All Chapters of Her Territory: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
107 Chapters
Chapter 81
Sasha approached Monica, her voice filled with urgency and determination. She relayed a clear message, instructing Monica to inform her parents, Gilbert and Louise, about Zelda's whereabouts and implored them to bring her back home.Monica, caught off guard by Sasha's request, hesitated for a moment. She knew the complexity of the situation and the potential risks involved. However, Sasha's earnest plea tugged at her heartstrings, and she felt compelled to act.With a mix of concern and resolve, Monica reached out to Gilbert and Louise, sharing the news about Zelda's location. She emphasized the importance of bringing her home, highlighting the potential dangers that Zelda might face in her current circumstances.Gilbert and Louise, understanding the gravity of the situation, sprang into action. They recognized the significance of reuniting Zelda with her loved ones, providing her with the support and stability she desperately needed.Together, they planned their journey to retrieve Z
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Chapter 82
After a long and arduous journey, Gilbert and Louise arrived in Jakarta, accompanied by Monica, their loyal companion. The bustling cityscape overwhelmed them, its sights, sounds, and scents painting a vibrant tapestry of culture and life.Together, they embarked on a mission to reunite with Zelda, their beloved family member. Their hearts brimmed with anticipation as they navigated the unfamiliar streets, guided by the hope of finding her safe and sound.Monica's presence provided Gilbert and Louise with a sense of reassurance. She had been a steadfast pillar of support throughout their journey, offering guidance and solace when doubts crept in. Her unwavering loyalty and dedication to their cause filled their hearts with gratitude.As they ventured deeper into the heart of the city, the trio remained vigilant, their eyes scanning the crowds, searching for any sign of Zelda's familiar face. They inquired with locals, following every lead that might bring them closer to their cherishe
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Chapter 83
Consumed by remorse, Chris found himself tormented by guilt, longing for the ability to rewrite the past. He yearned for a chance to alter the course of events, to undo the mistakes that haunted him. Fueled by a newfound determination, he embarked on a journey of redemption.Chris recognized the value of every precious moment with Zelda. He vowed to make amends by cherishing her with every fiber of his being. He captured their memories through the lens of a camera, ensuring that their shared experiences would be immortalized in vivid detail.With each click of the shutter, Chris sought solace in the act of capturing their joy, their laughter, and their connection. The weight of his guilt began to lighten as he witnessed the radiant smile that graced Zelda's face, knowing that he was playing a role in bringing her happiness.In addition to capturing moments, Chris devoted himself to physical acts of love and care. He offered soothing massages to ease Zelda's tired body, using his touch
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Chapter 84
Gilbert's voice resonated with a mix of authority and concern as he made a firm demand for Zelda to accompany him and Louise back to Los Angeles. In his eyes, the safety and comfort of family outweighed the solace she had found in the presence of strangers. He acknowledged and expressed gratitude for the assistance they had received thus far, but emphasized that he would assume responsibility from that point onward. A tinge of bitterness laced Gilbert's words as he placed blame on Chris for interfering in his daughter's marriage. He sternly warned Chris to keep his distance, making it clear that his presence was no longer welcome. The weight of his disappointment hung heavy in the air as he sought to assert his authority as Zelda's father and protector.With determination etched on their faces, Gilbert and Louise prepared to depart, their hearts set on bringing Zelda back to the familiar embrace of their family. They understood the complexities of the situation and believed that the
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Chapter 85
As Chris contemplated his departure from Jakarta, his mind filled with a mixture of determination and apprehension. He believed that his presence might endanger not only himself but also those around him. The weight of his decision settled heavily upon his shoulders.However, Dawn, perceptive to his intentions, stepped forward with an air of concern. She recognized the danger that lurked beyond the safety of their temporary sanctuary and urged Chris to reconsider. With a firm yet gentle tone, she implored him to wait until Zelda gave birth, emphasizing the dire consequences he would face if he were to leave prematurely.Dawn's words echoed in Chris's mind, stirring a sense of realization within him. He acknowledged the validity of her concerns and the inherent risks that lay outside their protective cocoon. Reluctantly, he abandoned his initial plan, realizing that the well-being of Zelda and their unborn child took precedence over his personal desires.Days turned into weeks, and Chr
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Chapter 86
Monica cautiously opened the door, unaware of the treachery that awaited her on the other side. To her shock and disbelief, Sasha, their supposed ally, burst into the room, brandishing a dagger with deadly intent. Before Monica could react, Sasha ruthlessly plunged the weapon into Gilbert and Louise, the very people she was meant to protect.Pain and terror consumed Monica as she witnessed the life drain from her beloved parents. Her mind raced with confusion and despair. How could Sasha, who had been an instrumental part of their mission, betray them so callously? The room filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the gasps of Monica's fading breath.Sasha's eyes, once filled with warmth and camaraderie, now gleamed with malevolence as she turned her attention to Monica. With a cold, calculating precision, she moved towards her, a predator closing in on its prey. Monica's heart pounded in her chest, her body paralyzed by fear.In one final act of cruelty, Sasha delivered a fatal b
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Chapter 87
Zelda's body convulsed with pain as the contractions surged through her. The moment she had both feared and anticipated had arrived—the birth of her child. In the midst of the agony, an unexpected figure emerged from the shadows. It was Sasha, the very person who had caused Zelda so much anguish.Despite their tumultuous history, Sasha set aside her malevolent intentions for the time being. She possessed the knowledge and expertise to assist Zelda in delivering the baby safely. The birthing process became a surreal blend of pain and paradox as Zelda, weakened yet determined, relied on Sasha's guidance.As the baby entered the world, a fragile yet miraculous being, Sasha's eyes gleamed with a sinister anticipation. Her ulterior motives lay hidden beneath a facade of benevolence. She recognized that the child held immense significance, not just for Zelda but also for her own twisted desires.For now, Sasha postponed her malevolent plans. She wanted the child to grow stronger, to become
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Chapter 88
With bittersweet tenderness, Zelda cradled the baby in her arms, her heart heavy with both love and apprehension. As she nourished the infant with each gentle sip, tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the profound emotions that stirred within her.Aware of the perils that loomed in their midst, Zelda couldn't help but feel the weight of the world pressing down upon her. The knowledge of the dangers that surrounded them added an extra layer of vulnerability to this precious moment. Yet, in the face of adversity, she found solace in the innocent eyes of her newborn.A name, like a whispered prayer, formed in Zelda's mind. She spoke it softly, as if imparting a cherished secret to the universe. "Ian," she whispered, her voice tinged with both hope and determination. The name held a significance that transcended its mere utterance. It symbolized strength, a beacon of light amidst the encroaching darkness.As Zelda gazed into Ian's eyes, a flicker of fierce maternal love ignited within
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Chapter 89
Dawn and Chris embarked on a perilous journey, guided by a glimmer of hope amidst the overwhelming darkness that enveloped their world. Their footsteps echoed with determination as they approached Sasha's abode, bracing themselves for the unknown that lay within.As they crossed the threshold, a scene of desolation greeted their eyes. Zelda, once vibrant and resolute, now appeared weak and vulnerable, alone in the vastness of the empty house. Her frailty was juxtaposed against the weight of her resolve, a flicker of determination that burned in her eyes.With bated breath, Dawn and Chris approached Zelda, their hearts filled with equal parts concern and trepidation. The air was thick with anticipation as Zelda began to speak, her voice strained but filled with an unwavering strength.Through whispered words, Zelda shared the unimaginable truth that stirred within her. The baby, their precious child, was alive. A glimmer of hope emerged amidst the despair, reminding them that the innoc
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Chapter 90
Thorne, the chauffeur, approached Cecilia, the housemaid, with a heavy heart and a firm resolve. His voice trembled with a mixture of grief and determination as he shared his decision."Cecilia," Thorne began, his voice filled with conviction, "I cannot, in good conscience, work for Sasha. She is responsible for the death of our beloved boss, Miguel. I will not lend my services to someone so sinister."Cecilia, burdened by the weight of their circumstances, looked at Thorne with a mix of understanding and resignation. She knew the truth in his words, but also recognized the reality they faced."I understand your sentiments, Thorne," Cecilia replied, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But we find ourselves in a precarious position. With Miguel gone, we are left with limited options. Sasha may be our only source of employment."Thorne's brows furrowed, his gaze unwavering. "I refuse to compromise my principles," he asserted. "We must find another way, Cecilia. We cannot submit to
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