing off her cheekbones and plump lips. "Do you want my honest opinion or not?" she asked, smirking while she held the fork loosely between her fingers. Her nails were painted in various shades of dark red, burgundy as she had told me. I raised a brow. "Go ahead," I said. It couldn't possibly be that bad
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four
Eric "Hello, Eric. Would you like one?" Hunter greeted as he held up his blunt. I narrowed my eyes at him and walked over, taking a seat in one of the two leather bound chairs in front of his desk. I ignored him, instead, pulling out a cigarette from the pocket of my suit jacket. Using my lighter, I lit it while holding the cigarette in between my lips. I blew out a cloud of smoke as I looked at Hunter. Our history was murky. We used to be friends, then enemies, and now we were in some sort of ceasefire. "I do not appreciate the way you came into my home, and the way you disrespected me and my wife," I said coldly. "In case you have forgotten, it was your brother who chose to have a relationship with my sister. I don't give a fuck about you... And your wife, I will leave her alone," Hunter said, smirking. "Well, that wouldn't be my first choice either," I remarked. "Well, we finally agree on something." Hunter chuckled. I looked at the Rolex on his wrist as his shirt sleev
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five
Eric"Fucking shit! This is stupid!" I heard Sienna yell. Oh fuck, what or who was she swearing at now? "Sienna?" I asked as I stepped into the bedroom. Light filled the entire room. The curtains were drawn and some of her clothes lay scattered across the floor. Suffice it to say I had grown used to her messiness. My house had become more of a home with her in it. I wouldn't have it any other way.She was alone. So why the fuck was she yelling? "Why are you shouting?" I sighed as I watched her look into the full length mirror in front of the closet. She held her jeans up to her hips. She was topless, with only her bra covering her. She narrowed her eyes and sighed in defeat. "My jeans don't fit properly." I looked at her as she struggled to do up the zip, but her growing aromantic was in the way. "Wear something else," I said as I leaned against the doorframe. "Wear something else? Oh, why didn't I think of that?" she mocked as she placed her hands on her hips in a huff. Shit,
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six
EricWhen I walked outside, I caught her holding a gun to one of my guard's head. He looked terrified and was shaking terribly as Sienna held her position. Her body was tense and fucking hell, she was angry. "Sienna, put the gun down," I said as I walked up to her, almost seeing the rage seeping from her. "Go." I waved the guard away. It was quite funny to see a man who had inches on Sienna quivering in fear. The guard quickly left, moving out of our sight, and silently thanking me with his eyes. "Give me the gun," I said, holding out a hand. My tone was demanding but cautious. Sienna sucked her teeth and roughly handed me the gun. "Fine," she said, gritting her teeth. I put her gun into my belt and opened the car door for her. Fucking hell, I knew she missed smoking and I did tell everyone to watch themselves."He was smoking," Sienna stated as she got comfortable in the seat, getting her seatbelt in position. "I know," I said as I turned on the ignition to my car. I used one
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven
Eric The food was brought out by the maids. We started with something light. Salted shrimps and a festive salad with shredded cheese. The wine glasses were topped, and there were a few more bottles on standby. "I took the liberty of finding you a quality non-alcoholic wine, Sienna," my father said as he held up a bottle. He undid the cap and poured her a glass. We all watched as she took a sip of the clear, carbonated liquid. She licked her red lips and smiled. "It's lovely. I appreciate the gesture," she said."I am here!" Mother yelled as she entered the dining room. We all looked at her as she made her way toward her chair beside Father. "Eric, Sienna." She smiled as she sat down and straightened out her grey trailered dress with a small v-neckline. Her dark hair was pulled into a neat bun with a pin securing it in place. Her eyes moved over to Sienna's bump as if her unborn grandchild would go missing somehow."How are you, mother?" I asked her. I noticed how cold she was towa
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight
EricI stood up and left the room. I couldn't fucking deal with her shit. I pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and inhaled the nicotine. Fuck, I should better go back, I thought after a short while.Sienna was still there with her. I was surprised she hadn't ripped her head off yet and it was me who left the room first. After calming myself, I headed back inside and sat down. "Are you all right?" Sienna asked as she looked at me. "I'm fine," I replied. She pursed her lips and nodded. She just knew not to pester me unlike my mother, and I loved that about her."Sienna, why don't you stay here when you have your baby? I could help. Will you be breastfeeding? Do you have baby clothes?" my mother asked relentlessly. Sienna blinked heavily and shook the empty bottle of non-alcoholic wine in her hand. "I think I need another bottle, Arthur. Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom," she said as she stood up. She tugged her dress down and left the room to avoid my mother's endless questions.
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine
Eric "Get up, Eric. We are leaving," she ordered before walking off. I stood up slowly and walked out of the room, leaving behind the watch I was gifted."Your mother is fucking something, alright!" Sienna growled as she took a seat in our car. I took a seat beside her, leaning my head back. "And I am sorry. I just couldn't help it. Should I apologize?" Sienna said sincerely. "How drunk are you, even?" she asked when she noticed my state.I hummed and rubbed my face. "I am only this much drunk," I replied, holding up my fingers in a small pinch. Sienna chuckled and took hold of my hand. I felt her lean against me as the car began to drive off."Hello... What the fuck!? Now? I'm coming… Yes, wait for me," Sienna said loudly into her phone. She put her phone back into her purse and smiled widely. "Shhhhh," I said just before I closed my eyes."Cara is in labor. Fuck, fuck, fuck," Sienna said, ignoring me. What? I thought, sitting up and looking at her. "What?" I asked. "We ar
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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Sienna Eric and I sat in the living room as we waited for news about Gabriel. Well, I was sitting and he was pacing. I still couldn't fathom why he wasn't here and why he had missed the birth of his child. It was very unlike him. I was not sure whether I still liked the man or whether I would chop his dick off and make him eat it raw when I saw him.Seeing Cara the way she was… it was beautiful. The baby was absolutely perfect. I got a little emotional when I took Aurora in my arms, and it made me realize how right Eric was. I should never put myself in danger because one day, I would be able to hold my own little one, and I wanted to be there for as long as possible. To give it what I never had. To give it the moon and the stars if I could.My hand rested under my belly absentmindedly as I watched Eric who was still pacing across the room. He was growing impatient, and I was concerned. His dark hair was brushed but still somehow unruly as if it matched his wild thoughts. Gabriel
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